Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 738: Teleport

Hong Xiaohao had nothing to say, so he got up from the sofa, rubbed his sleepy eyes, but still leaned on the back of the sofa lazily, with his arms spread out on both sides, and said lazily: "Speak, today What are the tasks?"

The middle-aged man said speechlessly: "You are the captain, you ask us?"

Hong Xiaohao said with a smile, "Isn't it because of you, brother, it saved me a lot of effort!"

The middle-aged man had nothing to say, so he had to put the **** of his right hand together, and then placed it flat on the edge of his temple.

Including Hong Xiaohao, everyone else looked at him unsurprisingly.

The middle-aged man is an enlightened person. He was originally a security guard in a certain unit who was in charge of monitoring and monitoring. He was conscientious and extremely responsible at work, but after being praised several times, he was stunned. Video, for fear of missing a little bit of the situation.

The leader forced him to go back to rest, but he was anxious and restless at home, and his mind was full of videos from the unit's surveillance. He woke up that night, his head could directly connect to the unit's computer, and he could clearly see the surveillance in front of him. Video, and not only live, but also rewind to view the recording!

Later, after being absorbed by [Monster Slayer], as the strength became stronger and stronger, this ability became stronger and stronger. It was a unit at first, then a street, and then a district...

From now on, the monitoring of the entire Guangdong Province is in his mind. As long as he routinely searches it once a day, he will know where there are monsters.

As Hong Xiaohao said, with him, it really saves everyone a lot of effort!

This is why Hong Xiaohao dares to sleep until noon to have a meeting. Any crime that happens in this city cannot escape their eyes.

They not only kill monsters, but also inform relevant departments when they find other bad people.

This kind of situation happens every day, so everyone has long been surprised, and when the middle-aged man has finished searching, they will know what to do.

This process usually takes half an hour, so everyone is waiting patiently.

But this time, the middle-aged man just watched for more than ten minutes, his eyes suddenly froze, as if he felt incredible, he went back and looked again, his eyes widened again.

"Brother Rao, what's the matter, you found an incredible monster?" Hong Xiaohao immediately asked when he noticed something was wrong.

"It's not a monster..." Brother Rao put down his fingers and said solemnly: "I saw Wang Qianchen. I stayed in a hotel last night..."

Wang Qianchen? !

The former Ohara City Demon Slayer Captain who colluded with the monster slaughtered Mount Qingcheng and cut off Ge Ye's head with cruel means? !

"Is he still there?" Hong Xiaohao asked immediately, and the other monster slayers were also nervous.

"Yes, I haven't come out yet!" Brother Rao replied.

Hong Xiaohao frowned, wondering what he was thinking.

"Captain, hurry up and arrest him, don't let him run away!"

"Yes, this guy is extremely vicious, we must all go over!"

"Haha, this time I will make a big contribution, at least it is a collective first-class merit!"

The demon slayers were excited and gearing up.

Hong Xiaohao seemed to finally make up his mind: "Okay, then everyone prepare!"

Everyone immediately packed up, put on the demon slayer cloak, prepared knives or swords, and some took sniper rifles.

Everyone has cooperated for many years, and they have cooperated tacitly for a long time, and they were ready in three minutes.

"You guys go first, stay in ambush near the hotel, I'll be there in a while! Remember, no one should act without my order, that guy is not easy to mess with!" Hong Xiaohao explained and walked into another room bedroom.

Everyone believed that he would be there in a while, so they left the base and drove to the hotel.

On the way, Brother Rao still used the monitoring in his head to monitor every place in the hotel where Wang Qianchen was staying.

In the bedroom, after listening to the team members leaving, Hong Xiaohao sighed deeply.

"Why did you come to my place, you bastard?"

Hong Xiaohao smacked his lips, took out a key from his waist, and twisted it casually in the air.

A slightly illusory gate of time and space appeared in front of him.

Hong Xiaohao buttoned his eyes, stepped on his large slippers, and walked into this sci-fi door.


A certain urban village, in a hotel room.

Wang Qianchen also packed up and was about to go to the Xingsheng chess and card room, but he called Tan Zuo before leaving.

"Are you sure it's him?" Tan Zuo asked with a frown.

"That's what I said above, and I've got very important evidence. If it wasn't for me, they would have already started arrests and followed the formal legal process." Wang Qianchen said one by one.

"Okay..." Tan Zuo sighed and continued: "He's not easy to deal with, you have to be careful."

"Well, I heard that he can do teleportation?" Wang Qianchen had heard a little about Hong Xiaohao's ability. After all, he was the captain of Yuezhou's Demon Slayer, and his reputation had spread all over the world.

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