Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 810: It's gone, it's gone

If it is two to two, fat and thin head Tuo are definitely not opponents!

"He Jun, you know Commander Chen's attitude towards undercover agents has always been ruthless! If you let people go privately..." Fat Toutuo wanted to persuade him again.

"I said it before, I explained to Commander Chen, don't you understand, do you want to go and study Chinese? Oh, I forgot, you didn't go to school for a few days, and you were beaten by your classmates every day! "He Jun frowned.

"..." Anger flashed in Fat Toutuo's eyes.

He still remembered He Jun's appearance when he joined [Tianqi], timid and trembling, smiling with everyone he saw, as if he was born inferior.

It's been so long, it seems like a person has changed.

But there is no way, He Jun's strength is strong, coupled with Chen Wanhe's love and attention, no one dares to provoke him easily.

"Anyway, I have done my duty to remind..." Fattou Tuo said coldly: "At that time, Commander Chen will put all his anger on you, but don't blame me!"

"You don't have to worry about it!" He Jun replied stubbornly again.

The fat head Tuo stopped talking, but looked at the thin head Tuo.

The two exchanged glances with each other, and both read helplessness in each other's eyes.

They don't want to let people go, but they have to let them go, and they can't beat them. What should they do?


The fat head Tuo took back his Roshan, and the thin head Tuo also changed back to his own appearance.

He Jun returned all the tree trunks in the air, and then stepped on the branches to come to Wang Qianchen.

For a moment, he was relatively silent, and the hugs and laughter he imagined did not happen.

"How was it discovered?" He Jun sighed.

"I don't know..." Wang Qianchen shook his head.

"..." He Jun was silent for a while, bit his lip and said, "Xiaochen, you go first, I'll go back to see Commander Chen!"

"Don't go, come with me!" Wang Qianchen persuaded sincerely.

"No, Commander Chen treats me like a mountain. If I do such a thing, I have to explain to him!" He Jun's face was firm.

"But..." Wang Qianchen was worried, he was really worried about what happened to He Jun, after all, Chen Wanhe is really a madman, no one knows what he can do!

"It's okay, I'll go and explain it clearly, Commander Chen won't do anything to me." He Jun smiled slightly, and without waiting for Wang Qianchen to say anything, he suddenly took out a piece of immortal-bound rope and quickly wrapped it around on him!

"What are you doing?!" Wang Qianchen looked surprised and was caught off guard, because he really did not guard against He Jun.

"What are you doing, of course, I want to arrest you to see Commander Chen! For you, offending our Commander Chen, isn't that a joke?" He Jun smiled gloomily and tied the rope with a dead knot.

Hearing this, the fat and thin head Tuo looked over in surprise.

"...Don't make such a joke, let me go!" Wang Qianchen roared, of course he didn't believe He Jun's nonsense. If He Jun had such thoughts, there was no need to play this trick and directly help the fat and thin head Tuo to kill He's fine.

"Okay, stop joking." He Jun returned to his normal appearance, patted Wang Qianchen's shoulder, and showed a harmless smile: "I know you're worried about me, but it's really okay... Don't, don't talk to me. Come up!"

The fat and thin head Tuo turned his head again, He Jun is really well-intentioned...

"Don't go! You can go with me!" Wang Qianchen was furious.

Anyway, He Jun knew where Chen Wanhe's "home" was, and then he got some of Wei Zihua's limbs, and it would not be good to travel around the world with him, maybe he could return to [Monster Slayer] in the future.

"Xiaochen, I can't go back..." He Jun stretched out his arms, hugged Wang Qianchen, and said solemnly: "I'm sorry, I took a completely different path from yours... I killed a lot of people, It's impossible to betray Commander Chen! Whether I die or not, you can go and get Xiaowei's limbs, Commander Chen usually lives in..."

He Jun's voice became smaller and smaller, and only Wang Qianchen could hear it.

"Okay." He Jun let go of Wang Qianchen, raised his head and said with a smile: "Let's go buddy, goodbye if you have fate... If you don't have fate, you will be gone."

After speaking, he quickly turned around and walked in front of the fat and thin head Tuo.

"Let's go!" He Jun summoned the branches again, stepping on the branches and jumping into the sky.

The fat head turned into a meat ball, carrying the thin head and quickly followed.

"He Jun! He Jun!" Wang Qianchen yelled frantically, but He Jun didn't turn his head back, getting further and further away.

Among the dark mountains and mountains, Wang Qianchen sat alone in front of the thatched cottage, with a strong immortal tie tied around his body.

But it didn't take long for him to remember one of his skills.

[God Xing] in [Seventy-two Changes]!

This is the only ability in [Seventy-Two Changes] that is not bound by spiritual power, that is, the spirit is free from the physical body. When Guo Zizhen was caught, he was also tied with immortal ropes. He used this method to seek help from Lang Baibai.

At this moment, his "spirit" emerged from his body again, a slightly transparent shadow, quickly dashing and galloping through the mountains.

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