Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1095: Heaven will collapse

Withdrawing from the boss's office, Wang Qianchen ordered someone to add He Jun's identity information into the defense system of Shangjing. Not only He Jun, but also Du Hong and Tan Zuo. As for the people who stepped on Jiuzhou, Bai Kuanghai, Feng Jiujiu, and Blind Tuo, they didn't need to go to Beijing.

Song Anping doesn't need it either. He and Wang Qianchen are twins, and they can deceive the system by themselves, so there's no need to add extravagance.

After leaving the Si'an Courtyard, Song Anping leaned into Wang Qianchen's ear and explained for a while.

"Okay, I'll do it now." Wang Qianchen nodded.


An hour later, on Linglong Mountain outside the city.

Just as Wang Qianchen, Chen Wanhe, and Song Anping stood still, a white-bearded old man with a cane stumbled over.

"Meet Lord Tianshen..." Master Pan respectfully gave Song An a parallel salute.

"No gift...Is this piece of peace?" Song Anping frowned.

"Taiping! It's been a long time since there were no monsters here! Mainly because the training camp for [Monster Slayer] is also set up here!" Master Pan replied tremblingly.

"Without monsters, it doesn't mean you can be free. Go outside and do good things for the world... Even if you have low mana, you can still sweep the streets, help grandma cross the road, etc., right?" Song Anping said coldly.

"Yes...Yes..." Master Pan kept bowing his head.

"Okay, get out!" Song Anping waved his hand.

"Okay..." Master Pan immediately rolled and disappeared.

"What a big spectrum..." Chen Wanhe said with emotion.

Whether he was the deputy commander of [Monster Slayer], or after he founded [Tianqi], he respected Master Pan very much.

"When you become an immortal, you will be able to be so great." Song Anping pouted and smiled.

Jiang Xiaoshu, Wei Zihua, Aunt Yang... This is not the first time Wang Qianchen has seen immortals, but it is the first time to see someone as big as Song Anping.

Really, without any filters, he felt that Song Anping was just a younger brother, so what kind of spectrum should he put in front of other people's earth gods?

It's really boring.

However, Song Anping seems to be a very powerful god, at least Wei Zihua is very polite to him, and when he was at the border of India, he said that he would break through the super dust realm, and it would be easy to clean up the white elephant.

That is the mount of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, a monster that can fight back and forth with Marshal Tianpeng...

Does Song Anping take care of him easily?

"Hey, who are you..."

Before Wang Qianchen finished speaking, he heard the sound of "咻咻" in the air, and several figures had already arrived, it was He Jun, Du Hong, Tan Zuo, Siyao, and Blind Tuo.

Among these people, He Jun can control everything to fly, Du Hong can control fire, Tan Zuo uses Gangfeng Talisman, Siyao uses a spiritual tool, and Blind Tuo directly uses mental attack to let those raptors carry the raptors in confusion. He flies.

"I'm cultivating, big brother, why are you calling me again, my EQ is too low!" Du Hong complained and came over.

Wang Qianchen used his mental power to swept away and found that Siyao had already entered the late stage, and Tan Zuo and Du Hong had also entered the middle stage.

"Where did you cultivate..." Wang Qianchen exclaimed in amazement.

"You know what this is for, aren't you already at the peak of the world..."

Before Du Hong finished speaking, there was a loud "click" in the sky, which shocked everyone's ears!

Several people raised their heads one after another and saw a sight that made them stunned.

The sky, which was smooth as a mirror, actually had a huge crack visible to the naked eye, as if someone had slashed it with a knife, and around the huge crack, there were many tiny cracks, spreading like a spider web.

And not only they saw it, but all the people in the world with cultivation base saw it!

Yes, this shocking scene can only be seen by those with cultivation.

Even so, the number is quite large. At least tens of thousands of people around the world are looking up at this terrifying scene.

Is this... is the sky about to crack?

This is absolutely an amazing spectacle that has never been seen before!

The sound of "Ka Ka Ka" kept sounding, and it seemed that it was still cracking. If the sky completely collapsed, what would happen?

Shangjing, outside the city, on Linglong Mountain.

"What the **** is this?!" Du Hong exclaimed.

"Oops, the Dao of Heaven is about to collapse. That's the real end of the world. Except for those gods, all living beings will perish!" Song Anping looked at this scene solemnly.

Wang Qianchen once heard Wei Zihua say that because the [Skynet] of various **** kings and the [Tianshu] of Daxia have been colliding for a hundred years, the way of heaven is on the verge of collapse, and when the day is truly broken, the whole world will usher in huge disaster.

Therefore, the Tianpo plan is imperative!

"What should I do, I haven't reached the peak of the top realm yet! What the hell, my EQ is too low!" Du Hong gritted his teeth.

"What's the use of scolding Tiandao, it has been working hard for a long time! And even if you have reached the peak, Bai Feiyang has not come back!" Tan Zuo was also anxious.

"Damn, it's already like this, are those old guys in the sky still not stopping?!" Even Song Anping stomped his feet in a hurry.

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