Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 88 Let’s see your brain

"When I broke up with your boyfriend last night, I happened to be eating there." Ye Bufan said sarcastically, "I didn't expect you to be quite efficient. We just broke up last night and went out on a blind date today. "

"Of course, a man with a narrow mind like that is not worth my time at all. I want to show him that I will find a better man without him."

Zheng Yuanxiang didn't seem to feel Ye Bufan's sarcasm at all, and said plausibly: "Since you know everything, I won't bother explaining it to you and will tell you my conditions now.

As long as the two of us are together, no matter how much property or real estate you have, it must be in my name. No matter what happens at home, my decision will ultimately prevail. "

Ye Bufan had a look of ridicule on his face. He wanted to see how mentally retarded this woman was and asked, "Is there any more?"

"Also, I am a woman. You should be responsible for all the household chores such as cooking, washing clothes and buying vegetables. Don't mention that I am pregnant now. Even if I am not pregnant, I can't do these tasks."

"Then I don't understand. I've done all these things. What do you usually do?"

"It depends on my mood. I am a woman and I can do whatever I want. If I don't want to do it, I just drink tea, listen to music, dance, and hang out with friends.

In short, I can do whatever I want without your permission or permission. "

Ye Bufan sneered: "Why?"

"Just because I'm a woman, it's always right for a woman to be nice to herself." Zheng Yuanxiang said confidently, "Don't be unbalanced. This was the case when I was with my previous boyfriend."

Ye Bufan shook his head and said, "It's a pity that there may be only one man in this world who would treat you like this and be let down by you."

"What do you mean by this? Am I wrong? Can't you men be more open-minded? As Chinese men, don't you know it yourself? You just can't compare with black people in that respect.

I'm going to give it a try and enjoy being a woman. Is there anything wrong with that?

Although the pregnancy was an accident, my belly is mine, and I can give birth to whomever I want without anyone’s consent. "

Ye Bufan felt that if he continued to talk, he would not be able to suppress the anger in his heart, and said: "How you live is your right, and who you give birth to is your right, but it is my right not to accept a woman like you.

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I think there is no need to continue talking between us. Goodbye. "

"What do you mean?" Zheng Yuanxiang's face instantly darkened, and he said angrily, "You are not as narrow-minded as that man, are you? Can't you be more tolerant of women?"

Ye Bufan shook his head and said, "I think you should take a look at your brain."

"You actually said I'm sick? Can I still have some quality?"

"Not only are you sick in your brain, but you are also sick in your body." Ye Bufan said, "Chinese people and black people each have their own advantages. I will not comment on who is better and who is worse.

But one thing is for sure, the HIV infection rate among black people is the highest in the world. Congratulations, you won the lottery.

Now that you and the child in your belly have been infected with HIV, go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible, and get your brain treated as well. "

Zheng Yuanxiang said angrily: "How dare you curse me?"

"I'm not cursing you. I'm a doctor. I'm just giving you a humane reminder. Forget it if you want to die. Don't harm the child in your belly. I advise you to abort it as soon as possible."

"You're talking nonsense. I just went to the hospital for a checkup yesterday. The doctor would have warned me if I was sick."

Ye Bufan said: "I don't know about this. Maybe the notification is on the way."


What did Zheng Yuanxiang just say? Suddenly the cell phone in the bag rang.

She glanced at the phone number, her expression changed slightly, and then pressed the answer button.

"Ms. Zheng Yuanxiang, right? This is Jiangnan Central Hospital. Through our hospital's examination of you, it has been initially confirmed that you and the fetus in your belly have been infected with HIV. Please come to us for treatment immediately..."

Before the other party could finish speaking, Zheng Yuanxiang's face turned pale, and the phone in his hand fell to the ground with a bang, shattering into pieces.

“I’ll give you a word, if you don’t seek death, you won’t die!”

After speaking, Ye Bufan strode out of the room. As the old Chinese saying goes, poor people must be hateful, and he would not have any sympathy for such a woman.

After he went out, Ouyang Lan immediately came up to him and asked excitedly: "Son, how was the conversation with that girl? I saw it just now, and the girl is quite pretty."

Ye Bufan briefly introduced what happened. After hearing this, Ouyang Lan's expression changed drastically: "How could there be such a person who came out on a blind date when she was pregnant?

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And there is that kind of dirty disease, isn’t this a trap? "

"Mom, I just said that blind dates are unreliable. How about we go back?"

Ye Bufan said that he was about to walk back, but Ouyang Lan held him back, "Son, don't leave in a hurry, after all, there are only a few people like this.

The next girl will definitely not be like this, take another look. "

Ye Bufan really had no choice but to follow Ouyang Lan to the next stop, which was a teahouse.

Not long after entering, a tall girl walked in. Before she could enter, a strong smell of cosmetics wafted over.

After meeting this girl, he finally understood what wearing heavy makeup meant.

The girl was very direct. She sat down and said directly: "I am very pressed for time and have a blind date soon.

Let me talk about my requirements first. If you can meet them, let's continue talking. If not, there is no need to waste each other's time. "

Ye Bufan said: "Then tell me."

“I have a bad temper and am a bit willful. I like shopping, karaoke, and playing mahjong, but I don’t like doing housework.

My daily consumption is relatively high, and the cosmetics I use are all Chanel brands. I have skin allergies from other brands. Can you accept them? "

Ye Bufan said jokingly: "These don't matter, let's just say whether you can bear the beating or not!"

"Hmph! Rude, there's no need to waste time with people like you."

After the woman finished speaking, she grabbed her small bag, twisted her butt and walked out of the door.

Ye Bufan shook his head, who were the people he met on this blind date.

After going out, Ouyang Lan saw that his face was not good-looking, so he stepped forward and said, "Son, what's wrong? Isn't this okay?"

Ye Bufan briefly told the story, and then said: "Mom, let's go back, blind dates are really unreliable."

"Son, there's also the last one. Since we've made an appointment with him, we have to take a look anyway."

"Mom, I really can't watch this anymore. I promise to bring you a girlfriend."

Ouyang Lan said: "Son, mom promises you that this is the last one. If it doesn't work, I won't arrange blind dates for you anymore, but you have to watch this no matter what."

"Mom, we have agreed that we can no longer force me to go on blind dates in the future."

Ye Bufan had no choice but to agree and follow Ouyang Lan to the third blind date location.

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