Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 807: Fighting Fat Tou Tuo

Watching Brick leave, Wang Qianchen is also ready to go back.

At this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly, which was particularly harsh in the dark woods.

"Hey, Fat Captain!" It was Fat Toutuo who called, and Wang Qianchen picked it up immediately.

"Well, Xiaochen, how are you over there?" Fat Tou Tuo asked casually.


"Well, I am too, then come back."

"Okay." Wang Qianchen hung up the phone and immediately flew in the direction of the thatched cottage.

In the distance, I saw a chubby figure standing in front of the thatched cottage.

It's the fat head.

As soon as Wang Qianchen landed, he was about to say hello when he heard and smelled that there was no one in the room, and asked strangely, "Where is Chen commanding them?"

Fat Toutuo said, "They left first, let's hurry up and follow."

I'm leaving? !

He Jun is still on his way!

Wang Qianchen was a little speechless, and at the same time felt inexplicable, why did Chen Wanhe and others leave without saying a word?

"Are you in the mountains?" Fat Tou Tuo found something and asked immediately.

"Ah, yes." Wang Qianchen laughed. For some reason, he felt a little hairy in his heart, and he was fully alert.

"So fast..." Fat Toutuo was a little stunned. Wang Qianchen was at the peak of the peak not long ago. Although he said that he was about to break through the mountain, according to the thinking of ordinary people, it would take three to five months. It's pretty fast.

"Well, I just said I'm about to break through..." Wang Qianchen still smiled.

"...Congratulations! Commander Chen will definitely be happy for you. It's not too late, let's go!" Fat Toutuo urged, and then turned into a big meat ball.

"Come up!" Fat Tou Tuo lay on the ground.

"No, I can fly myself." Wang Qianchen smiled.

"It's okay, I'll just work hard in one breath, don't you still have to use up your spiritual energy. You're welcome, come up quickly!" Fat Toutuo urged again.

All human cultivators, after reaching a certain level, will study how to get to the sky, use their abilities, and refine spiritual tools if they are incompetent. In short, no one will give up such a good way of transportation and escape.

Basically, when you go up the mountain, each has its own way, and of course it is not absolute.

Wang Qianchen could not refuse any more, so he had to jump on the body of Fat Toutuo.

At this moment, the sudden change occurred!

The fat head Tuo was originally on all fours, and Wang Qianchen was lying on his back, but he turned over suddenly, his back was down, his limbs were facing the sky, and Wang Qianchen was pressed down!

This big meat ball made by Fat Toutuo weighs at least several tons. Even if there is no way to kill Wang Qianchen, it is enough to seriously injure him.

Fat Toutuo received Chen Wanhe's order. He originally planned to kill Wang Qianchen directly, but after discovering that he was already in the mountains, he changed his strategy and preferred to attack.

"I'm sorry, brother, I have a good impression of you, but unfortunately we can't be partners..." Fat Tou Tuo said slowly, his body quickly changed back to his prototype, and he stood up and looked at the ground.

In his imagination, Wang Qianchen was at least crushed to the point where all his limbs were cut off, his five internal organs were torn apart, and he might have turned into a **** meat pie.

But to his surprise, there was nothing on the ground!


Not far away, the ground suddenly cracked, and Wang Qianchen got out of it.

"Are you also going to escape..." Fattou Tuo frowned, he always thought that Wang Qianchen was a flight-type sensible person - can't blame him for thinking so, after all, in his cognition, what ability a person is is What kind of ability, there are very few practitioners who can learn other spells.

"Captain Fat, can you tell me why?" Wang Qianchen asked gloomily.

"Why, don't you know yourself?" The fat head turned into a meat ball again, and it seemed that he would attack at any time.

"I really don't know." Wang Qianchen stood up straight and stared straight at him.

"Stop pretending, Commander Chen already knows that you're an undercover agent installed by Commander Song!" Fattou Tuo shouted sharply, followed by a "boom", and the huge meat ball rolled quickly, hitting Wang Qianchen directly, and the ground rang The sound of "Rumble" almost shook the mountains all around.


How did Chen Wanhe know?

Before he had time to think so much, Wang Qianchen pulled out the Demon Slayer Sword and slashed it fiercely!


Without waiting for the meat ball to approach, the sharp knife gang roared out, leaving a wound on the meat ball, but only a little blood flowed out, and the wound healed quickly.

The huge meat ball was still moving forward, and in an instant it ran into Wang Qianchen's body.

High attack, high defense, this is the ability of fat head Tuo!

It's not impossible for Wang Qianchen to escape directly to the ground or fly to the sky, but he chose to shake it hard.

He is also in the mountain realm, although the realm is slightly inferior, but you can just give it a try!


Wang Qianchen's hands glowed with golden light, and suddenly pressed on the meat ball that had rolled in front of him.

The meatball, which was moving forward and invincible, immediately stopped in place.

"Huh?" Fat Tou Tuo was a little surprised, obviously he didn't expect Wang Qianchen to have such great strength.

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