Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 224: no comparison


With the help of a medical practitioner, He Jun's injury was greatly relieved, and Wei Zihua helped him back to the bedroom. As for how he was injured, the doctors did not ask, as if they were not surprised by such a situation.

"Are you all right?" Wei Zihua helped him onto the bed and poured him another glass of water.

"It's alright..." He Jun took the water with sincerity, and quickly stood up and said, "Xiaowei, do you have any dirty clothes? Let me wash it for you!"

Wei Zihua was stunned for a moment, remembering what Wang Qianchen said before, shook his head and said, "I have dirty clothes, I can wash them myself." Then he hesitated, and continued: "He Jun, since we are buddies, you can Don't be like this, let go, be natural, and think of yourself as... a person."

Wei Zihua said all of this, then changed the conversation and said, "Okay, you can rest, I'll go back to the dormitory and continue to pack up."

After Wei Zihua left, He Jun lay on the bed in a daze. Today's troubles have basically broken with Qingcheng Mountain. Even if the notice of dismissal has not been issued by the mountain gate, I will definitely not want to go back in the future.

So he has and only one way, that is to follow Wang Qianchen and Wei Zihua all the way to the dark.

"I hope my choice is not wrong..." He Jun murmured, and took out the note that read "Bedroom 312".

On the other side, bedroom 305.

As soon as Wei Zihua entered, Du Hong stood up with a bang, as if he had been waiting for a long time.

"Where's Wang Qianchen?" Du Hong asked immediately.

Wei Zihua ignored him at all, and continued to clean up his bed. It was put up the same way before, and now it's taken back the same way. There are also all kinds of daily necessities, towels, washbasins, toothbrushes, etc. in the suitcase.

"Are you going to change dormitories?" Du Hong finally saw what he was going to do.

Wei Zihua still ignored him and continued to do his own thing.

"Why do you want to change the dormitory?" Du Hong asked again, and walked in front of Wei Zihua.

With such a tall and tall man in front of him, Wei Zihua couldn't pretend he couldn't see it, he got up and said yin and yang angrily, "Why did I change the dormitory, because Wang Qianchen and I are friends, not you!"

After saying this, Wei Zihua walked out of the bedroom with two large suitcases.

Du Hong quickly chased after him and saw Wei Zihua entered the 312 bedroom.

"Hey—" He Jun was originally lying down, but when he saw Wei Zihua come in, he quickly sat up.

"It's okay, just lie down!" Wei Zihua opened his suitcase and spread all kinds of bedding on the ground. He found He Jun staring at him blankly, and said with a smile, "I will live with you in the future. But it won't take up your bed!"

Fortunately, this double room is also spacious enough that Wei Zihua has no problem in laying a floor.

Outside the door, Du Hong murmured, "So friends are going to live together..."


Training camp somewhere.

Mao Shan Tan Zuo came here leisurely, then he was taken aback, looked up at the sign of "public restroom", and fell into deep thought.

"It's not surprising that the sanitation aunt cleans the toilet, but she went into the women's bathroom... oh..." Tan Zuo raised his wrist and looked at the watch, and found that the ten-minute time limit was coming soon, even if Wang Qianchen Didn't find it, and he didn't find it either!

"Aunt, Aunt, are you inside?" Tan Zuo called towards the door of the women's bathroom.

There is no response in it, but the tracker is indeed in there.

"Auntie! Auntie!" Tan Zuo called out twice, guessing that the auntie was a little deaf, but still didn't hear it. Seeing that the time limit was getting closer and closer, Tan Zuo finally got a little anxious and shouted again: "There's no one inside, I'll go in and find something!"

Then he headed in.

The women's bathroom is really empty, not a single person.

The yellow tracker was pasted on the door of a compartment, with a crooked smiling face drawn beside it.

"Ah - hooligan..." At this moment, a short-haired girl walked in and screamed loudly.

"Sorry, I went the wrong way!" Tan Zuo blushed, pulled off the tracking talisman, and hurried out.

When he came to the door of the bathroom, Tan Zuo was stunned again.

Wang Qianchen stood at the door with a smile on his face, and a sanitation aunt stood beside him.

"It's him who entered the women's toilet..." Wang Qianchen pointed at Tan Zuo and said.

"Good boy, dare to enter the women's toilet, follow me to the security section!" The sanitation aunt took two steps in three steps and grabbed Tan Zuo's collar.


Ten minutes later, Tan Zuo finally made the misunderstanding clear, and after being taught a lesson by the sanitation aunt, he was finally able to get out of the clutches.

"How did you do it?" Tan Zuo looked at Wang Qianchen resentfully.

"Hey, is there anything else to compare?" Wang Qianchen showed an inscrutable smile.

"...No more!" Tan Zuo left with a face full of grief and anger.

"Is there him who has something to do with my fate?" Staring at Tan Zuo's back, Wang Qianchen fell into contemplation again.

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