Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1016: Painful white flying

When the four divine envoys first appeared, Wang Qianchen smelled Bai Feiyang's scent, and when he introduced himself as the "Aries divine envoy", he naturally heard his voice.

But Wang Qianchen wanted to confirm again. After all, he hadn't seen him for a long time, so he tried to talk to him.

After such a try, it is indeed more certain that the Aries God Envoy is Bai Feiyang!

Wang Qianchen had heard Song Cepeng say that Bai Feiyang had been undercover in the [Guangfuhui] before, and he was already close to the top, providing a lot of valuable information.

But the evil **** formed the twelve divine envoys, and Bai Feiyang was also one of them.

Bai Feiyang called Song Cepeng and said that the evil **** would use special means to control them. Song Chongjian wanted to save people, but he couldn't. Instead, he came back with an injury, which became the biggest regret and worry in his heart.

Now that Wang Qianchen saw Bai Feiyang, he was surprised and worried at the same time. He didn't know to what extent Bai Feiyang was controlled. Did he have no thoughts at all and became a tool man who could only attack, or did he retain a little bit of his own thinking?

- Those monsters who were hidden in the white jade bottle before would only seize the divine weapon, and would not give up until they got the divine weapon, and would rather be killed than run away!

Yaozu didn't know what Wang Qianchen was thinking, he held a folding fan and said, "What is the strength of these divine envoys?"

Wang Qianchen said: "It's very strong, I can pick up one at most, and I will lose if I encounter two... So, let's run or run!"

Treading Jiuzhou's face darkened, and he looked at the several divine envoys, but he didn't mean to back down. It seemed that he still wanted to give it a try.

"Taking Jiuzhou is the strongest monster in Daxia, and its strength should not be underestimated. Taurus, lion, and Scorpio, you three deal with him, and I will **** the artifact!" The Aries God Envoy suddenly spoke, and then quickly flew towards Wang Qianchen.

Bai Feiyang took the initiative to choose him, and he was alone!

Based on this alone, he knew that Bai Feiyang must have his own thoughts!

Bai Feiyang's words did not arouse the vigilance of the other three divine envoys. They felt that such a distribution was indeed reasonable, so they approached Ta Jiuzhou. Stepping on the Jiuzhou holding the Fengyuebao fan, it slammed it into the air, and countless yellow sand rolled up on the ground, and even several distant mountain peaks were all broken, swarming towards the three gods, almost covering the sky, Overwhelming.

Wang Qianchen had a battle with Ta Jiuzhou before, and he knew the power of his Fengyuebao fan, which was like a low-profile version of Shanhe Shejitu. The difference is that the map of mountains and rivers is hidden in one world, while the Fengyuebao fan can only mobilize various landscapes in reality.

Even so, it's pretty awesome!

The yellow sand wrapped the mountain peaks in the air, and the momentum was quite huge. At first glance, it looked like the end of the world. But the other three angels were not vegetarian either. They raised the golden cicada lanterns in their hands one after another. The moment the wick was lit, countless golden lights shot out. Broken, and quickly attacked Ta Kyushu.

Upon seeing this, he took off the Seven Apertures Linglong Pendant and waved it into the air. The jade pendant instantly turned into a ring, surging around his body, and it really blocked a lot of golden light. The jade pendant can not only attack, but also defend.

At the same time, Bai Feiyang came to Wang Qianchen.

"Hand over the divine weapon and spare you!" Bai Feiyang said coldly.

"I know who you are..." Wang Qianchen whispered.

Under the large black hood, most of Bai Feiyang's face was covered, but it did not prevent Wang Qianchen from confirming his identity.

"Hand over the divine weapon, spare you from dying!" Bai Feiyang continued to repeat this sentence, and then raised the Jinchan lantern, at the same time activating his spiritual power, the wick quickly lit up.

Wang Qianchen didn't dare to neglect, and immediately unfolded the map of the mountains and rivers.



At the moment when the golden light burst, mountains, raptors and sea water also gushed out of the mountains and rivers, and they quickly collided with each other, creating a scene that was almost a landslide.

As an artifact, Bai Feiyang's strength is stronger, and his control over the golden cicada lantern is also stronger. Shanhe Shejitu loses a little bit, and it will definitely be Wang Qianchen who loses like this!

Wang Qianchen, who had battle experience with the Pisces God Envoy and successfully beheaded him, was in no hurry. Taking advantage of the battle between Shanhe, Shejitu and Jinchandeng, he quickly bypassed the chaotic battlefield and rushed to Bai Feiyang. He whispered, "Xiao Bai, what's going on? Come back with me, Commander Song will set you free!"

Bai Feiyang ignored it, instead he took out a steel knife and repeated the same sentence over and over: "Hand over the divine weapon, spare you from dying!"


Bai Feiyang slashed several times, almost fatally!

Wang Qianchen also pulled out the demon-slaying sword to resist, but he was the only one in the initial stage, and he was not Bai Feiyang's opponent at all!

Bai Feiyang quickly seized the opportunity and slashed at Wang Qianchen's shoulder.

At this moment, Bai Feiyang suddenly raised the knife by half an inch, obviously not wanting to cut off Wang Qianchen's arm. At the same time, Bai Feiyang let out a shrill scream, as if something terrifying was tormenting him.

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