Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 714: Emotional intelligence is too low

If Ge Ye is still alive, Song Cepeng will definitely protect him with all his heart.

But since he's dead...

Song Chongjian said earnestly: "Wang Qianchen, go and make a contribution, and when you make a big contribution, I will be able to speak for you. Chen Wanhe was no less guilty than you at the beginning, but in the end he was only kicked out of [The Demon Slayer], that is, Because he has made more contributions, a huge pile of them."

Wang Qianchen said: "What kind of merit can be done to offset such a big sin?"

Song Chongjian said: "Three ways, first, kill Chen Wanhe, second, kill the demon ancestor, and third, kill the evil god."

Wang Qianchen: "..."

Wang Qianchen said: "Commander Song, why don't we discuss the matter of running away, do you know where you are running, can't [Monster Slayer] be caught?"

Song Chongjian pouted: "Theoretically, no matter where you go, [Monster Slayer] can catch you, unless you have the strength of Chen Wanhe."

Wang Qianchen touched his nose, but did not speak.

"Would you like to consider my suggestion again?" Song Chongjian said enticingly.

"No, I don't have that ability." Wang Qianchen shook his head.

"It's not that you don't have that ability, you don't want to." Song Chongjian said: "Ge Ye, you can kill, so what are others? You have bottomless potential, as long as you move towards that goal, you may not be able to achieve it. Purpose... the reason why you refused is because there are other things to do, such as finding Wei Zihua's remaining limbs?"

Wang Qianchen looked at him in surprise.

"Wei Zihua entrusted you with a dream, right?" Song Chongjian said, "It's the same sentence, although I don't know why you are hiding it from me... but I will definitely help you. You have been to Qingcheng Mountain, Putuo Mountain, Maoshan and Longhushan, and later went to Ding's house, there must be some harvest, right?"

Wang Qianchen was noncommittal.

"Originally, I was just skeptical, but yesterday when the Bada Shanren gathered together, Ding Jianjun said that you had been to the back garden of his house, and I became more and more sure of the purpose of your previous actions. Can you tell me how far it has progressed? " Song Chongjian asked again.

Wang Qianchen remained silent.

"Okay, let me think about it..." Song Chongjian said thoughtfully: "You went around a bunch of ancestors in Daxia, and Wei Zihua has not come back to life, which means that the limbs have not been spliced. Where should I go in one step? Where is Chen Wanhe?"

Wang Qianchen's heart almost jumped out of his chest, because Song Epee's analysis was not bad at all!

"Well, Chen Wanhe is not easy to approach, that guy is very wary, even the members of [Tianqi], not everyone can go to him. But I have boasted about you in front of him before, I guess He should be deeply impressed by you, and you are making a lot of noise because you slaughtered Qingcheng and killed Ge Ye. Joining [Tianqi] is logical, maybe he will train you as a core member... It's interesting, it seems that everything is the same. Is it arranged, and fate is also pushing you to his side?" Song Chongjian smiled wryly.

Even Wang Qianchen himself was a little surprised, all this is indeed too coincidental.

"I also hope that you can resurrect Wei Zihua soon. He is a **** of the underworld. If he speaks and forgives your offenses, no one in [Monster Slayer] will dare to raise any objections! Well, that's settled." Song Chongjian stroked his palm. Said: "Wang Qianchen, you can join [Tianqi], but don't change your mind, I'm still waiting for your return!"

Song Cepeng's face was solemn, and he patted Wang Qianchen's shoulder.

"Don't let me see the second Chen Wanhe, okay?"

Wang Qianchen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, thinking that this has arranged a future route for himself?

"Well, that's it, if you don't want to talk too much, then I'll stop talking nonsense. I know what you mean, I will forgive Du Hong and others for their sins, and then put them all on you, and join [Tianjin] for you. Abandoned] Add bricks and tiles, pave the way!" Song Epee muttered a lot to himself, finally stood up, and was ready to go down the mountain.

At this moment, there was a sudden "huhu" wind sound from the sky.

Song Cepeng looked up and saw that it was Du Hong and Tan Zuo who came from the sky.



With two "bang bang" sounds, the two of them landed one after another, then one raised his palms, the other drew his sword, and stared at Song epee.

"Yo, now that I'm capable, you dare to provoke me, don't you?" Song Chongjian glanced coldly at the two of them.

"Commander Song, offended, we must rescue Xiaochen!"

Du Hong gritted his teeth and shot out flames with his palms, while Tan Zuo rushed towards Wang Qianchen.

"Save a hair, this is a clone, he left early!" Song Chongjian slapped the flames out, and stretched his legs gently, tripping Tan Zuo to the ground, before Du Hong jumped up, he slapped him down with another slap , the two of them were like Arhats, and they were trampled under their feet.

Two peaks, in front of him there is no remaining strength to fight back!

At the same time, Wang Qianchen's figure gradually dissipated, and it really was a clone condensed from spiritual power.

"Anyway, say something, emotional intelligence is too low!" Du Hong held his forehead speechlessly.

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