Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 240: i want to marry her

"What the **** are you mumbling about!" Zhang Quan scolded, one sword faster than another, intending to take He Jun down in one go.

But at this moment, He Jun suddenly stabbed with a sword.

Only one sword.

This sword is impartial, it is stabbing Zhang Quan's lower abdomen, and it is exactly the same as the last time.

"How...how could it be..." Zhang Quan fell down clutching his stomach, still unable to understand how He Jun's sword was stabbed.

He Jun took a breath, retracted the sword, glanced at the hands that were still covered with white light, and then quickly looked back at Wang Qianchen.

Wang Qianchen is still fighting with Yin Luoluo. Yin Luoluo's long hair is numerous and dense, and it is pervasive and extremely difficult to entangle. Even if Wang Qianchen can occasionally burn a cluster, there are more clusters around him. Even if it was shot with a brick, it would still be useless to take those soft and boneless hair.

Without any hesitation, He Jun rushed over immediately and slashed at one of the tufts of long hair with a sword.


Countless hair roots suddenly fluttered in the wind.

"Hi--" Yin Luoluo gasped, and when he turned around, he found that someone had attacked him, and then he adjusted a tuft of long hair, and hit He Jun's chest with a "bang".

He Jun flew backwards, fell to the ground with a "bang", and spat out a mouthful of blood with a "wow".

"He Jun, leave it alone, you are not her opponent!" Upon seeing this, Wang Qianchen immediately shouted.

"I'm fine!" He Jun glanced down at his hands, the white light finally dissipated, and while heaving a sigh of relief, he quickly stood up and looked at the two of them, wondering where to start.

At first, Wang Qianchen planned to force Yin Luoluo in front of him, but these annoying long hair was really difficult, so he quickly changed his strategy.


Wang Qianchen drank softly, and then the whole person disappeared in place.

"Hey, where did the people go?"

Not only Yin Luoluo, but all the crowd watching the excitement on the playground couldn't figure it out. At this moment, a pair of hands suddenly protruded from the ground behind Yin Luoluo, then grabbed her two long and thin calves, and lifted them fiercely!


Yin Luoluo fell to the ground, and at the same time found Wang Qianchen's trace, and then dozens of tufts of long hair came over.

Wang Qianchen's hands disappeared again.

After entering the stone realm, the power of various skills of [Seventy-two Transformations] has also been greatly enhanced. Wang Qianchen can move freely in the soil, reaching out from time to time to overturn Yin Luoluo to the ground, and those seemingly pervasive long hair But always one step slower.

"I see where he is!" Wan Long, who had been observing the situation, shouted, and then several flying swords stabbed towards a certain piece of ground.

His eyes are really good. To be precise, his hearing is very good. Wang Qianchen will definitely make a sound when he walks in the soil. Before Kuaijian Xiaofang caught his trace, it was also through this method.

Wang Qianchen was busy dealing with Yin Luoluo, and he really had no time to take care of Wanlong's flying swords. If he was stabbed by these flying swords, he would definitely be killed or injured!

He just entered the stone realm, and it is really difficult to deal with two stone realms at the same time, one in the middle stage of the stone realm and one in the later stage of the stone realm.

But at this moment, a figure flew out of the sky, and Tan Zuo swept out with a sword, just blocking the few flying swords.

"Du Hong, you deal with Wanlong, and I'll clean up Yin Luoluo!" After Tan Zuo left a sentence, he quickly ran to Yin Luoluo, because he noticed that the woman's long hair also went in the direction of Wang Qianchen.

"No, you deal with Wanlong, I'll deal with Yin Luoluo!" Du Hong's figure also flew out, two flames ignited in his palm, and rushed towards Yin Luoluo.

"Why?" Tan Zuo looked confused, obviously he was closer to Yin Luoluo's direction!

"Because this girl is very beautiful, I want to marry her as a wife!" Du Hong shouted excitedly, the flames in the sky had already burned to Yin Luoluo, and he and Tan Zuo also had a strong talisman attached to their shoulders.

Yes, at the critical moment, Tan Zuo also gave him one.

Tan Zuo smacked his mouth, and had no choice but to raise his sword and stab Wanlong. There were several yellow talismans on his sword. There were thunder, water, wind, and fire. Although it was not enough to defeat Wanlong in an instant, it was enough. Wan Long felt quite troublesome.

Wang Qianchen got out of the soil and saw that Tan Zuo and Du Hong finally intervened. He couldn't help but sighed slightly, but there was nothing he could do. He really couldn't handle this situation by himself.

Wang Qianchen ran towards Hu Yan again. Although Hu Yan had been stunned, his anger was not finished, and he was ready to take a few more shots.

As for Zhang Quan, I need to take a few more shots.

But at this moment, a group of people surrounded, it was the other disciples of Qingcheng Mountain, both in soil and sand, and surrounded Wang Qianchen together.

Putting it on Wang Qianchen before, then this battle is worth fighting, and winning is not so easy, but now that he is in the stone realm, dealing with these minions is naturally easy, just like chopping melons and vegetables, "Bang bang bang "A few bricks knocked them all to pieces.

Seeing this scene, Wan Long immediately shouted anxiously: "Bai Feiyang, come out and help me!"

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