Urban Evil Doctor

Chapter 1997: Mysterious Black Tower

Inside the inn room. Shengmo puppet stood aside, Lin Chen stood at the table, some items were placed on the table, including spirit stones, spirit tickets, elixir, weapons, exercises, martial arts, arrays, etc., these things came from Lin Chen Space rings previously obtained from some enemies


Lin Chen was quite satisfied with the amount of spirit tickets. As for those immortals, weapons, exercises, martial arts, etc., after checking it, he was not very interested, and the level was a bit too low.

With a wave of your hand, all of these things are included in the space ring.

Immediately, a space ring flew out and landed on Lin Chen's hand, and it was the one taken from Shao Ziyao.

"The inner disciple of Demon Valley, hope that the net worth will not let me down, it is better to give me some surprises."

Lin Chen whispered, Shen Nian surged out of his mind like a wave, and then impacted on the Shen Nian imprint of the space ring.


A moment later, the space ring made a crisp sound. The imprint of the mind on it collapsed and was erased in the blink of an eye. Lin Chen’s mind was also poured into the space ring and recognized the Lord directly.

Immediately, he thought.

The same thing flew out of the space ring and landed on the table in front of it.

There are not many types, only spirit stones, spirit tickets, elixirs, etc., as well as other daily necessities, and several other items.

Lin Chen originally expected that there would be high-level exercises and martial arts in the Devil Valley in this space ring. If so, it could be studied, but the result was found, not at all.

Lin Chen did not know that the skills and martial arts of Demon Valley were extremely precious. When the members of Demon Valley practiced, they could only stay in Demon Valley, and when the practice was over, they needed to return the exercises and martial arts intact. go back.

In addition to Demon Valley, the other big forces in Zhongyu are also like this. Only elder-level figures may carry some manuscripts of martial arts and martial arts.

Thousands of top-quality spirit stones were directly ignored by Lin Chen.

Lin Chen checked, and found that the amount of the stack of spirit tickets actually contained millions of top-quality spirit stones, more than double the total amount that Zhen Mei took away from the Zhen family!

He couldn't help but sigh, this Shao Zi Yao is really rich, but this time, it is cheap to himself.

With these spiritual tickets, it should also be enough to inquire from the Tianbaoshan branch to find out what they want to know.

Next, Lin Chen looked at the dozen or so bottles of elixirs. Except for a bottle of remedy for first aid and a bottle of healing remedy, the rest were used to assist cultivation.

Moreover, it was all Sheng Dan.

There are seven bottles of inferior saint, four products of inferior saint, two bottles of inferior saint, and each bottle contains three to ten pills.

In the last bottle of Lingyu Pill, there is a whole white snow with a red mark on it.

Rao Shi Linchen had long guessed that Shao Ziyao was very rich, but he did not expect that the other party was so rich that he even had a superb Shengdan! "Excellent! If you guessed right, this pattern of the best Saint Pill, Shaozi Yao should not have received it for a long time, it is cheaper for me now! With this pattern of the best St. Dan, I should be able to break through to Xiaoyao The fourth order!" Lin Chen was very happy


However, he guessed wrong about this.

Shao Ziyao has been used for a long time to get this superb quality sacred pill. The reason why he did not use it is because he intends to use this pill to break through the final barrier when he is only one step away from the eighth order of Xiaoyaojing.

As a result, Lin Chen was finally cheap.

Those daily necessities, such as clothes, were directly skipped by Lin Chen. Eventually, his eyes fell on a small black tower about half a slap.

Previously, when he and Qin Zhen and Qin Yan just saw Shao Ziyao, Shao Ziyao sat on a stone and studied the little black pagoda, saying that it felt that the black pagoda was unusual, and it was also dedicated to him Master.

"What's so strange about this little black tower?"

Lin Chen picked up the little black pagoda and looked at it carefully, wondering if this would be a weapon, or some other precious special item?

This little black tower was accidentally obtained by Shao Ziyao, and Shao Ziyao naturally had a different perception of treasures than ordinary people. He felt that this black little tower was unusual and seemed to have some peculiarities with the death law he had realized. Vibes.

It's a pity that he studied for a long time, but he couldn't see any strangeness in this little black tower.

Lin Chen looked around and found that the little black pagoda has a peculiar material, like stone, but with a metal texture, and has a vicissitudes of ancient, as if it has experienced countless years of breath.

The small tower is divided into seven floors in total, and it looks seamless. Although it is only half a slap, it gives a very heavy feeling.

In addition, Lin Chen did not see anything unusual. "That Shao Ziyao obviously studied this black tower for a long time, and he finally couldn't see anything special, so he intended to dedicate it to his master. By the way of identifying the Lord, he should have tasted

Tried it, and nothing worked! "

Lin Chen Shen Nian gushed out, trying to leave the Shen Nian brand on the black tower, but the black tower did not respond at all.

Lin Chen tried to recognize the Lord by dripping blood, but the result was unresponsive.

"Sure enough, as I thought, even if this thing is really not simple, you can recognize the Lord, but you can't use the usual way to recognize the Lord. Otherwise, Shao Ziyao has already recognized the Lord."

Lin Chen sighed, didn't see what happened, and didn't plan to continue studying.

In any case, the objects in Shao Ziyao's space ring can be regarded as generous. The single-stripe super-quality Sheng Dan alone has already brought him a huge surprise, and he is very satisfied.

He didn't plan to use that finest Saint Pill to retreat and practice now, after all, it would take another ten days.

"Go, let's go back to the Tianbaoshan branch."

Lin Chen said to the Sacred Puppet, and then the things on the table were included in the space ring.

"Yes, master!" Sacred Sacred Puppet responded.

However, just when Lin Chen had put all the other items into the space ring, and was going to put the little black pagoda into it, suddenly, a terrifying suction came from inside the black little pagoda in his hand.

Immediately, the spiritual power in Lin Chen's body, like a flood in a dyke, flooded into the small black tower like crazy.

"What's going on?" Lin Chen sensed the spiritual power in his body and rushed into the small black tower uncontrollably, his face changed. He tried to throw the black tower out, but the black tower was tightly attached to Lin Chen's hand, as if he was one with his hand, which made Lin Chen's face ugly!

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