Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 951: Scholars can be killed but not humiliated?

Ye Bufan stepped forward to Liuchuan Xifeng and glanced down at him.

"Why? Why don't you go back to Japan and be your sword king? Why do you have to come here to seek death?"

Rukawa Xifeng lay on the ground, coughed and vomited two mouthfuls of blood, and tried his best to sit up.

As if to maintain the demeanor of the Sword King, he used his only remaining arm to wipe away the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Because I want to kill you?"

"Kill me? Just because of your damn apprentice?"

In Ye Bufan's impression, if he had any grudge against Rukawa Xifeng, it was only because he killed Yamamoto Caozhi, and the rest had no intersection.

"Of course it's not just because of that."

Rukawa Xifeng's eyes showed utter hatred, "If you hadn't set up a trap, I wouldn't have gone to China, let alone have one of my arms chopped off by Zhang Sun Wugong. All of this is because of you!"

"Let me stop you, are you just trying to incriminate me? Why don't you blame me? You can't beat Chang Sun's martial arts, so you put all your hatred on me? You really think I'm a soft persimmon."

Ye Bufan said and kicked the old devil in the chest again.

"It's a pity that you still can't kill me."

He knelt down and looked directly at Rukawa Xifeng.

"Actually, you had a chance tonight. If you had done it secretly when you first saw me, you might have had a chance of success.

It's a pity that you were too timid and missed it. "

He was telling the truth. Rukawa Xifeng was at the late stage of Heaven level. Although his arm was injured, he was still stronger than the middle stage of Heaven level.

If he had taken action before Ye Tian advanced, even if he could not kill Ye Bufan, it would have brought him a lot of trouble, and he would never be as relaxed as now.

It's a pity that he is too timid and has been hiding in the dark. He wants Bonai to consume his strength first and then choose an opportunity to attack.

This seems smart, but it actually wastes the best opportunity.

When he took action, Ye Bufan had already used Bonachai's magic power to form a pill, allowing Ye Tian to advance again, reaching the late stage of heaven level, and it was the invincible one.

"Chinese people, scholars can be killed but not humiliated. You can kill me, but you can't humiliate me.

Rukawa Xifeng didn't know this, thinking that Ye Bufan said this just to insult himself.

"A scholar can be killed and cannot be humiliated. It's so funny. You have the nerve to say that you are a scholar?

If you are really capable, you can go to Changsun Wugong to take revenge openly, instead of secretly plotting against me here. "

Ye Bufan smiled coldly, "But I'm always easy to talk to and can satisfy you."

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This is your last request. "

After saying this, the sword in his hand flashed, and the dragon's teeth pierced Rukawa Xifeng's throat like lightning.

Huang Tianling sighed after hearing the conversation between the two people. In fact, his previous idea was to concentrate on taking action together.

It's a pity that Rukawa Xifeng didn't agree and wanted to carry out assassination unless he said that he was proficient in ninjutsu.

Bonachai, on the other hand, is arrogant and considers himself the king of surrender. He feels that joining forces with others will reduce his own power.

At that time, he thought that the strength on his side had already occupied the crushing advantage and he was sure of victory, so he did not persist.

Looking back now, it was such a stupid decision. Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world. Even if you regret it again, it will not help.

Ye Bufan killed Liuchuan Xifeng and looked back at Huang Tianling.

"How's it going? Head Huang, are you satisfied with this result?"

Huang Tianling sighed again: "We are too arrogant, and we underestimated you after all."

"I will give you one last chance to admit defeat in the financial war and ensure that the Gao family does not suffer any losses. I can spare your life."

After all, Ye Bufan was not very good at financial warfare, and it was a bit troublesome to raise funds. It would be best if Huang Tianling took the initiative to admit defeat.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Huang Tianling started laughing wantonly.

Rudolph said angrily: "You are so fucking ridiculous. Believe it or not, I will kill you directly."

"If you die, you'll die, so what's the point of fear?"

Huang Tianling didn't care and still laughed arrogantly.

Ye Bufan stopped Rudolf who was about to run away and asked: "What is so funny? Tell me and listen."

Huang Tianling laughed for a while, then slowly stopped laughing.

"You want me to quit? Want to save the Gao family? It's too late! Everything is too late!

Now the initiative is completely in the hands of Zheng Huayang, the eldest young master of the Zheng family. He will not stop. When the time comes, he will definitely destroy the Gao family. "

At this point, his expression became ferocious.

"And you, do you think it will be okay if you kill us? I tell you, the Zheng family will not let you go! They will cut you into pieces."

Ye Bufan looked at him calmly: "Do you think the Zheng family can kill me?"

"Of course, do you know who is behind the Zheng family? That is Bei Gongjing, the number one magic master in Hong Kong.

The reason why my master did not dare to enter Hong Kong Island was because of his presence.

Although you have some abilities, you will not be Bei Gongjing's opponent after all. If the Zheng family wants to kill you, you will definitely die. "

"I guess you are going to be disappointed, even if

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It's Beigong Jing, he can't kill me either.

As for you, go to the underworld and wait. "

Ye Bufan turned around and said, "Daqiang, this is for you, do it yourself."

Huang Tianling almost caused the death of the Gao family. Naturally, Gao Daqiang had to take revenge on him personally.

"Okay, I've long disliked this old guy."

Gao Daqiang stepped forward, stretched out his two big hands, and snapped Huang Tianling's neck.

Ye Bufan popped out a few pill fires, turning Lian Hai, Liu Chuan Xifeng, Bonai Chai and others into nothingness.

Then they left Huang's house, but instead of going back the same way they came, they went down the other side of the mountain.

Although the mountain is steep, it cannot stop experts like them.

Ye Tian first left alone and disappeared into the night, and was then put into the storage ring.

This is his most powerful trump card currently, and Ye Bufan will not let others discover it easily.

Gao Daqiang asked: "Xiaofan, who is this? What an amazing skill."

"a friend."

Ye Bufan didn't deliberately want to hide Gao Daqiang, but it was too troublesome to tell such a long story, and there was no need to say it.

"It's really amazing. I wish I could have his skills anytime."

Gao Daqiang looked envious.

"Practice with peace of mind, sooner or later the day will come."

Ye Bufan changed the topic again and asked, "Huang Tianling is dead, will the Huang family report it to the official?"

He was not alone this time, but came to help Su Ruyue.

If the other party's reporting officer has to make preparations early, he can't cause trouble to the Su family.

"Definitely not." Gao Daqiang shook his head, "In Hong Kong Island, upper-class families have their own rules, and internal fights will not be reported to the official.

For example, I was severely injured before and almost lost my life. My father never thought of reporting it to the police.

Because in front of these big families, reporting to officials will not have any effect. On the contrary, it will cause a lot of trouble for oneself.

At the same time, it will make other aristocratic families laugh, which is completely worth the loss.

And since you disposed of the body so cleanly, the Huang family probably won't know for a while whether Huang Tianling is missing or dead. "

"That's good, it saves a lot of trouble."

Ye Bufan didn't say anything more and took everyone down the mountain. After getting in the car, he dialed the phone and turned on the phone again.

Just as the phone was turned on, a message came in with a ding, which was the location location sent by Su Ruyue.

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