Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 327: Take advantage of the chaos, start

On the edge of the wild lake outside the training camp.

The farmer wearing a white shirt and stepping on Jiefang shoes took back his hoe, and the lake returned to calm.

"Let's go to the South China Sea, you guard the training camp, don't let outsiders get in!" Siyao ordered.

"Okay." The farmer nodded.

"Let's get ready to go!" Siyao looked at the other executives of [Monster Slayer].

One of the high-level executives shook his body, his body swelled and became larger, and in an instant he became a giant dozens of meters high. Siyao and the others jumped on his shoulders and grabbed his clothes or hair tightly. Then the giant stomped on the ground and jumped high. The whole person quickly disappeared into the clouds, only on the ground. Left two horrible footprints.

The farmer waved his hoe, and the two big pits were restored to their original state in an instant.


Inside the training camp, in a room.

Hu Yan, Zhang Quan and other seven or eight Qingcheng Mountain disciples looked nervously at Elder Ma and the four Yanjing Senior Brothers behind him.

"You have performed well, all of you have passed the assessment, and when you go back, the Sect Leader will definitely be rewarded!" Elder Ma said with a smile.

"Thank you..." Seeing that there was nothing unusual about Elder Ma, Hu Yan was slightly relieved.

"It's a pity Wanlong..." Elder Ma turned his head and looked out the window again.

Several people were silent. There were ten people when they came, and now there are only eight people. He Jun disappeared, and Wan Longke died in a foreign land. Of course, no one cared about He Jun, everyone would only feel sorry for Wan Long.

"This matter must not be left like this..." Elder Ma suddenly said quietly: "Song Chongjian, Siyao and others are not here, we can do something."

"Elder Ma, this is a training camp..." Hu Yan immediately became nervous.

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid enough to kill people here! However, it's not impossible to do something else!" Elder Ma stood by the window, overlooking the entire training camp, looking for a suitable place to start.


on the playground.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go to dinner!" Du Hong waved his hands, looking like a big brother.

Bai Feiyang had no choice but to send the disciples of Longhu Mountain and walked towards the cafeteria with Wang Qianchen and others.

On the way, a group of people suddenly blocked their way.

"Grass, why are you guys again, are you impatient?" Wei Zihua directly condensed a long air knife!

The people who stopped them were Hu Yan, Zhang Quan and other Qingcheng Mountain disciples.

Wang Qianchen waved his hand and motioned Wei Zihua not to be so impulsive, because he didn't think these people would dare to do anything to him.

"Everyone, what's the matter?" Wang Qianchen looked at them coldly.

"Wang Qianchen, we will graduate soon. Before I leave, I want to ask you something, did you kill Wanlong?" Hu Yan asked through gritted teeth.

"No!" Wang Qianchen said righteously.

"Okay, you don't admit it, do you dare to come with us?" Hu Yan said again.

"Where?" Wang Qianchen frowned.

"Go to the teaching building, someone can prove that you killed Wanlong, and if you have a clear conscience, go and confront us!" Hu Yan said through gritted teeth.

Someone prove it? !

Wang Qianchen's first reaction was Instructor Chai, who was the only one who saw himself kill Wanlong. But how is it possible, after the training camp's course is over, the instructors will go back to their respective homes...

Could it be that Instructor Chai has returned?

But without Song Cepeng's approval, how could he do such a thing?

Wang Qianchen is guilty of a guilty conscience, so his face is a little uncertain, but he still bites the bullet and said: "This matter, Commander Song has already concluded, and the training camp has also obtained the results of the investigation. If you have new evidence, you can submit it. Or wait for Commander Song to come back and solve it!"

"Are you afraid to go?" Hu Yan narrowed his eyes.

"Fuck you, Xiao Chenxing is sitting upright, why don't you dare to go? Go, go with him, and see what tricks they're going to play!" Du Hong has a temperament to explode, and he scolded directly. .

"Yes, let's go, who are you scaring?! You have a chicken feather witness, and 80% of you have set up a trick to besiege Wang Qianchen, right? Anyway, I'm about to graduate, so I'll play with you!" Wei Zihua was also violent. In addition, he had wanted to clean up nonsense and Zhang Quan for a long time, so he would definitely support Du Hong's idea.

"Then go take a look, what tricks are you playing?" Even Tan Zuo was interested.

Although Nie Rong and Bai Feiyang didn't speak, they were both eager to try.

Everyone can see that it is a trick, but I still want to see what tricks Qingcheng Mountain is playing!

Everyone was in high spirits, and Wang Qianchen still shook his head: "No, I won't go, I'll talk about everything when Commander Song comes back..."

Wang Qianchen continued to walk in the direction of the cafeteria, and Hu Yan, Zhang Quan and others could only be anxious.

In the room of the teaching staff building, Elder Ma watched this scene and couldn't help but snorted coldly and said, "Don't be fooled? Then I'll go find you in person!"

Elder Ma didn't want to be seen by too many people about himself and Wang Qianchen, so he wanted to lead him to the teaching building, but since the other party didn't come, he could only play hard.

"But there are a lot of them... Du Hong of Putuo Mountain, Tan Zuo of Maoshan, Nie Rong of Jiangnan Nie's family, Bai Feiyang of Longhu Mountain... Isn't this kid a good relationship with Wanlong, why is he hanging out with them? Are you going together?" One of the disciples in the rock realm said with a frown.

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