Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 667: Death Gu

"If you don't give it, then I'll be rude! I've worked for [Tianqi] for so long, so I should get some interest!" The face turned redder.

He Jun sighed softly.

"Director Chen has long known that you are against your will, so he kept me staring at you." He Jun looked directly into the eyes of the Osprey King.

"Look at me, so what? He can't make it again! He has other things to do..." Before he could finish the words, the Osprey King's face suddenly changed, and then he touched his nose, and the dark red blood ran down his nostrils. flow down.

At the same time, He Jun recited something in his mouth.

"What...what the hell...what the **** are you doing?!" Not only the nostrils, but also the mouth, eyes, and ears were bleeding out. There seemed to be some kind of monster surging wildly in the brain, stabbing the Osprey King for a while. Excruciating pain, I finally couldn't help roaring out.

"Deadly Gu." He Jun said coldly: "I reminded you just now that Commander Chen felt that you were against your will, do you think he could not prepare? He gave you Gu in advance, and cast the spell. Passed it on to me...how about it, are you surprised or surprised?"

He Jun's eyes were gloomy, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"You...you..." The Osprey King trembled all over, blood gushing out of the seven orifices, and his body was almost unable to stand.

"Why, are you still unwilling to put down the Immortal Slaying Sword?" He Jun sneered and recited the incantation again.

"Ah—" The Osprey King was so pained that his brain was about to explode, but he still held on to the Sword of Immortal Slaying.

Several workers were so frightened that they retreated and jumped out of the pit.

"Captain Eagle, let go, let go of the Immortal Slaying Sword!" Qu Da roared anxiously.

"Don't call me Captain Eagle, call me King Osprey!" Even though his face was bright red, King Osprey didn't change his expression. "No one wants to take the Sword of Immortal Slaying from me!"

The Osprey King roared, endured the severe pain in his head, picked up the Immortal Slaying Sword in his hand, and slashed towards He Jun with a fierce sword.

He Jun's face was solemn, and he quickly ducked to the side.


The icy sword qi almost brushed past He Jun, and a terrifying deep ditch appeared in the pit in an instant, and it spread all the way to the stone wall outside, making the whole cave make a "kaka" sound, and there were constantly stones, dirt and other objects. rustled and fell.

——That is to say, the Osprey King was hit with a life-threatening Gu, and his state was extremely poor, and he couldn’t stand firmly, otherwise he really couldn’t avoid this sword!

He Jun was a little surprised. The first was the powerful power of the Immortal Slaying Sword. He knew that it was a magic weapon of the fairy family. The incantation of life-killing Gu, in 15 seconds, the seven orifices bleed, and the whole body is weak, and in 30 seconds, the whole body will be bloodied to death!

In order to attract the attention of the Osprey King, He Jun also deliberately talked to him.

But it's been almost a minute, and the Osprey King hasn't fallen yet!

"Don't even think about taking away the Sword of Immortal Slaying, don't even think about it!" The Osprey King shouted, his brain was swallowed up by ten thousand insects, and he should have been unable to hold it any longer, but he still relied on one breath and waved the sword in his hand randomly.

"I am the Osprey King, I am the Osprey King!"

The terrifying sword qi crisscrossed the cave, and the sound of "Boom" kept coming. The earth pit several meters deep had long since collapsed, and the surrounding stone walls also revealed light from the outside world. The bigger it gets, the cave is visibly collapsing.

"Damn it!" He Jun scolded fiercely, and continued to chant a few words, while a faint white light flashed from his hands.

If Chen Wanhe hadn't named him to try the Osprey King with the Sword of Immortal Slaying, He Jun would definitely not have let him get it. He did try it out, but the situation seemed a little out of control.

The Osprey King's mind became more and more painful, but his actions became more and more frantic. While He Jun urged the life-threatening Gu, he also controlled a large piece of rock to fly towards him.

"Bang bang bang-"

Countless truck-sized rocks smashed into the Osprey King, but most of them were smashed by the sword energy of the Sword of Immortal Slaying, and only a small part was shot on him, which was considered to have some effect.

The strength of the Osprey King wielding his sword was getting weaker and weaker, and in the end he couldn't hold it, and fell to the ground with a "bang", and the gleaming sword of the Immortal Slaying also fell to the side.

However, the situation is still not to be underestimated. The sound of "Boom Rumble" keeps coming. The sword energy that the Osprey King chopped out has long since destroyed the structure of the mountain, and countless huge rocks are still falling.

"Ah—" Qu Da suddenly exclaimed.

He Jun turned back suddenly, and saw that he was almost submerged by the collapsed mountain. When the Osprey King was in chaos, Qu Dazao hid in the corner. Even if a rock hit him, he could still be split open by him, but this time, it was too messy and too much to take care of!

He Jun's hands radiated white light again, and the falling rocks suddenly arranged and combined in a strange posture, stacked like Ross cubes, leaving just enough space for Qu Da.

"Thank you...Thank you..." Qu Da walked out tremblingly.

"It's okay." He Jun said lightly: "The cave is about to collapse, get ready to go out!"

He still has some feelings for Qu Da, but he can't show it too much.

Exposing one's own weakness is not far from death.

He Jun turned his head and walked quickly towards the dead Osprey King, ready to bow down and pick up the Sword of Immortal Slaying beside him.

He Jun had no eyes behind him, and of course he couldn't see Qu Da's quickly gloomy face.

"I'm sorry..." Qu Da murmured.

Qu Da reached out and touched his pocket, and a small white jade bottle appeared in his palm.

If Wang Qianchen was here, he would definitely be able to recognize it at a glance, this is exactly the same jade bottle that Liu Jin released "Stone Statue Bum"!

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