Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 431: one step late

In fact, he didn't know why Wei Zihua broke through the super dust realm, but he just wanted to scold him, scold him fiercely!

Wei Zihua ignored him, but rushed towards Yaksha Mara very quickly, obviously not wanting to delay for a second, just wanted to solve the battle as soon as possible.

And Yasha Mara, after realizing that she was facing a real god, has long lost the courage to fight, and now he just wants to escape, escape quickly!

With a "boom", Yasha Mara returned to the size of an ordinary person, but she couldn't escape. Without the help of Crewe, she could only take big strides and run down the mountain.

Of course, Wei Zihua wouldn't let him go, and he chased after him again quickly, thrusting his soul-sucking pen forward, hitting the back of Yaksha Mara's heart.

Before, when he was still in a state, it was a little hard to harvest Yasha Mara's powerful soul; but now, when something happened, Yasha Mara's soul fell apart in an instant.

This is the real god, even an inconspicuous literati can easily kill a supernatural monster!

At this point, the mountain elf and Yasha Mara all died, and the vortex in the sky locked Wei Zihua, and a strange light rushed down, and it was about to cover Wei Zihua.

Wang Qianchen is very familiar with this scene. Thinking that Jiang Xiaoshu was sucked away like this, he couldn't help roaring again: "Are you happy now, you are going to be imprisoned!"

"Who said I was going to be imprisoned?" Wei Zihua stood not far away, looking straight at Wang Qianchen with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"???" Wang Qianchen looked at him suspiciously.

"I won't be sucked away, because I've already thought of a solution." Wei Zihua still smiled, suddenly his arms spread out, and then the sound of "kakaka" came, and his head and limbs began to shatter.

His breath of life is also quickly dying out!

"What the **** are you doing?!" Wang Qianchen was furious and roared: "You mean, you'll be fine if you kill yourself?! Then I'd rather you be sucked away!"

Wang Qianchen still doesn't know what the vortex is all about, but he can vaguely guess its working principle. As long as he finds signs of divine activity, he can immediately lock the target, and then bring it back to the sealed heaven.

But if the **** dies, naturally he can't take it with him.

Wei Zihua is obviously committing suicide!

Wang Qianchen is really angry. If he hadn't been able to stand up, he would have wanted to go up and give him two big fights. What kind of solution is this?

"Can you be quiet, don't be so excited? I'm the **** of the underworld, how can I die?" Wei Zihua said irritably: "I'm suspended animation, do you understand? It's called suspended animation! But that thing doesn't So foolish, I have to hide my head and limbs so I can't let it find out! Next, you have to find my head and limbs, and then assemble it for me, we can meet again, and I will give it to you then Talk about heaven!"

"Ah?" Wang Qianchen was stunned, unable to react for a while.

At the same time, Wei Zihua's head and limbs really cracked, and flew out in several directions, and the farther he flew, the sooner he disappeared, and the so-called divine breath and life breath quickly disappeared. .

This scene really successfully deceived the cloud vortex in the sky, the huge vortex slowly closed, and the sky became bright again.

The vortex disappeared, Wei Zihua was really not sucked away, but his head and limbs were also gone, and the whole person seemed to be dead!

"Where can I find your head and limbs!" Wang Qianchen yelled, he still remembered what Wei Zihua explained.

"You must find my head and limbs..." Wei Zihua's voice came from a distance, and the head was still talking.

"Where can I find your head and limbs!" Wang Qianchen yelled again.

"I must find it, otherwise I won't be able to live..." Wei Zihua's voice was getting lower and lower.

"Fuck you, don't you understand people's language?! I asked you where to find it!" Wang Qianchen was anxious, stood up and scolded.

"Be sure to find..."

"Fuck you, stop talking!"

Nie Rong, Gao Heng and the others were too frightened to say a word. Under such circumstances, they dared not even persuade them.

"I'll give you a dream..."

"Grass, I finally said something human!" Wang Qianchen rubbed his eyes, tears streaming down his face, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Wei Zihua is the **** of the underworld, so he can naturally dream of it. No matter where his limbs and head go, he just needs to get it back. Once assembled, he can be resurrected. At that time, he will be his good friend, and the mystery of the heavens will be solved. .


At this moment, a figure flew in the sky, and it was Song Cepeng who had arrived in a hurry.

Seeing that the vortex in the sky has disappeared, as well as the bodies of Yaksha Mara and the mountain elf Kru on the ground, I already understood a little in my heart, and quickly came to Wang Qianchen and others and asked, "Which **** appeared?"

Seeing Song Heavy Sword, Wang Qianchen said angrily, "Commander Song, why are you one step late every time?"

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