Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 376: Tentative

Deng Tong is in his 40s and is an experienced old captain. He can be calm and calm at any time, but the facts this time are no trivial matter. Wei Zihua is his deputy captain. He has been missing for a whole day and night, and he is ready to lead people to search the mountain.

"Captain Deng, can I trust you?" Wang Qianchen asked solemnly.

This sentence is actually a bit redundant. Whether Deng Tong believes it or not, he will definitely say yes. But Wang Qianchen still asked, and when he asked, he still stared at Deng Tong's eyes.

"Yes." Deng Tong's eyes were firm.

"Okay." Wang Qianchen explained all the previous events.

Unexpectedly, just after he finished speaking, Deng Tong became emotional: "Impossible, there are absolutely no traitors under me! It was Wei Zihua himself who was not careful and was caught by the Eighth Prince! I will rescue him, but I can't doubt me. people!"

Jiang Zhixue said solemnly: "Captain Deng, I understand your feelings. If you say that there are traitors under me, I can't accept it! But I know Xiaowei. Although his character is a little impulsive, he is still very cautious in certain matters. ."

Wang Qianchen also said: "If there is a traitor, you will know after a try. There is no best, if there is, arrest him as soon as possible to avoid affecting future actions."

"How to try?" Deng Tong turned to look at him.


Although the economy of Dayuan City is not very good, it is a provincial capital after all, and it can still enter the ranks of third-tier cities.

The demon slayer team in Dayuan City originally had seven people, but after Wei Zihua joined it, it became eight people.

Their base is in a very humble restaurant in the city, and there is usually no business, but there are chefs, helpers, cashiers, and waiters—naturally, they are played by you monster slayers.

Because of Wei Zihua's sudden disappearance, everyone was in a bad mood, and the sign was closed early. Wei Zihua has the strength of the rock realm, and ordinary monsters must not be able to do anything to him, so everyone guessed whether he was caught by the Eighth Prince.

Just when they were discussing to continue searching the mountain, Deng Tong was suddenly called away by a phone call and has not returned yet.

"Why do you still go out at such a time? I'm so anxious!" A young girl stood up and walked around in the lobby of the hotel.

"Captain Deng naturally has his plans, you can be quiet for a while, my head is big." A young man covered his head.

"Sun Ming, are you happy that Wei Zihua is missing?" The girl suddenly turned around and looked at him fiercely.

"Ye Shan, what are you talking about, how can I be happy?" Sun Ming looked annoyed.

"If Wei Zihua doesn't come, you will be the vice-captain! Usually you like to target him, disobey his orders, and fight against him. Now that something has happened to him, can you be upset?" Ye Shan was angry said rushed.

"I'm not convinced by him, but it doesn't mean that something happened to him, I'll be gloating! Ye Shan, don't spit! Don't think that I don't know that you are handsome in your eyes, and you've sent me many times, both secretly and overtly, but it's a pity People look down on you!" Sun Ming retorted.

"Okay, stop arguing..."

"It's all from the same team, can you stop this?"

"Don't you two usually have a good relationship? Why are you still arguing? If you don't care, there will be chaos. Wei Zihua hasn't been found yet, so let's fight internally!"

After everyone's persuasion, Ye Shan and Sun Ming finally stopped talking, but they still stared at each other fiercely.


Just then, a Honda Civic suddenly stopped at the door.

This is Deng Tong's car!

A group of people greeted them one after another, and saw that Deng Tong had opened the rear compartment door and hugged a young man who was in a coma.

It was Wei Zihua!

Wei Zihua is back!

"Captain Deng, what's going on?"

"What's wrong with the deputy captain of the guard?"

Everyone was surprised and happy, Deng Tong hugged Wei Zihua and walked quickly towards a room inside the hotel.

Putting Wei Zihua on the bed, Deng Tong waved his hand, turned off the light again, and brought everyone to the lobby before telling the whole process of the incident. He said that Wei Zihua was indeed captured by the Eighth Prince, but he escaped by some means.

"As for why he was arrested, Xiaowei seems to have some clues, but he passed out before he had time to tell me..." Deng Tong sighed and continued: "Wait until he wakes up, and then ask him carefully! After this day, everyone is tired, let's go back to rest!"

The different boxes in the hotel are where each person lives, with beds and quilts.

After everyone rested, Deng Tong turned off the lights, locked the door, and went back to his room.


Wei Zihua's room.

Surrounded by pitch darkness, Wang Qianchen was lying on the bed, listening intently to the movement of the entire hotel.

Just now, he changed into Wei Zihua's appearance, and Deng Tong brought him in, creating the illusion that he was out of danger, and then Deng Tong relayed the "clue". In this way, the real traitor will be anxious, and 100% will come to kill him in the middle of the night!

When the time comes, the stolen goods will be recovered. Let's see how he can quibble?

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