Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 574: take me back to Maoshan

"But you are different. You treat me first, and then I treat you. To be honest, monsters like us grew up in the jungle. won't be nice to us..."

Speaking of this, the Black Bear King suddenly remembered something, shook his head and said, "When you rescued me, you probably didn't know that I was a monster, right? If you knew, you definitely wouldn't be able to save me..."

"But it's alright now, we are a monster and a zombie, it's a good match, and no one will gossip..." The black bear king's tears suddenly flowed down, if the golden eagle king was here, he would definitely laugh at him loudly. Good thing there's no one else here. Then, he raised a thick hand and gently stroked Axiu's cheek, "You said you, how could you become a zombie, obviously you were fine some time ago, I saw you on the street, follow you Say hello, you are still talking to me... Who killed you? Can you tell me? I will definitely settle accounts with him and avenge him!"

Of course Ah Xiu didn't answer.

"Is it the old Daoists in Maoshan?" The Black Bear King shook his head himself. "It shouldn't be. Although they hate it, they won't kill people for no reason. Then who is it..."

The Black Bear King was silent for a while, and then said word by word: "No matter what, I will definitely not let you go to the corpse pit! From now on, you will be by my side, and no one will want to touch you! Maoshan What? Make me anxious, and turn them upside down!"

The Black Bear King wiped away his tears. Then, he lowered his head, picked up the phone that he had just dropped, and prepared to call a nighthawk, vulture or the like to pick him up.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from above: "You better send me back."

The Black Bear King suddenly raised his head and looked at Ah Xiu with a shocked expression: "You... did you speak just now?"

Axiu nodded: "Yes, I have spoken."

Ah Xiu's expression was no longer dull, and her eyes were rarely bright.

"It's a long life! The zombie has spoken!" The Black Bear King roared, turned his head and ran away, disappearing in an instant.

Axiu was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said, "What the heck, isn't this Lord Ye a good dragon? He said just now that he wants to be with me forever..."

As Axiu said, he built a pergola and carefully identified the directions around him to see where he could go back to Maoshan.

She only has one soul and one soul, and she is very awake during the day. She must take advantage of this time to return to Maoshan and let herself wander outside, which may cause irreversible consequences.

"It feels like Maoshan is very far away, how do I get back?" A Xiu frowned slightly, she really couldn't think of a good way.

At this moment, the footsteps of "DengDengDen" sounded, and a huge figure galloped on the plain.

The Black Bear King has returned.

"You can talk, so you're not a zombie?" The Black Bear King came to Axiu and asked out of breath.

"No, I'm a zombie." Ah Xiu said seriously.

"Then you...then you..." The Black Bear King really couldn't understand Ah Xiu's current state.

"One is because of my son's advanced version of the corpse control technique, and the other is because I still have a soul and a soul..." A Xiu roughly talked about the adventure that happened to him.

"So that's how it is... Nature is really amazing. Any phenomenon can happen! Monsters can turn into people, people can turn into zombies, and zombies can talk!" The Black Bear King was stunned.

"Send me back to Maoshan." Ah Xiu said.

"...Can't you just go back? You still have a soul and soul, and you can live like a normal person. If it's a big deal, you won't move when you're not awake. I'll be responsible for guarding you!" The Black Bear King vowed.

"No." Axiu shook his head: "The remaining soul and soul are gradually dying out. I can't control myself, let alone you. If something happens to me, I will be created. My son, I will definitely regret it for the rest of my life!"


"Don't be, can you send me? If you don't, I'll go back by myself!"

Axiu's attitude was firm and did not give the Black Bear King any chance to hesitate. The Black Bear King really doesn't want to agree, but he really has no resistance to Axiu. Even if Axiu asks him to commit suicide on the spot, I'm afraid he will do the same - after so many years of thinking, plus self-improvement, Beautification, Axiu is almost a god-like existence in his heart.

But the black bear king still tried to stop: "Is this going to go back? I didn't have time to repay my gratitude."

Axiu was silent for a while, and said, "If you really want to repay your kindness, you can take care of my son. If he has any difficulties in the future, I will be very satisfied if you can help him."

The Black Bear King said: "Okay, I remember, I will definitely take care of your son! By the way, what's our son's name?"

"It's my son, not our son." Axiu corrected him and said, "My son's name is Tan Zuo, and he is the direct disciple of Mao Shijiu. You can find out when you ask about it in Maoshan."

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