Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 370: nomination certificate

"Haha, I already knew that your kid has potential, and God will not treat us monsters who care about love and righteousness!" The Eighth Prince still remembers the scene of Wang Qianchen crying while holding the stone crocodile.

"Thank you... Thank you Eighth Prince for your suggestion." Wang Qianchen said nervously.

Fortunately, no matter whether it is a human being or a demon, talking with the Eighth Prince will always be a little nervous, but it is not a big omission.

"Where are the monsters around you? Is there any rock realm?" The Eighth Prince asked again.

"...No, they are still in the stone realm, but they parted ways with me, and now there is a book demon beside me." Wang Qianchen said honestly.

"Hey, many monsters are like this. They don't talk about friendship at all, and they leave when they say goodbye... This is also the meaning of the existence of the 'Wan Yao Guild'! By the way, are you willing to join the Wan Yao Guild?"


"Haha, I'm talking too much. If you don't want to, how can you call me? Where are you now?" The Eighth Prince asked again.

"...I'm still in Gaoping City!" Wang Qianchen lied.

"In this way, you go to Luzhou City." The Eighth Prince said.

"Why are you going to Luzhou?!" Wang Qianchen's heart raised in his throat.

"Gaoping City, I have sent a new monster to sit in town! But there seems to be something wrong in Luzhou City. One of my subordinates hasn't contacted me for a long time. I guess something happened. I have asked Dashan to investigate. It should be there tomorrow, I'll give you a number and you can meet him. He will tell you exactly what to do."

The Eighth Prince reported a string of numbers, and Wang Qianchen immediately remembered it.

"By the way, what's your name? Forgot to ask last time."

"...My name is Xiao Qian."

"What Xiaoqian, it's better to be called a dog, and it is in line with your true nature!" For monsters, the name is very indifferent, just pick it up, the Eighth Prince still smiled: "Little dog, I hope you can be like Dashan. Be my right-hand man!"

After hanging up the phone, Wang Qianchen was still a bit like a lifetime away, and he couldn't believe that he was in contact with the Eighth Prince just like that.

But soon, he woke up.

What Dashan is doing in Luzhou, you can guess with your toes, then it's time to deal with it!

That night, Wang Qianchen returned to Zhezhe's car wash, and after making some arrangements, he called Dashan early the next morning.

Dashan is the mountain eagle beside the Eighth Prince. He often carries the Eighth Prince to fly around. He is a very thoughtful guy. Before, he had been suspicious of Wang Qianchen in every possible way, and he must not relax a little bit.

After dialing the phone, Wang Qianchen said, "Shan... Brother Shan, I'm a puppy!"

"Well, the Eighth Prince told me that I will go to Luzhou City soon, where have you been?" Dashan's voice was indifferent.

"I'm already in Luzhou!"

"Okay, there is a Zhangze Reservoir in Luzhou City, and there is a Wetland Park in the south. You wait for me at the entrance of the Wetland Park!"

Dashan hung up the phone, and Wang Qianchen rushed to the wetland park without stopping.

Although Wang Qianchen was born in the countryside, he went to school and worked in Luzhou City, and was very familiar with the streets and alleys here. The Wetland Park was built on the basis of Zhangze Reservoir. It cost a lot of money from the municipal government. It is said to be billions of dollars. The scene of birds singing and flowers, pavilions, small bridges and flowing water, and lush greenery are very beautiful. Citizens like to come here on holidays. To play here, Wang Qianchen also brought his father here several times.

Early in the morning, there was no one in the wetland park. Wang Qianchen had just waited for a while when he heard the sound of "huhu" in the air.

A huge mountain eagle swooped down, and then quickly landed, turning into a human shape, it was the mountain.

Dashan's human figure is not handsome, but it does not have a heroic atmosphere, especially the hooked nose hanging on his face, which adds a bit of chilling atmosphere to him.

If Wang Qianchen wanted to see Dashan, he would definitely not be able to wear the costume of a demon slayer. He put these things into his Qiankun bag early on, and only wore a simple set of casual clothes outside, and he would not let Mr. Honglou cover up his demonic energy for him. The demonic aura on his body permeates everywhere. If there is a demon slayer at the scene, it will definitely tinkle. Even if there is no demon slayer, an experienced demon slayer can detect it.

"Brother Shan." Wang Qianchen called out immediately.

"Don't call it that, we don't know each other... Come with me." I don't know that Dashan's personality is like this, but he still doesn't trust Wang Qianchen, and he always speaks coldly.

Dashan entered the wetland park, and Wang Qianchen followed.

The two ran for a while in the park, and soon came to a pier of the Zhangze Reservoir, which was deserted and overgrown with weeds. Facing the boundless lake, Dashan shouted loudly, "Lao Yu! Lao Yu!"

Unfortunately, there is no response, Lao Yu has already died.

"Are there any other monsters, come out!" Dashan said aloud again.

Still no response.

In order to encircle and suppress Wang Qianchen last time, Lao Yu's people have been dispatched.

"Lao Yu was killed by the monster slayers in Luzhou City." Dashan turned around and said.

"...Oh!" Wang Qianchen looked solemn.

"You want to kill all the demon slayers in Luzhou City as a sign to join the [Ten Thousand Demons Association]!" Dashan said again.

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