Urban Evil Doctor

Chapter 2500: Consecutive breakthrough

"Uh... what is your situation?"

Qi Ling's doubtful voice rang in this space. Qi Ling can detect the situation outside within a certain range if she carefully senses it. However, she generally does not sense the situation outside. Now on the third floor, there are women who can chat with her. Are all concerned

On the third floor.

Sensing that Lin Chen entered the fourth floor of the Shenhe Tower, she paid attention to this side, but she didn't expect to see Lin Chen as if it had become a stone sculpture, lying on the ground and unable to move.

"Huh, where did you get these good things from?" Qi Ling noticed materials such as the Seven Star Divine Phoenix Grass beside Lin Chen.

Although Lin Chen could not speak, he was able to communicate with consciousness and spirit. After a moment, Qi Ling said with amazement: "You are really cunning enough. The Master of the Blood Pill Gate deliberately threw you and those materials into the alchemy furnace, and then sucked those materials into the Tower of God's Hell. Enter the God Prison Tower. It is estimated that now

The owner of the Blood Pill Gate thought that he would soon make alchemy a success. If he knew that you and the material were no longer in the alchemy furnace, most of them would be mad. "

Lin Chen blinked slightly proudly.

This is indeed the case.

The master of Blood Pill Gate, which blocked the operation of the power of stars in his body, was impossible to seal his consciousness, and as long as his heart moved, he could control the God Hell Tower to **** foreign objects into it.

You can also enter the God Hell Tower. Another point is that the realm of the Lord of Blood Pill Gate is much higher than that of Lin Chen. The power that flows into Lin Chen’s body and hinders the operation of his star power is naturally difficult to expel, but it takes two or three months to pass through like a drop of stone. , After all, that power

Expelled from the body.

In the outside world, it is naturally impossible for two or three months to let Lin Chen slowly expel the power in the body!

But on the fourth floor of the God Hell Tower, it is completely possible!

One hundred days passed on the fourth floor of the God Prison Tower, and the outside world was only one day!

All Lin Chen’s minds controlled the power of the stars in his body, and tried to expel the power left by the main door of the Blood Danmen. After three months, that power was completely expelled by Lin Chen.

"Get it!"

Lin Chen smiled and sat up from the ground. At this time, the outside world had less than a day, and this "People Emperor Pill" had to be practiced for ten days and ten nights. Converted into the time of the fourth floor of the Shenhe Tower, he still had More than 900 days of time!

"I don't want to eat the baby in this medicine garden directly. I want to bring it to the alchemy in the future. As for what I got in vain, I'm welcome!"

Lin Chen directly picked up the exquisite aroma of the heart, glowed with purple shimmer, the fist-sized snow mountain amethyst fruit, swallowed the jujube, and took a few big mouths to eat it.

After eating, he licked his mouth and muttered: "It tastes good."

If the master of Blood Pill Gate knows that he used a Jiuyao premium sacrificial weapon and two copies of Snow Mountain Amethyst Fruit in exchange for extreme martial arts skills, he was so stuttered by Lin Chen that he did not know what it would be. reaction……

As the snow mountain amethyst fruit enters the abdomen, a huge burst of energy explodes in Lin Chen's body. If it is an ordinary person, the body will definitely explode like a bomb.

Lin Chen had already prepared and quickly ran the "Sacred Demon Swallowing the Heavenly Creation Skill" and "The Furnace Swallowing the Heavenly Skill" at the same time, digesting the energy exploded from the snow mountain amethyst. "These 18 kinds of materials are directly served, and although the effect is not as good as that of refining into a human emperor pill, it is definitely much stronger than the first-class Daojing Saint Pill. It is estimated that it is comparable to some second-class Daojing Saint Pill. You know, how many stars can be added to my body?


Lin Chen's heart was full of expectations.


"It doesn't seem to be able to notice the kid's breath at all."

Outside, the elder Xuedanmen stroked his beard and looked at the red furnace burning a dark green flame.

The other elder nodded and said with a smile: "That kid was dead to death at this time, his body melted into a pool of blood and merged with several other materials, naturally he could not perceive his breath."

The third elder said with a smile: "Now it seems that everything is going well. The successful refining of the'Emperor Pill' has only been a matter of time, and it is certainly not difficult to survive the thunder."

With a smile on his face, the Lord of Blood Danmen awaited the moment when Cheng Dan arrived.

"Serve'People's Emperor Pill', I will step into the late period of the Tao Dao Realm. At that time, with the strength of the late period of the Dao Dao Realm, I can go to the capital of Zishen Kingdom and ask the Lord of Zishen Kingdom to reward a city to me The Blood Pill Gate has jurisdiction!"

The Master of Blood Danmen looked forward to it.

As long as the strength reaches the later stage of shaping the road, and is willing to serve a certain country, then it is not difficult to obtain the management power of a city like the Donghuang City.

Time passed, and three days passed in an instant.

It has been 10 months since the fourth floor of the Hell Tower.

"The 6th star born in your body?"

While Lin Chen opened his eyes, the voice of Qi Ling rang.

Lin Chen nodded and said with a smile: "5 kinds of materials will increase the number of stars in my body. Now it seems that these things are really precious. I really want to thank the master of the blood pill door!"

With that said, he picked up the Litian Huozhi next to him and took a few bites to eat, and then continued to exercise the method to absorb the energy contained therein.


"Five days and five nights have passed, and half of the time has passed since the refining of the Emperor Dan was successful, and the Thunder Tribulation arrived!"

Outside, a group of disciples at Blood Pill Gate cheered and excitedly, looking forward to seeing the arrival of Thunder Tribulation, and witnessing the birth of top-level second-grade Daojing Saint Pill! "I spent countless hours and energy, paid a lot of money, and finally collected enough materials, and now everything is worth it! I should also thank the guy who sent me to become the alchemy master medicine, but he is dead, there is no chance. thank

Thank him! "

The master of Blood Danmen laughed. As the time from ten days to ten nights got closer and closer, he became more and more expectant and happy.

As time lapses, the 7th star was born in Lin Chen's body, at this time there are 7 kinds of materials beside him.

When Lin Chen ate all the remaining seven ingredients and digested the energy contained in it, there were already 8 stars in the body.

In addition, there is actually a medicine remaining in his body. If he completely absorbs the energy contained in the medicine, the state can continue to be improved.

At this point, ten days and ten nights had passed.

Everyone in the Blood Danmen, including the Blood Danmen master, changed their face a little.

The master of Blood Danmen frowned, his face puzzled: "What's going on, the time is up, why I can't notice the breath of'Human Emperor Dan' at all!"

It stands to reason that he should be able to detect the underdeveloped "Human Emperor Pill" at this time, and then he came to remove impurities, and then the thunder came!

However, the sky was calm and there was no thunder.

He didn’t even notice the breath of Emperor Dan, and the furnace was as quiet as there was nothing in it... In the weird and puzzled eyes of the Blood Danmen, the main face of the Blood Danmen became more and more ugly and fierce. With a wave of the ground, the lid of Danlu was lifted off!

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