Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 779: Finally see Chen Wanhe

"..." When Wang Qianchen was helping the Nie family, he didn't think so much at all!

He simply felt that the Nie family had helped him, so he should have helped the Nie family, and reciprocity and courtesy should be a person's basic morality and accomplishment.

How to put it, a big man is a big man, and it seems that he always considers issues from a grander standpoint.

But that doesn't answer the question at all!

"I'm asking you, is this thing really going to be given to Chen Wanhe?" Wang Qianchen is still rubbing the red and white jade pendant in his hand. He has seen how powerful this thing is. Chen Wanhe has the Sword of Immortal Slaying, the Heavenly Gang Knife, and the Tai Chi Talisman. The seal body is invincible in the entire summer.

"Don't give it to him, he will kill you!"


Wang Qianchen had discussed this question with Song Cepeng before, but he asked it again because he was not at ease.

"It's okay, give it to him, it's more important to get Wei Zihua's remaining limbs." Song Chongjian said again.

"Okay." Wang Qianchen was no longer obsessed with this question, and said instead: "There are more and more traces of the [Guangfuhui], and they have infiltrated the Monster Slayer, Wan Yaohui, and Tianqi... What are you going to do? "

"I'm trying to investigate, and I already have some clues." Song Chongjian replied.

This kind of car wheel talk is equivalent to talking in vain.

Wang Qianchen said seriously: "I'm not in your position, and I don't know how much you have mastered... From my own experience, the power of [Guangfuhui] is far beyond imagination, that evil **** can not only mobilize and assign The top monsters of other countries, and can be upgraded at will, with Daxia's current power, I am afraid..."

I am afraid it is difficult to be his opponent.

Wang Qianchen didn't say the second half of the sentence, but Song Chongjian already understood what he meant.

"He is indeed very powerful." Song Chongjian said, "But trust me, we must have a way to stop him."

For some reason, with these words, Wang Qianchen felt a lot at ease.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Qianchen called Fat Toutuo again.


In the afternoon of that day, in a hotel room in Huangfeng Town, Wang Qianchen saw a fat head who came from afar.

"It's really good, it's worthy of being the magic weapon of the fairy family." Fat Tou Tuo played with the shining Tai Chi talisman, looked up and said, "Is Nie Ren really an undercover agent of the [Guangfuhui]?"

"Yes." Wang Qianchen said, "He wanted to **** the Tai Chi seal, but I killed him instead."

"Hey, Commander Chen's judgment is indeed correct. Captain Wang, you completed this mission beautifully." Fat Toutuo nodded in praise.

Judgment right?

Wang Qianchen shook his head secretly in his heart. There was Hong Xiaohao in front and Nie Ren in the back. From the perspective of these two people, even people like Song Chongjian and Chen Wanhe are not omniscient and can do nothing wrong.

If you think about it this way, the mistakes you have made in the past don't seem so difficult to understand.

"Let's arrange a more difficult task, these are too simple..." Wang Qianchen crossed Erlang's legs and made a arrogant look.

He found that most of the people in [Tianqi] are like this. The so-called "going to the countryside and following the customs" naturally has to be consistent with everyone.

Fat Tou Tuo smiled and said, "It's really a very difficult task!"


Wang Qianchen's heart skipped a beat, he just wanted to get close to Chen Wanhe and get the rest of Wei Zihua's limbs.

Of course, it would be better if there was news of other artifacts.

"What?" Wang Qianchen asked.

"Wait, Commander Chen will come to see you in the afternoon!" Fat Tou Tuo got up and walked out.

It wasn't until Fattou Tuo left the room and the door was closed with a "slap" that Wang Qianchen reacted with hindsight.

Chen Wanhe wants to meet him in person?

In [Tian Abandonment], this is definitely an incredible treatment!

Does this mean that Chen Wanhe is very optimistic about him and wants to train him as a key person?

The goal of getting the rest of Wei Zihua's limbs seemed to be getting closer.

On the other hand, what specific task will Chen Wanhe come to tell him in person?

Among the many emotions of excitement, anticipation, anxiety and tension, the sun gradually set, until the afterglow was about to be completely annihilated in this world, and when all the furnishings in the room became darker and darker, the door finally rang.

Wang Qianchen jumped up and quickly went over to open the door.

Outside the door, stood a middle-aged man with long hair and a shawl, with a pale face, slightly enchanting and gloomy.

It was Chen Wanhe, the leader of [Tianqi], whom he had seen before at the foot of Mount Qingcheng.

"Chen... Commander Chen..." Wang Qianchen was actually a little nervous, he would not do this in front of Song Epee.

——Before in Luzhou City, when he first saw Song epee, Wang Qianchen even wanted to take him to a nightclub.

"You know me?" Chen Wanhe even smiled slightly, without the coldness and hostility in his impression. The afterglow of the sunset hit his face through the window, making him look a little warmer.

"...Well, I saw you at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain before." Wang Qianchen replied seriously.

Chen Wanhe thought about it carefully and said, "Oh, that time you killed Guo Zizhen, right?"

"Yes." Wang Qianchen nodded immediately.

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