Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 247: Your EQ is so low

Although Du Hong is a lay disciple, he stayed in Putuo Mountain all the year round, and stayed with a group of monks without hair. There was no such thing as shampoo in the mountain. To wash his hair, he just wiped it with soap. I wash my hair with soap all the year round, and I really think it's a good thing, it's clean and refreshing.

What was given to Yin Luoluo was naturally soap.

Wang Qianchen took ten minutes to explain the difference between soap and shampoo to Du Hong, and then said, "Okay, eat quickly, and also visit Wei Zihua."

After several people had eaten, Wang Qianchen made another bowl of rice, ready to send it to Wei Zihua.

Before leaving, Du Hong glanced at Yin Luoluo reluctantly, but the latter's eyes were about to roll to the sky.


Faculty building, an office.

"Director Song, isn't your favoritism too obvious?" Si Yao sat on the opposite sofa and said while eating a rice bowl, thinking of what happened on the playground yesterday, she still felt a little unreasonable.

"It's not partial, it's fair!" Song Chongjian was a little guilty, staring straight at the computer, pretending to be immersed in the game of minesweeping.

"Instilling spiritual power into those two seriously injured recruits, I really thought I didn't see it..." Siyao raised his head, wiped his oil-soaked mouth with a tissue, and said quietly, "I really don't understand, What is the origin of that Wang Qianchen..."

Song Chongjian coughed twice, and directly changed the subject: "Okay, let's get down to business!"

Siyao had his own office, but went to Song Cepeng to eat, there must be something that had to be reported immediately.

Sure enough, Si Yao put down the lunch box and said seriously: "After applying gravity again, everyone's ability to adapt is stronger than before. I estimate that the next stage of training will be started in a few days."

"Understood, social practice, right...it's really time." Song Epee nodded.

"There's one more thing..." Si Yao was silent for a while, and continued: "The son of Jiang Zhixue and Solanum Kui, Jiang Xiaoshu, was arranged by me in a bungalow at the back of the staff dormitory building to feed him and drink every day. Let the teacher teach him to study, but he seems very dissatisfied..."

"If you don't let him go out, you put him under house arrest in that small house, and no one will be satisfied!" Song Chongjian smiled bitterly.

"But there's no way, it's impossible to let him go out." Siyao paused, then continued: "These are not the point, no matter how dissatisfied he is, he won't be able to go out anyway! But I recently discovered that he was secretly Cultivation of [The Heart Sutra of Slaying the Demon]..."

Hearing this, Song Chongjian's eyes finally narrowed: "Who taught him?"

"No one teaches, and it's impossible to teach. I asked him, and he didn't say anything, so I guess it might have been secretly learned from Jiang Zhixue and Solanum."

"It's normal. The children of Monster Slayer always come into contact with these things earlier than others..." Song Chongjian sighed.

"Not normal." Siyao said immediately: "Before entering the training camp, he had no realm, but now, he has reached the realm!"

"So fast?!" Song Chongjian was stunned.

"It's so fast, if it goes on like this, it will be a matter of time before you break through the stone realm..." Si Yao lowered his voice. According to common sense, no matter how talented an ordinary person is, it is impossible to cultivate such a fast speed.

This Jiang Xiaoshu is by no means an ordinary person!



Because no one woke Wei Zihua, this guy slept directly for a day and a night, until Wang Qianchen and others arrived, shaking his arms and legs again, and calling him from his sleep.

"Good guy, if I didn't call you, I really thought you were going to fall asleep..." Wang Qianchen handed the rice bowl to him with a helpless expression.

"Your EQ is so low that you can sleep for so long!" Du Hong said with a look of disgust. He pushed Wei Zihua's face just now, but he was slobbered.

"No, what does sleeping for a long time have to do with low EQ?" Wei Zihua was confused. He didn't know that Du Hong was often said to have low EQ before, so he always used this word to describe others.

After some recuperation, Wei Zihua was almost better. After getting used to the new gravity, he took the rice bowl and sat up. When he was about to start eating, his eyes suddenly stared at the opposite side: "They Why are you two here?!"

Lying opposite Wei Zihua, the two people covered in bandages were Hu Yan and Zhang Quan.

The infirmary is such a big place, and there are only a few beds, so a few people live together.

After some treatment by the doctor, Hu Yan and Zhang Quan woke up early, because Wang Qianchen and others arrived, and the two were shivering in a hug.

"Well, it's a long story..."

"Then don't talk about it, I will get them first!"

Wang Qianchen was about to talk about yesterday's events, but Wei Zihua couldn't hold it any longer. He jumped up from the bed and quickly waved his hands to form a long air knife.

Wei Zihua is not a fuel-efficient lamp either. He was stabbed more than a dozen times yesterday. How could he just let it go?

At this moment, there were crackling footsteps outside the door, and it was Wan Long who came in with a group of Qingcheng Mountain disciples.

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