As soon as these words came out, the whole hotel suddenly became quiet, and everyone's eyes were focused here.

Immediately, everyone looked at Lin Xuan as if they were looking at a clown.

Is this kid crazy

? Who is Xu Qiang?

He is the leader of the Xijiang area. Here, he can be said to be an indomitable existence. Who dares to mess with him!

Not to mention, this is the South China Herbal Medicine Exhibition, where all the powerful people are here. Lin Xuan said this, simply not giving Xu Qiang any face

"Haha, where did this young boy come from? How dare he talk to Brother Qiang like that? He really doesn't know whether he is alive or dead."

"Hush! Didn't you see that this should be brought by Qin Lao from Jinghai? He is getting more and more useless as he gets older. He actually brought a young boy who doesn't know the rules with him."

"It's over. This time, even Master Qin from Jinghai can't save this kid."


In an instant, everyone dispersed with Lin Xuan as the center.

They were now as far away from Lin Xuan as possible, fearing that Xu Qiang would implicate innocent people later.

""Hahaha, kid, you have guts!"

Xu Qiang laughed in anger. He glanced at Lin Xuan, then set his sights on Qin Jianfeng, and said coldly:"Old Qin, you Jinghai has produced talents! A mere yellow-haired boy can point at my nose and scold me, and even threaten to shut me up forever?

Qin Jianfeng, you are really good!"

However, at this time, Qin Jianfeng had no time to deal with Xu Qiang. Instead, he stood directly behind Lin Xuan and said respectfully:"Master Lin, I am inconsiderate, please punish me."

In a moment, everyone in the hotel was stunned.

Master Lin?

What a joke!

He is just a young boy in his twenties, but he is called a master?

The old Qin of Jinghai City would not be really blinded by old age.

Lin Xuan glanced at Qin Jianfeng indifferently, then he looked at Xu Qiang with his hands behind his back, and said coldly:"I said, I hate fat people hanging around in front of me the most, especially pointing fingers!"

After saying that, he stomped his feet suddenly, and the energy in his body formed a huge wave, which was several feet high. With a bang, it smashed towards Xu Qiang!

Pa pa pa.

The air was crushed into ripples by the huge force, rolling in all directions.

At this time, some people who had entered the martial arts were shocked, and couldn't help shouting:"Internal energy is released externally, this is the innate master!"


Immediately afterwards, Xu Qiang was bombarded by mountains, and the whole person fell to his knees on the ground with a plop.


The floor under his legs was exploding, and cracks crisscrossed, spreading everywhere between Xu Qiang's knees.

The leader of Xijiang, a figure who could shake Xijiang with a wave of his hand, knelt in front of Lin Xuan at this moment.

There was no power to resist!

Such a scene stunned everyone, and shook the minds of everyone present.

"You... I am Brother Qiang from Xijiang. If you dare to hurt me, you will no longer have a place to stand in the entire Xijiang!"

Xu Qiang roared loudly, with blood flowing from the corners of his mouth.

However, what everyone didn't know was that he was already terrified in his heart, but he had to use his backstage.

He absolutely didn't believe that this Lin Xuan dared to go against him and the entire Xijiang.

He didn't believe that Qin Jianfeng would be his enemy.

"You are a big shot in Xijiang, so what? In my eyes, you are still a loser! If I want to kill you, I will do it without any effort!"

In the horror of everyone, Lin Xuan flipped his palm again, and with a snap, Xu Qiang's whole face was beaten into a bloody mess, and even a few teeth flew out.

"This palm strike is because you pointed fingers at me!"

Lin Xuan flipped his palm again indifferently, and with a bang, Xu Qiang's nose was completely smashed.

"This punch is because you look down on others!"


Scarlet blood splattered everywhere, Xu Qiang's face was covered in blood and flesh, and the whole person collapsed on the ground.

At this moment, he knew that the days of being the boss of Xijiang were over.

Lin Xuan stood there quietly, with his hands behind his back, looking down at Xu Qiang, and said indifferently:"You like to be a strong person, but you don't have the strength, so, what awaits you is only to become a fish in the hands of others!"

"This... is too scary!"

Someone nearby couldn't help but shrink their necks, looking at the terrifying Lin Xuan, and couldn't help but step back.

Especially the person who just mocked Lin Xuan, now he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

"It turns out that a magical dragon has appeared in Jinghai City!"

Pa pa pa.

Suddenly, a crisp applause sounded.

At this time, a burly man came out, looked at Lin Xuan with a smile, and said lightly:"A few days ago, one of my junior brothers went to Jinghai, and then disappeared. Was it you who did it?"

Facing the burly man who suddenly appeared, Lin Xuan was calm, slowly raised his eyes, and said coldly:"If your junior brother is Tao Fei, then I should be the one who killed him! I beat him to death with one punch!" After these words came out, the whole audience was silent again.

"Did you really kill my junior brother?"

The burly man was obviously stunned, then his face became ferocious, and he said gloomily:"I am the disciple of Master Chen Yimo of the South China Sea. I came back here on the orders of my master. You actually killed my junior brother. What crime should you be punished for!"

Chen Yimo of the South China Sea?

The master of the burly man was actually Chen Yimo!

He was a god who made all the masters of China bow down to him. If Yan Wushuang, who had already joined the army, had not defeated him in the end, I am afraid that all the masters would have been killed by Chen Yimo.

I didn't expect that Lin Xuan was so powerful that he dared to kill Chen Yimo's disciple! He is really young and frivolous!

"So what if it's Chen Yimo? I, Lin Xuan, will kill anyone who dares to stop me!"

Lin Xuan glanced coldly at the burly man and said coldly,"So you want to avenge your junior brother?"

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