Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 682: can't die anymore

After finishing, Lang Baibai took a few monsters and flew away from Qianrenling with Wang Qianchen.

"Brother Dog, congratulations!" Lang Baibai sat on the back of a yellow-clawed falcon and said to Wang Qianchen, who was flying alone next to him.

"...Brother Lang, I'm not interested in any Lingzhu." Wang Qianchen lowered his head, still looking ashamed and said: "I'm really sorry for killing so many brothers..."

"Hey, it's alright, monsters, they have been alive since ancient times, and there will be a large number of new monsters in a few years at most!" Lang Baibai said in a relaxed tone.

For monsters, it is true that they do not care much about the lives and deaths of other similar species, but they are certainly not completely indifferent and light-hearted. At the very least, the death of a few partners still made Lang Baibai very sad, such as Brother Mastiff who had followed him for many years!

Wang Qianchen knew that Lang Baibai was just comforting him and didn't want him to blame himself too much. Although it was aimed at his dog emperor's anger, Big Brother's thoughts still moved him.

Wang Qianchen said, "Brother Lang, do you have any plans to seek revenge on Qingcheng Mountain?"

Lang Baibai was silent for a while before he said: "Of course I want to take revenge... No matter who encounters such a thing, I want to take revenge! But I'm not the opponent of Qingcheng Mountain, what else can I do except admit it? Since ancient times, monsters have been fighting with humans. They have never won a battle, even if they gain the upper hand for a while, they will eventually be beaten by humans. Can't they eat humans? They eat chickens, ducks and fish wildly. Why can't people turn to humans for revenge? After all, humans are the darlings of God. Channel, who can afford it?"

Lang Baibai babbled a lot, his mouth was full of complaints, but he was very helpless.

Wang Qianchen was speechless.

Lang Baibai confessed, and it was impossible to forcefully press his head to fight.

Wang Qianchen said: "Brother Lang, I'm not an opponent of Qingcheng Mountain either, but I will definitely kill Ge Ye! Don't worry about one year, two years, three years, I won't let him go! When it's done, it will be... ... take revenge for Brother Mastiff and the others!"

Lang Baibai said worriedly: "Then you have to be careful! If you need help, just call me."

Wang Qianchen was slightly taken aback.

Lang Baibai's meaning is obvious. If it is his own words, he will definitely give up revenge, but for Wang Qianchen, he is willing to contribute.

Where the **** can I find such a good big brother!

Wang Qianchen said with a very moving expression: "Brother Lang, no need, I can do it myself!"

Lang Baibai sighed: "I'm too weak to help you!"

"No, I..."


Wang Qianchen still wanted to defend a few words, but Lang Baibai suddenly shouted, and the yellow-clawed falcon below him immediately dived towards the ground, and Wang Qianchen quickly followed.

Landing on the edge of a certain river beach, Wang Qianchen, Lang Baibai and other monsters shouted, "King Eagle!"

Next to it was a wild lake with sparkling water, and the golden eagle king, half human and half eagle, stood on the shore, with Fei Heizi's body at his feet. A huge black baboon was lying on the ground, its neck had been shattered, and it couldn't die any longer.

The Golden Eagle King had made an appointment with them to meet here before.

The Golden Eagle King lowered his head, grabbed Fei Heizi's body, and threw it into the lake with a thud, and within a few days he would be dismembered by fish and shrimp.

The Golden Eagle King said: "Old Bai, everyone is dead, let's end this matter. Don't look for Lao Fei's family, children and the like."

Lang Baibai gently "um".

King Golden Eagle added: "Okay, let's talk about revenge next, Ge Ye and the others have already returned to Qingcheng Mountain, we will also organize people to give him a surprise attack!"

Lang Baibai looked at him in surprise.

"What do you mean, don't you want revenge?" The Golden Eagle King frowned.

"No... I thought you wouldn't help me..." Lang Baibai still couldn't react.

"Why didn't I help you, aren't you my subordinate?" The Golden Eagle King was even more confused.

"The main...the main thing is Qingcheng Mountain!" Even if he just mentioned these few words, Lang Baibai felt a chill on his back. Facing this kind of demon slayer that had been standing for thousands of years, he just felt powerless!

The Golden Eagle King sighed: "If I put it on before, maybe I will endure it. After all, Qingcheng Mountain is really difficult to deal with! But now, we have a helper, I think we can give it a try!"

"What helper?" Lang Baibai asked instinctively.

"There's a guy who owes me a big favor, and he happens to be in the Chuanshu area..." The corner of the Golden Eagle King's mouth raised slightly.

Several people instantly understood who the Golden Eagle King was talking about.

Black Bear King!

The black bear king owes the golden eagle king not once or twice, and he happened to be fighting against the white tiger king in the Sichuan area. This is something that many monsters know.

It just so happens that it saves the Black Bear King from running all the way, and can directly help the Golden Eagle King!

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