Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 687: yeah, and it

In the clear moonlight, Xiaozhen burst into tears, but she did not dare to cry out, for fear of waking up a few sleeping children.

Her body trembled slightly, and she slowly took out a broken blue jade pendant from her bosom. This jade pendant is a low-level spiritual tool, which has the effect of detecting life and death. It was originally a pair. She has one here and Fei Heizi has one.

The jade pendant, which was originally intact, was now cracked from the middle, which means that Fei Heizi's vitality has disappeared.

She knew that Fei Heizi was dead, and died at the hands of the Golden Eagle King.

I pretended to ask Fei Heizi's whereabouts just now, just to get some news about the Golden Eagle King!

Xiaozhen wiped the tears from her face, and then closed the child on her body. Without any hesitation, she took out her mobile phone and edited a text message to send.

When Fei Heizi contacted Ge Ye before, in order not to expose himself, he used Xiao Zhen's mobile phone.

Now that Xiaozhen wants to contact Ge Ye, it is naturally easy.

After sending the text message, Xiao Zhen looked up at the sky and murmured, "Heizi, I want to avenge you...but there's only so much I can do!"


Qingcheng Mountain.

Ge Ye was already asleep and didn't see the text message until the next morning.

After a while of silence, he called a few guardians over and showed them the contents of the text message. Several guardians were all surprised. I didn't expect that the Golden Eagle King would be so bold and dare to come directly to Qingcheng Mountain. Did he think of himself as Chen Wanhe? Second, I didn't expect Wang Qianchen to be the ling master of the Golden Eagle King. This is because he is determined to fight Qingcheng Mountain to the end!

"I said earlier, this son must be killed, otherwise there will be endless troubles..." Ge Ye put down his phone and looked at a few people, "If you have any opinions, please tell me."

Several guardians expressed their opinions and expressed their opinions one after another, but they reached a consensus on one point. The strength of the golden eagle king and the black bear king should not be underestimated. Either wake up the ancestors or ask for help from the outside world.

Ge Ye said: "Don't count on the ancestor, he should ask for help from the outside world at a critical period."

If you ask for help, there are only a few options, one is Song Heavy Sword, and the other is other sects or families.

Ge Ye pondered for a while, shook his head and said, "We killed Wang Qianchen, although he is alive again, but it is not a glorious thing after all, it is inconvenient to let Commander Song and other leaders know! Not good."

One of the guardians asked, "What should we do then?"

Ge Ye thought about it again and said, "I heard that the land of Sichuan and Shu has not been very peaceful recently?"

One of the guardians said: "Yes, the Black Bear King and the White Tiger King had a fierce fight. They fought several times in Gongga Snow Mountain."

Ge Ye's mouth twitched slightly and he laughed.

One of the guardians said in surprise: "Master, you don't want to..."

Ge Ye said: "In extraordinary times, use extraordinary means."

The guardian said worriedly: "But Qingcheng Mountain has never cooperated with monsters for thousands of years, and it has affected our reputation too much..."

Ge Ye asked back, "Does Qingcheng Mountain still have a reputation?"

Several guardians are silent.

Ever since Chen Wanhe was riding on his neck to shit, Mount Qingcheng has become a joke in everyone's eyes!

Ge Ye continued: "Killing the Golden Eagle King and the Black Bear King is the correct way to restore the reputation of Qingcheng Mountain! As for the process, others won't care at all!"

First, Ge Ye was the leader, and secondly, he made a lot of sense, so several people were persuaded by him and accepted this expedient measure, but a famous Dharma protector asked, "Can the White Tiger King agree?"

Ge Ye sneered and said: "What has he been forced into by the Black Bear King, how could he disagree? We both take what we need and cooperate for a win-win situation. There is no harm, but if he is a little clearer, he will not agree. Maybe reject my proposal!"

Another guardian continued to ask: "Even if the White Tiger King is recruited, at most it will be on par with the opponent. It's still a little bit meaningless to win completely, right?"

Ge Ye stood up and lightly stepped on the stone bricks on the ground: "Did you forget you still have it?"

Several people suddenly realized.

Yes, there is it!

The so-called it, of course, refers to the sacred beast of Zhenshan - the sacred beast is actually a bit too much, it is a monster with a slightly higher realm. For thousands of years, monster slayers not only slayed monsters, but also fought monsters. If some monsters repented wholeheartedly, or never meant to harm people, they would find a way to survive, that is, they would be used by humans.

For example, the dragon below Longtan in Longhushan Town is a typical sacred beast of the mountain. It can dive and fly, and the peak of the mountain is only one step away from the top. It can be said to be quite easy to use. After a bit of an accident, Wang Qianchen and the others couldn't escape completely.

The sacred beasts of Maoshan Mountain are the zombie kings in the corpse pit. If they are controlled, they can have a unique effect.

There is also Mount Putuo, which is hidden in the magma of the Valley of Flames. When the Garuda was in chaos, Master Puji did not recruit it, and essentially wanted to force Du Hong to shave.

Not to mention these big demon slayers, even Shangjingding's house has a big earth dragon hidden in the ground!

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