Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 719: Maybe an undercover

Bai Bianjun responded "yes, yes", and naturally did not dare to talk back.

The fat head said again: "Have you finished seeing your friends?"

Bai Bianjun nodded: "Yes."

"Isn't anyone following you?"


"Well, that's fine. It's not that I don't believe you. It's not long before you [joined] Tianqi, so it's normal for us to take precautions against you." Fat Toutuo said seriously.

"Understood." Bai Bianjun nodded again.

"Don't go down the mountain if it's all right, things are about to be dug out."


The two casually said a few words, and the fat head looked towards the bottom of the pit again, and Bai Bianjun said cautiously: "Captain Fat, I have something to tell you..."

He didn't know Fat Toutuo's real name, so he had to call him "Captain Fat".

"What's the matter?" Fat Tou Tuo was still staring at the bottom of the pit, his eyes unblinking, as if he was afraid of missing any change.

Bai Bianjun talked about Wang Qianchen's affairs.

"Oh, he, I heard that he wants to join Tianqi? How did you two know each other?" The matter of Qingcheng Mountain had already spread, and Fat Toutuo naturally heard about it.

"When I was the master of the mountain under the Black Bear King, this Wang Qianchen once entangled me because of a murder case..." Bai Bianjun briefly talked about the past, but he did not say that Wang Qianchen was a monster, nor did he say that he was in [ Wan Yaohui] also served as the lord of the mountain.

Fat Toutuo nodded and said: "This man is a talented person, dared to oppose Qingcheng Mountain, and even killed Ge Ye! Now that he is wanted by [Monster Slayer], he meets the conditions for joining [Tianqi]. Okay, let me ask Chief Chen. "

If only ordinary people joined [Tianqi], Chen Wanhe would not need to approve it personally, but Wang Qianchen is already in the peak state, and his affairs are so noisy, he must ask for instructions.

As a super captain of [Tianqi], it is of course easy for Fat Tou Tuo to contact Chen Wanhe.

The phone was connected, and Fat Tou Tuo explained the matter again.

"Wang Qianchen?" Chen Wanhe's puzzled voice came from the phone.

"Have you heard of it too? It was quite a riot." Fat Tou Tuo was not surprised.

"Not only have I heard about it..." Chen Wanhe laughed: "Some time ago, we just had a phone call. At that time, I invited him to join Tianqi, but he refused. It seems quite noble."

Fat Toutuo said: "At that time, he was still in [Monster Slayer], and I can understand that he didn't want to join [Tianqi]. Isn't he desperate now?"

Chen Wanhe shook his head and said, "No, he knew the consequences at the time. Although I didn't meet him, I could hear from his tone that this was a man with his own ideas, firmness, stubbornness, and indecision. People who change their minds at will."

Fat Toutuo frowned and said, "Then what do you mean..."

Chen Wanhe pondered for a while, and said: "I always feel that something is not right. I wanted to join [Tianqi] as soon as I was wanted by [Monster Slayer], and completely slapped himself in the face! Of course, it is also possible that he was really desperate and wanted to seek After all, this kind of person is not uncommon. In short, we can’t make a conclusion easily, don’t rush to accept him, just observe it for a while!”

"okay, I get it."

"Well, how are you over there?"

"It should be soon, just a few days, no more than a week." Fat Toutuo explained the situation at the scene.

"Well, be careful, don't let something like Laodingshan happen again! Although He Jun took back the Sword of Immortal Slaying, he has suffered a lot. Everyone on the scene must be carefully checked, especially the hundred Bianjun, he just joined [Tianqi] not long ago, maybe he is also an undercover agent of [Guangfuhui]." Chen Wanhe instructed me in detail.

"Understood." Fat Tou Tuo glanced at Bai Bianjun next to him and hung up the phone.

"How is it?" Bai Bianjun asked immediately.

"I didn't say I agreed, I didn't say I disagree, I said to observe and observe." Fat Toutuo said.

"Okay, I know, I'll tell him..." Bai Bianjun took out his mobile phone.

"You don't need to contact him, let's see how he reacts." Fat Tou Tuo reached out and stopped him.


Taiding Town, a hotel.

As the first rays of sunlight in the morning shone through the screen window, Wang Qianchen opened his eyes. After dressing and washing, he sat on the bed and practiced the Heart Sutra of Slaying Demons for a while as usual.

There are thousands of heart sutras that can be cultivated in the world. Each family, sect, and monsters have their own methods, but the [Heart Sutra of Slaying Demons] belongs to the monster-killing people, and this is also the most powerful proof that Wang Qianchen is not a monster - only humans , in order to cultivate this Heart Sutra.

It is a pity that without the help of the demonic energy, Wang Qianchen's practice of this thing has never been effective. He is just an ordinary person, neither a gifted Awakener nor an exceptionally intelligent genius since childhood. Pulled into this weird world, stumbled and stumbled all the way to this day, even he himself felt incredible.

Why the big white dog took a fancy to him at the beginning, and why the strange **** in the dark space taught him the [Seventy-two Transformation] is still a mystery to him to this day.

Who is not good to choose, but choose him?

He is obviously an ordinary person who can't be more ordinary!

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