Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 86: Unable to complain

The two kissed for a while before they separated. Ye Bufan smiled and said, "Do you want to take advantage of me or do you not want to pay the medical fee?"

He Shuang put his hands around his neck and said, "If you want money, you want someone. If you like it, take it."

"If you dare to rely on me, I will take you back to be Mrs. Yazhai."

Ye Bufan said as he put He Shuangshuang on his shoulders and walked out of the community.

The two got in the car and returned to the city. It was already midnight, but He Shuangshuang had no intention of going back and said, "I'm hungry, please treat me to dinner."

"Okay, I'll treat you to a meal. As a doctor, I'll pay a lot of money for my job. I see the doctor for free, give away medicines for free, and I have to pay for the meal myself."

He Shuangshuang chuckled and said, "What, you regret it? Who asked you to snatch me as Mrs. Yazhai? It's too late to regret it now."

Ye Bufan said: "Tell me what you want to eat."

"I'm so happy to eat seafood. I'm so happy today. I want to celebrate it."

He Shuangshuang took Ye Bufan directly to a seafood food stall, chose a table by the roadside and sat down.

Ye Bufan said: "What? It's rare for me to treat you once, so you just eat at the food stalls?"

"What happened to the food stall? I often come here to eat seafood. The seafood here is very fresh and tastes good."

Ye Bufan said: "I just think that ladies like you, shouldn't you frequent seafood restaurants and the like? When did you start eating at roadside stalls like us?"

"I never think of myself as a young lady." He Shuangshuang said, "Actually, the real delicacies are found in these roadside stalls. The food in those big restaurants only looks beautiful, but doesn't taste good at all."

Soon the waiter brought them all the seafood and beer they asked for. He Shuangshuang poured a full glass for Ye Bufan and himself, then raised his glass and said, "Xiaofan, thank you very much, cheers."

As she spoke, she looked at Ye Bufan with burning eyes. It was the man in front of her who cured her illness and at the same time made herself a true Huang-level warrior.

It was he who gave himself a new life and created a completely different He Shuangshuang.


Ye Bufan clinked glasses with He Shuangshuang and drank them all in one gulp.

The two of them enjoyed the cool evening breeze, comfortably eating seafood and drinking beer.

Suddenly, there was a quarrel nearby.

A man in his 20s

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The young man's face was full of anger, and he strode forward, followed closely behind him by a young woman in her 20s.

The woman was pretty, her belly was slightly bulging, and she looked like she was pregnant.

The woman quickly ran in front of the man, opened her arms to block his way, and shouted angrily: "Li Hongjun, stop here."

The young man said angrily: "Zheng Yuanxiang, we have broken up. Don't pester me again in the future."

"Break up? I'm pregnant, why do you break up with me?"

The woman shouted with arrogance.

There were a lot of people around the food stall. After hearing the woman's words, other people immediately pointed and talked, and even a few passers-by with a strong sense of justice stood up and accused the young people.

"The young man looks gentle and wears glasses, but he turns out to be a scumbag..."

"That's right, no matter what, if someone is pregnant with your child, you can't break up with them at this time, right?"

"What we Chinese people value most is our sense of responsibility. Are you still considered a man like this?"

"Since you are so shameless, let's make things clear."

Li Hongjun seemed to be extremely angry and shouted loudly in public: "She is pregnant, but the child is not mine at all. Shouldn't I break up with her?"

Zheng Yuanxiang shouted: "So what, you are my boyfriend, what does it matter who owns the child? You just need to raise him with me."

After she said this, the surrounding eyeballs shattered on the ground with a crash, and they were burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

Especially the few people who stood up to fight against the injustice were all dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

Ye Bufan just took a sip of beer, but the woman choked him so much that he almost spit it out.

After living for more than 20 years, this was the first time he saw someone talking about cheating in such a confident and refreshing way. She didn't care about cheating, but still asked someone to help her raise her children. What's the point of this?

At this time, the people around him also came to their senses and accused the woman one after another.

"You, a girl, have cuckolded someone and you still won't let them break up. What's the point?"

"Yes, I was so immoral that I asked someone to help raise my child. This is the first time in my life that I have seen such a shameless person."

"Young man, you absolutely cannot want this kind of woman. You must kick her."

Contrary to just now, this time everyone stood by the man without hesitation.

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Unexpectedly, Zheng Yuanxiang not only showed no shame, but shouted confidently: "What are you doing? Can you be reasonable? My belly is mine, and I can bear whose child I want. Is there anything wrong with this?" "

After hearing her words, everyone didn't know how to respond for a moment, and the scene fell into silence.

Li Hongjun said angrily: "I can't control whose child you want to have, but in short, let's make a clean break from today on, and there will be no more relations."

Zheng Yuanxiang shouted: "Why? Since you are my boyfriend, you should be good to me and accept everything from me, including helping me raise my child."

"Am I not good enough to you? I will give you all my monthly salary. You have the final say in everything. If you are happy, I will be happy. If you are unhappy, I will make you happy.

As a result, you turned around and cuckolded me countless times, and also got someone else's child. "

Zheng Yuanxiang shouted: "What is a cuckold? Those are all feudal ideas, okay? What era are we in now, and you still care about these things.

I am a woman, is there anything wrong with trying a few more men? You yellow men are not good to begin with. Is there anything wrong if I try black men? "

Following her series of questions, the people around her were completely dumbfounded. It was not that everyone agreed with her point of view, but that they were unable to complain about her ridiculous ideas.

"You shameless bitch, get out of here!"

Li Hongjun could no longer control the anger in his heart, raised his hand and slapped her face with his mouth, and then strode away from here.

The slap was so severe that Zheng Yuanxiang was knocked to the ground, but no one around him showed sympathy.

"This kind of woman really deserves a beating, but the beating is too light..."

"The world is declining and people's hearts are not as old as they used to be. How can a woman be so shameless..."

"Shameless, so shameless. Even if such a person dies, no one will sympathize with him..."

Zheng Yuanxiang got up from the ground and vented all the anger in his heart on passers-by.

"What are you doing? I am a woman, I have my own rights, I can sleep with whoever I want, my belly is mine, and I can have whose child I want!

If I don't want to be his loss, sooner or later I will be able to find a man who appreciates me and a qualified father for my children. "

After saying that, she quickly left the place, leaving behind a group of stunned passers-by.

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