Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 752: Beat the Wild Boar King

In the south, Qingluan Mountain, the top of the plane tree.

Feng Jiujiu was closing her eyes and resting, when she suddenly heard the sound of "hula la" in the air.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a white claw carving coming out of the sky, and a man with a big shoulder and a round waist was sitting on the back of the carving. After just a glance, Feng Jiujiu closed her eyes again, as if she was not surprised by this scene.

Before the white-clawed eagle approached the plane tree, the wild boar king patted its head and said softly, "Okay, let's go here."

Then, the wild boar king grabbed Wang Qianchen and jumped down with a "huh".


The wild boar king fell to the ground and smashed a big hole directly. He put Wang Qianchen on the ground in front of him, then put his right hand on his chest, and said without raising his head: "I have seen Lord Nanhuang."

Feng Jiujiu snorted, still did not open her eyes, and said coldly: "You Beihuang are so big, you have to make me call again and again to catch a Lingzhu!"

The Wild Boar King said quickly, "It's all my fault. Lord Beihuang has already told me about this matter. It's because I haven't found any trace of this kid, so it's delayed until today."

Of course, Feng Jiujiu didn't believe such an excuse, and still sneered: "I can't find any trace of this kid? It's just a Lingzhu under the golden eagle, so you seem to be more mysterious than Yaozu's old man!"

The demon ancestor "Treading on Kyushu" is notoriously erratic. If he doesn't take the initiative to show up or summon him, several demon emperors don't know where he is.

The Wild Boar King explained again: "Lord Nanhuang, there is a reason why he couldn't find this kid. Some time ago, he just killed Hong Xiaohao and Huang Wei, and was wanted by the [Monster Slayer] collectively, so he hid. People know where he is! I went to Qianrenling several times and didn't see him, and it took some tricks to lead him out."

Although Hong Xiaohao and Huang Wei are not yet at the level of "Bada Shanren", they are also well-known monster slayers. When they heard that these two were dead, Feng Jiujiu finally opened his eyes and said in surprise, "This one under the golden eagle's commander. Ridge Master killed..."

Before she finished speaking, her eyes suddenly froze, staring blankly at the young man lying in front of the Wild Boar King.

It's not that...

The Wild Boar King was still rhetoric: "Yes, he killed Hong Xiaohao and Huang Wei! You said he was so careless, even a monster of that level would dare to kill him? Now the whole Xia is wanted for him, and he will be surrounded and suppressed if he shows up. , hunt and kill... [Monster Slayer] can't find him, where can I find him? I asked the Golden Eagle King to call him and said to hold a celebration banquet for him, and finally brought it out..."

"call out--"

Before the words were finished, a graceful blue shadow suddenly floated past, and Feng Jiujiu jumped down from the plane tree and stood directly in front of the Wild Boar King.

Sure enough it was him!

Although Wang Qianchen was injured and half of his face was almost swollen, Feng Jiujiu still recognized him at a glance. He was the one who helped her drive away the hooligans, paid for her, sent her home, and met later. The guy who made her call her brother!

Although it was a trivial matter, Feng Jiujiu remembered it deeply, especially for her to be called brother!

It turned out that he killed Hong Xiaohao and Huang Wei?

Thinking of the group of demon slayers who suddenly appeared in the snack street before, Feng Jiujiu thought it was for him at that time, but now that she thinks it turned out to be for him.

This man is also very bold, and he dares to meddle in his own business when he is wanted.

"Is he a monster?" Feng Jiujiu was a little puzzled, always thinking that he was a monster slayer.

"The Lord of the Mountains under King Golden Eagle, of course, is a monster!" Although Feng Jiujiu asked this question, he said truthfully: "It's a dog monster, I heard that he has the spirit of a dog emperor, King Golden Eagle Ting Ting I like him, and I think he can be a demon king in the future."

Feng Jiujiu doesn't care about the aura of a dog emperor. Although this kind of aura is rare, it can also be called an extraordinary talent. As long as there are no accidents, there will be achievements in the future, but it will not enter the eyes of her demon emperor.

"How did it hurt like this?" Feng Jiujiu looked at Wang Qianchen's face again, red, bruised, swollen at least several times, and looked quite miserable.

"I want to arrest him, he definitely won't let him, so I moved a little rough... I slapped him down, and I haven't woken up yet!" The Wild Boar King laughed, desperately trying to get the credit on himself.

For some reason, Feng Jiujiu suddenly burst into anger, stretched out her hand and swung it, and a piece of cyan feather suddenly flew out, directly piercing half of the shoulder of the wild boar king!


The Wild Boar King sucked in a breath of cold air, took two steps back while clutching his bleeding shoulder, and said in surprise and doubt, "Lord Nanhuang, this is..."

"I asked you to catch a mountain lord and come here to grind for a few days, don't you take me seriously?!" Feng Jiujiu became a little irritable, and slapped several consecutive slaps, "Papapa" slapped the wild boar king's face.

Feng Jiujiu is a demon emperor, or a sublime realm. The natural power is infinite. A few slaps will turn the wild boar king into a pig's head. Originally, he had a fat head and big ears. My feet were almost unsteady.

Feng Jiujiu kicked out again and was kicking the wild boar king's stomach.

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