Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 771: move the scene

Nie Ren was sound asleep.

This murderous demon who has plagued the Nie family for several years was only a young man under thirty years old when he was sleeping. Ordinary people are still worried about marriage and mortgage at his age, but he has embarked on a long journey. , absurd, outrageous "revenge" road.

Nie Gang's evaluation of him is correct: pitiful and hateful.

Probably only one death can save him, right?

Wang Qianchen sighed softly, and then used the [Marriage Dream] skill.

The power of [Marriage Dream] is that you can create an environment when you are awake, and you can sneak into your dreams when you are sleeping.

Now, Wang Qianchen has sneaked into Nie Ren's dream and created a very warm environment - the home that Nie Ren has not returned to for N years.

A house that is not splendid but can be regarded as a well-off, there are two ginkgo trees in front of the door, and some flowers and plants are planted in the courtyard. It is simple, clean and simple, just like an ordinary family.

With a "squeak", the courtyard door was pushed open, and Nie Ren walked in slightly surprised.

Obviously, even in his dreams, he wondered why he had come to this place.

But he quickly put the doubts behind him, because he saw his mother, the woman who kept herself safe, sitting by the flowers and plants in the courtyard, carefully choosing some green vegetables, just like every evening in the past .

The horizon was a red sunset, and the woman with a slightly wrinkled face was as gentle, peaceful, and indifferent as ever.

"Mom..." Nie Ren called out softly, with a vibrato in his throat.

"Aren, are you back so early today? Before dinner is ready, you have to eat a piece of watermelon. It's already cut in the kitchen." The woman stood up and said with a smile.

"Mom!" Questions and doubts are not important at this moment.

He saw his mother, the woman who was thinking about it!

Nie Ren ran over like a madman, threw himself into the woman's arms like a child, and burst into tears without hesitation.

"This child, what happened today..." The woman gently stroked his head.

"Mom, I miss you so much!" Nie Ren hugged tightly, for fear that his mother would suddenly disappear.

"What's wrong, what happened?" The woman still smiled and stroked Nie Ren's hair.

"Mom, I had a long, long dream..."

"Oh? Come and listen!"

Nie Ren started his own story, telling his mother every detail of the past eight years. The woman listened patiently, patted his head from time to time, with a smile on her face.

Wang Qianchen used this woman to find out many of Nie Ren's secrets. For example, he did not join the [Guangfuhui], and was anxious to inquire about the whereabouts of various artifacts. He just wanted to get one of them to kill Nie Gang, and another example was the Tai Chi Talisman. The first half of the coordinates of the specific location of the print, and the murder plan to be performed on Huangshan tomorrow...

Wang Qianchen didn't think that Nie Ren could lie in a dream, especially in front of his mother.

After getting what he wanted, Wang Qianchen was not in a hurry to leave, but used this woman's hand to comfort Nie Ren carefully and let him fall asleep again, a very sweet and trouble-free dream...

Wang Qianchen was not moved by pity. He clearly knew that Nie Ren had to die. This man was completely mad, and he would only create one brutal murder case after another.

But it doesn't affect him giving him the last bit of care and comfort before killing him.

After Nie Ren fell asleep again, Wang Qianchen rushed to Huangshan overnight, came to the location of the "Tai Chi Talisman", and used [Move Scenery] to set up the surrounding environment.

The so-called moving scene is also a kind of illusion, but it is much lower than [Marriage Dream], and it does not have the ability to kill people. middle.

At the beginning of the White Horse Mountain, Wang Qianchen used [Moving Scenery] to block Tan Zuo and deceived a vote of the elders and guardians of Maoshan.

Now on Mount Huangshan, of course, Nie Ren couldn't detect any clues, even the old fried dough sticks like Feng Jiujiu were caught - at first, she really didn't realize that the surrounding environment was wrong.

Since the surrounding environment was created by Wang Qianchen, it was naturally controlled and manipulated by him. It was not surprising that Nie Ren's [Perspective] didn't work.

As for the Nie family, they also rushed over overnight and hid on Huangshan early, but unfortunately Nie Ren did not see them.


At this moment, Huangshan.

Although Feng Jiujiu didn't know what was going on, she could see through Wang Qianchen's methods, and she couldn't help thinking: "This guy is very powerful, he is indeed a monster with the spirit of a dog emperor, Lu Jun asked the Wild Boar King to take him Send it to me, it's really blind and blind." The idea of ​​digging him under his hands became stronger.

The members of the Nie family are Qi Yuxuanang.

Nie Gang held the steel knife in his hand and said in a loud voice, "Nie Ren, I treat you well, but you have repeatedly repaid your kindness and resentment, and the little relationship between me and your father has also been exhausted... Today I will clear the door for him. !"

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