Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 221: Mao Shan, Tan Zuo

"Not much, not much, the more the better!" Wang Qianchen became more and more excited, the third master Huang is now in a wall, how to deal with him if there are not many masters?

"...You scumbag! It's a shame I'm not a woman, or I'll strangle you now!" Wei Zihua gritted his teeth, but no matter what, he was quite happy. Judging from the current situation, if Wanlong If you insist on fighting, you will definitely not lose on your side.

Anyone can see the current situation. Among the Qingcheng Mountain disciples on the opposite side, there are only one stone realm, four soil realms, and four sand realms. One of the soil realms (Zhang Quan) was seriously injured and could not move at all.

There are two stone realms here, plus two metamorphic soil realms, and a sand realm that can defeat the soil realm.

Wan Long will continue to fight unless his brain is too funny!

A group of Qingcheng Mountain disciples were originally high-spirited, but when they saw this situation, they couldn't help but shiver a little, and turned to look at Wanlong. Wan Long didn't want to fight at first, but after understanding what everyone was saying, he said quietly: "Du Hong and Tan Zuo, I always thought that Qingcheng Mountain had a good relationship with Putuo Mountain and Maoshan Mountain, but I didn't expect to see the true colors today! Flanking, I have nothing to say..."

"What two factions are attacking, you are blind, and I am the only one who didn't see it? I only represent myself, not Putuo Mountain!" Du Hong frowned, thinking that this person's words were really unpleasant.

"Yes, I only represent myself, not Maoshan... I said it before, I just can't get used to others bullying more and less!" Tan Zuo said with a smile, his face still bright.

"Hehe, the two of you put it nicely, a genius disciple from Putuo Mountain and a genius disciple from Maoshan Mountain. They say that they only represent themselves, do others believe it? We were planted in Qingcheng Mountain today, but we are unconvinced and unconvinced. Goodbye!" Wan Long's words were quite beautiful, and he deliberately raised the height of the matter to several major factions, even if they lost, it would not be ashamed.

"Wang Qianchen, I remembered what happened today. I didn't expect you to have a lot of friends... Okay, let's go and see!" Before Wan Long left, he didn't forget to say something harsh, after all, it looks very compelling. Grid, after finishing speaking, he led a group of people out of the rooftop.

"Hahaha, that's cool!" Wei Zihua rubbed his hands together, he was ready to be beaten, he never thought that the situation would take such a twist.

"Wang Qianchen..."

"Wang Qianchen..."

Du Hong and Tan Zuo turned their heads and shouted at the same time, and then looked at each other for a while at the same time.

"You talk first?" Tan Zuo made a "please" gesture.

"No, no, say it first..." Du Hong made a big blush. He wanted to make friends with Wang Qianchen, but how could such a difficult thing be done in front of so many people!

"Okay." Tan Zuo nodded and said unceremoniously, "Wang Qianchen and I have something to talk about..."

Hearing this, Wei Zihua became nervous again, worried that Tan Zuo would be detrimental to Wang Qianchen. However, Wang Qianchen was full of thoughts that Tan Zuo was involved in his own destiny. Hearing that the other party wanted to chat with him, of course he hurriedly agreed, and immediately said: "Okay, then you go back first..."

After speaking, he pointed at Du Hong and said, "Especially you, we will see you later!"

These words made Qi Yu proud and murderous.

"Okay, okay...then I'll go back first and wait for you..." Du Hong rubbed his hands together and walked out of the rooftop happily.

"Are you all right?" Wei Zihua asked in a low voice.

"It's really okay!" Wang Qianchen smiled.

"Lecheng is like this, and you say that you are not a friend. You have so many secrets, everyone in Maoshan can know..." Wei Zihua muttered, and went out to the rooftop with He Jun.

The two had just stepped out of the iron gate of the rooftop, when He Jun's feet suddenly stumbled, and he fell down with a "bang", rolling down a dozen stairs, and his head was bleeding!

"What's the matter with you..." Wei Zihua was surprised, and hurriedly jumped up.

"It's okay...it's okay..." He Jun sat up, saw the white light on his hand disappear, and finally let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's all right, walk around, I'll take you to the infirmary." He Jun was beaten and fell again, and He Jun was so miserable that Wei Zihua carried him on his back and hurried to the infirmary.


on the rooftop.

The cold wind blew, and the Taoist robe on Tan Zuo's body rattled, but Wang Qianchen felt warm in his heart, rubbed his hands and said, "Brother Tan Zuo, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Wang Qianchen believed that the other party must be involved in his own destiny, so he spoke very politely.

"I want to compete with you." Tan Zuo said seriously.

"Ah?" Wang Qianchen was stunned.

"Don't get me wrong..." Tan Zuo's face was full of smiles, and there was no malice in that face: "Your performance in the recruit meeting was really good before, which made my heart itch... But I and Du Hong are not so good. Same, I definitely won't challenge you in front of Commander Song! It's just the two of us here, I want to see what you are capable of! No matter who wins or loses, I won't say anything..."

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