Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 272: don't give me garlic

"This...this is..." Seeing the changes around him, Xiao Fang was of course shocked, his face turned pale!


At the same time, a lot of terrified screams broke out in the slightly sloping building. There were many medical staff and patients inside. No one knew what happened, and it felt like the whole building was about to collapse!

And because Xiao Fang smashed two cars in a row, many passersby came to watch, even if Xiao Fang was hit by a car or killed by a building, these passers-by, patients and medical staff would be buried with him!

He Jun also quickly realized the danger of the situation, and immediately waved his hands and said, "No no no... I just said nothing, go back, go back!"

The sloping building quickly returned to its original position, the cars that were about to move came to a standstill, and the hordes of vultures flew away.

He Jun breathed a sigh of relief, the white light on his hand gradually disappeared, and he seemed to be overdrawn. He sat on the ground for a while, then tilted his head and passed out.

"Just... what happened just now?" a member of Xiao Fang's team trembled.

Xiao Fang himself was also in shock. Looking at the peaceful surroundings, he finally realized what happened just now. The few words He Jun said casually turned into reality!

"Quick... Quickly kill this guy!" Another team member stammered, it was so terrifying just now!

Xiao Fang frowned slightly and walked towards the unconscious He Jun.

"This guy doesn't seem to be useless at all..." Xiao Fang walked around He Jun twice, his expression suddenly became excited: "This guy definitely has the ability to destroy the world... Bring him back, Commander Chen will definitely like it, this guy can help us a lot in the future!"

The commander Chen in Xiaofang's mouth is of course Chen Wanhe, the leader of [Tianqi].

"Wan...Wanlong didn't ask us to kill him..." said one of the team members in surprise.

"Hey, people have to know how to be flexible. Isn't it a pity to die here for a person with such a powerful potential? Besides, I won't tell you, if you don't tell me, who knows that he is still alive? Go, take him back first!" Fang picked up He Jun and left quickly with the two team members.


Half an hour later, Wei Zihua hurried to the hospital with the injured Wang Qianchen.

After stitching and bandaging, Wang Qianchen gradually woke up, and the first sentence lying on the hospital bed asked, "Where's He Jun?"

"Why are you asking him!" Wei Zihua gritted his teeth, obviously disgusted with that person to the extreme.

"It has nothing to do with him, it's not that he leaked our position." Wang Qianchen shook his head, and then talked about the previous matter.

"Isn't he..." Wei Zihua looked surprised: "I always thought it was him, and I beat him up before!"

"Get him back quickly, and then apologize to them!" Wang Qianchen covered his forehead, Wei Zihua is so violent, he really doesn't know what to say!

"Oh, I can kowtow to him!" Wei Zihua also realized that he had made a huge mistake, and quickly took out his mobile phone and called He Jun.

Of course, it definitely won't work.

"I beat him hard before, he shouldn't be able to go very far, I'll look for it!" Wei Zihua gritted his teeth and immediately turned to go out.

This walk is more than two hours.

More than two hours later, Wei Zihua returned and said worriedly, "No one was found, but I checked the surveillance in the hospital, and he was taken away by that Kuaijian Xiaofang..."

"What?!" Wang Qianchen didn't take it seriously at first, thinking that it was all his own buddies, and an apology would be the end of it. If he really couldn't, let He Jun beat Wei Zihua back.

As a result, when he heard that He Jun was taken away by Kuaijian Xiaofang, Wang Qianchen broke out in a cold sweat, because he suddenly realized something!

"Quick, help me find Wanlong's cell phone number!" Wang Qianchen sat up directly.

After a while, Wei Zihua reported a string of mobile phone numbers, and Wang Qianchen quickly dialed it.

I don't know what's wrong with my guilty conscience, but after hitting four or five times, Wan Long finally picked it up.

"You asked Xiaofang to put He Jun back, and I can pretend that nothing happened before!" Wang Qianchen's voice trembled a little. He was really afraid that Wanlong would kill He Jun in order to silence him!

"I don't understand what you're talking about, what happened to He Jun?" Wan Long asked suspiciously.

"...Wanlong, let's not speak secretly, what is going on today, you and I know very well! You put He Jun back, we have nothing to do, okay?" Wang Qianchen tried to maintain restraint.

"I really don't know what you're talking about..." Wan Long was obviously going to go to the end.

"Wanlong! Don't **** me!" Wang Qianchen finally couldn't help it, and shouted loudly: "He Jun is a disciple of Qingcheng Mountain, and he is your senior brother. You can kill me no problem, I recognize it, let's The two do have a grudge, what's the matter with you if you do something to him, is your conscience okay?!"

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