Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 727: Black Bear King, can you use a knife?

"You don't need to come back, you hurry up!" The black bear king roared, constantly scrambling with the yellow lion king, even if it didn't cause any damage, he would entangle him tightly, giving Wang Qianchen time to escape.

On the other side, deep underground.

Relying on his previous impression, Wang Qianchen drilled towards the big pit.

Although Fat Toutuo and others didn't dig out anything, Wang Qianchen knew that the Tiangang sword must be here, and the news Chen Wanhe got was absolutely true.

Wang Qianchen has the ability to escape, so he doesn't need to dig hard, just escape directly to find it.

The underground was pitch-dark, and he couldn't see anything, but he used the skill of [Generating Light] to quickly scan the deeper soil. Wherever he passed, the soil automatically avoided, making room for him to walk.

Soon, he was somewhere underground and saw a knife emitting a dim light.

As he got closer, the light of the knife became brighter, and it could even be described as "brilliant", which was exactly the same as the previous Sword of Immortal Slaying. Even people who have no knowledge can see that this knife is absolutely extraordinary, and the breath flowing from its body is enough to make people feel worshipped.

Definitely not a human thing!

100%, it is the Tiangang knife!

Wang Qianchen quickly dived over and reached out to grab the handle of the knife.

At the same time, the spiritual power in the body circulated, and there was a feeling of bursting, as if the sky and the earth were the only one, and there was nothing that could not be split with a single knife.

Obviously, this is also a very close-to-the-people artifact that can be used without a drop of blood to recognize the master!

Above the head, there was still a steady stream of fighting sounds, accompanied by the grin of the yellow lion king and the roar of the black bear king.

Wang Qianchen held the Tiangang knife in his hand and slashed at the top of his head.


A dazzling streamer followed, and the layers of soil were peeled away like tofu, and then straight into the sky and the sky, a huge pothole appeared, and the pervasive sunlight instantly flooded every dark corner.

"call out--"

At the same time, a figure flew out of the pothole, holding a dazzling knife in his hand.

"Yellow Lion King, your time of death has come!"

Wang Qianchen swept around, and saw that the Yellow Lion King was riding on the Black Bear King's body, punching him hard, punch after punch. The Black Bear King, who had been dripping with blood, roared and resisted, but he was powerless.

Without hesitation, Wang Qianchen slashed with a knife.


The dazzling streamer roared out again, and the power of the Tiangang knife was fully displayed at this moment, slashing heavily on the body of the Yellow Lion King.

The Yellow Lion King couldn't avoid it, and was slashed by the knife and flew straight out, breaking at least dozens of green bamboos along the way.

But soon, the yellow lion king stood up.

"Fuck, what the hell..." Recalling the light of the sword just now, the Yellow Lion King still felt lingering fears. Although it didn't cause him any harm, it still made his legs tremble uncontrollably.

He was shocked, and Wang Qianchen was even more shocked.

This is the Heavenly Gang Saber, its power is not weaker than that of the Heavenly Gang Sword!

Wang Qianchen holds the Immortal Slaying Sword in his hand, and he can cut off Ge Ye's head with one sword. How can the Yellow Lion King still be unscathed?

He couldn't possibly be more powerful than Ge Ye, right?

"He is wearing flying feather clothes. It is a spiritual weapon made by the Southern Demon Emperor Feng Jiujiu with his own feathers. It can resist all mountain-level attacks!" The Black Bear King stood up staggeringly, his injury was even more serious. His eyes were swollen like black bubbles, and his body was covered with torn flesh, but he still stood tall and straight, like a mountain that never fell.

He saw that Wang Qianchen's sword was indeed powerful, but it was only at the level of the mountain.

It is indeed no trivial matter that a peak realm can exert the strength of a mountain realm.

But it still can't hurt the Yellow Lion King.

I see!

Wang Qianchen finally understood that although the Tiangang knife is an artifact, and it may even be the magic weapon of the fairy family of King Tota Li (as described in myths and legends), but it is the same as the sword, how much power it can exert depends on it. The strength of the knife bearer.

Wang Qianchen is in the peak realm, and when he picks up the Tiangang sword, he can also exert his strength in the mountain realm, which is exactly the same as the Sword of Immortal Slaying.

"Little friend, I remember your name... Wang Qianchen, right? It's fortunate that I wore flying feather clothes, otherwise I would have died in your hands... That thing in your hand is really good, but it's mine now. Come on, hand it over obediently..." Huang Shi Wang grinned, walking towards Wang Qianchen step by step, staring at the Tiangang knife in his hand, making no secret of his greed and desire.

"Hey, I just wanted to pretend that he was going to die at my hands, but I didn't expect it to turn out like this... What a slap in the face!" Wang Qianchen sighed softly.

"You go first, I'll entangle this guy... Remember, Tan Zuo asked me to protect you. If you want to thank Tan Zuo, just thank Tan Zuo." The black bear king limped and was about to stop him. In front of Wang Qianchen.

"Black Bear King." Wang Qianchen called out softly.


"Can you use a knife?"

"What's the use of the knife, why don't you just pick it up and chop it down? I used it for a while when I was young, but in the end I still think my claws are better..." The black bear king showed his claws, his The flesh and blood were blurred everywhere in the body, except for one pair of claws that were still sharp and unparalleled.

"Okay, then you use this knife to kill that guy!" Wang Qianchen pointed at the yellow lion king who was approaching gradually, and handed over the dazzling Tiangang knife with the other.

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