Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 386: underpass

"This group of cunning monster slayers!" The Eighth Prince also saw the scene just now, so he couldn't blame Wang Qianchen. Instead, he felt that he was brave enough, but he was just trapped by the monster slayer.

The rock-level monsters under the Eighth Prince were not at all the opponents of Du Hong, Tan Zuo and the others, and they all lost after some battles. Seeing that Du Hong and the others were about to rush up, Wang Qianchen immediately held the brick and shouted loudly, "Eighth Prince, fight with them!"

As soon as the Eighth Prince turned his head, Wang Qianchen slapped it with a brick.

But the Eighth Prince didn't mean to go all out. Instead, he grabbed Wang Qianchen's collar and hurriedly said, "The other party is fully prepared, and we were caught off guard. If we don't fight with them, we will run away first!"

The Eighth Prince grabbed Wang Qianchen and went straight into the hole.

Wang Qianchen also wanted to say that he couldn't run, but the Eighth Prince stepped a few steps in different directions in the cave, and the large stone table turned away with a "click", revealing a dark hole inside.

"Fuck..." Wang Qianchen was surprised, he really didn't expect that there was a secret passage inside!

"It's a pity to keep a hand!" The Eighth Prince grabbed Wang Qianchen and drilled into the cave in three steps and two steps. At the same time, the stone table was restored with a "kakaka", and there seemed to be nothing in the entire cave. Variety.

Just half a minute later, Du Hong and others got into the cave. They saw the Eighth Prince and Wang Qianchen come in, but there was no one in the cave.

"There must be a secret channel, look for it!" Tan Zuo shouted, and everyone immediately looked around.

This secret passage of the Eighth Prince is very subtle, and it is completely invisible from the outside. It needs to take some steps in a certain order to trigger the mechanism.

Du Hong and the others searched for seven or eight minutes. Almost all the monsters outside were killed, but they still could not find the entrance to the secret passage.

Everyone was a little annoyed, and immediately began to violently demolish the hole. After the sound of "Boom Rumble", the ground and stone walls were pierced, and the hole under the stone table was finally exposed.

Everyone jumped in in a swarm and ran along the corridor. After running for more than half an hour, they walked out of another hole in the Taihang Mountains. Where are the shadows of the Eighth Prince and Wang Qianchen?

"Xiaochen will be fine, right?" Du Hong said with a frown.

"It shouldn't be. There was no blood on the road, nor a corpse. It means that Xiaochen has not been exposed, but just escaped with the Eighth Prince!" Tan Zuo carefully analyzed that if Wang Qianchen's identity was revealed, the Eighth Prince would not make sense. Take him with you.

Deng Tong was not there. As the vice-captain of the Dayuan City Demon Slayer Team, Wei Zihua, who had been freed, was naturally in control. He gave an order on the spot, ordering the demon slayers to continue to search the mountain, and also entrusted other departments to help, so as not to miss any clues, the entire Dayuan City was also under martial law.

However, Wei Zihua also knows that if you want to find a monster in the wall, this kind of conventional method is probably useless. The key is Wang Qianchen. I hope he can get news sooner.

Back in the nearby town, Wei Zihua met Deng Tong who was under house arrest.

Looking at this captain, Wei Zihua's heart was full of mixed feelings. When he came to Dayuan City full of enthusiasm, Deng Tong was very kind to him. He not only promoted him to be the deputy captain, but also took care of his basic necessities.

Although Sun Ming was a little hostile to him, it didn't hurt. The two had an appointment to eat together before.

Wei Zihua has found the feeling of home here, and his affection for this place is no less than that of Gaoping City. But he never thought that his most trusted captain would show his fangs in private and do things that harm him...

"Xiaowei, I was wrong, I lost my mind, you forgive me! After you were taken away, I lived in repentance and self-blame every day! I promise there will be no next time, we will still be brothers and teammates in the future. "..." Deng Tong burst into tears, not knowing whether he really regretted it, or whether he was acting in a show with other plans.

No matter what it was, Wei Zihua would never let him go.

Does an apology work?

If it wasn't for Wang Qianchen, he wouldn't have come back alive.

"These words, go to the court and see if the judge will forgive you!" Wei Zihua sighed and took Deng Tong out.

Back in Oyuan City, Wei Zihua wrote an email to report the matter to his superiors in the name of the vice captain. The demon slayer team members in Oyuan City were shocked when they learned what Deng Tong had done.

Soon, someone took Deng Tong away, waiting for him to be punished by law.

As for Wei Zihua, he temporarily became the acting captain of the Dayuan City Demon Slayer Team. If he could kill the Eighth Prince, removing the word "agent" would be a sure thing.

Du Hong, Tan Zuo and others also stayed in Dayuan City, waiting for news from Wang Qianchen and the next move.


In the suburbs, in a thatched hut by the Fen River.

After the Eighth Prince and Wang Qianchen escaped from Taihang Mountain, they hid here.

According to the Eighth Prince, he cultivated into a demon in Fenhe and stayed in this thatched hut for a long time.

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