Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 803: Cutting out the roots

Seeing that he really didn't know, Ye Bufan stopped continuing the question and asked instead: "This time your Dong family comes to Jiangnan Province, who is responsible for this matter?"

"I...I...I'm responsible."

Dong Haisheng originally didn't want to admit it, but he couldn't hide this kind of thing even if he wanted to, so he had no choice but to accept it.

"What do you plan to do? What have you done now?"


Dong Haisheng was a little hesitant, fearing that he would be killed with a knife if he spoke out.

Seeing his thoughts, Ye Bufan said coldly: "If you don't tell me, I will kill you right now."

"No, I said, I will tell you everything." Dong Haisheng said, "This time our Dong family just arrived in Jiangnan Province, and we brought a total of one heaven-level, four earth-level, and 50 elite bodyguards.

Your foundation in Jiangbei is relatively weak, and with the cooperation of Xiahou Ao and the Tian family, I left Dong Nanhua, an earth-level master, there, and the rest were brought to Jiangnan. "

Ye Bufan looked cold: "Where are they?"

Dong Haisheng said tremblingly: "One went to the He family, one went to the Tang family, and Master Ziyang went to the Jiangnan Martial Arts Association..."

"Besides the Tian family, who else did you find as an internal agent?"

"There is also Mu Gaofeng from the Special Intelligence Bureau. He went to the Qin family..."

Dong Haisheng told the Dong family's overall plan in Jiangnan City from beginning to end, and then said, "Mr. Ye, I have said everything that needs to be said. Please let me go?"

"Let you go? What reason do I have to let you go?"

Ye Bufan was filled with rage at the moment. According to the Dong family's style of play, he wanted to eliminate all the people around him, and attack anyone who had anything to do with him.

Fortunately, Sima Wei acted quickly and asked Gao Daqiang to bring her mother to Hong Kong Island, otherwise she would have been in trouble.

Dong Haisheng was so frightened that he trembled all over: "I am a member of the Dong family. If you want to kill me, the Dong family will not let you go."

"Even if I don't kill you, will the Dong family let me go?" A cold light flashed in Ye Bufan's eyes, "Besides, I will have to settle this account with the Dong family sooner or later, so you can count it as a little interest."

After speaking, light flashed in his hand, and the dragon's teeth directly pierced Dong Haisheng's neck.


Dong Haisheng stared at Ye Bufan with wide eyes, his lips moved a few times but no sound came out.

Even to the end of his life, he couldn't believe that this young man really dared to kill him. Wasn't he afraid of the revenge of Dongjia?

Solved Dong Haisheng,

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Ye Bufan once again turned his attention to the pale Tian Ruyi: "You, the Tian family, should give me an explanation."

A complicated look flashed across Tian Ruyi's face, and she said in a dry voice: "I have prided myself on being smart all my life and am not inferior to any man, but in the end I made a wrong decision."

At this moment, she regretted it endlessly. She had already seen that Ye Bufan was not a creature of the pool, so she tried every means to curry favor with him, even letting her brother stay in prison.

But in the end, she believed the Dong family's words, thinking that Ye Bufan was really dead, and that when the Tian family came to dominate Jiangnan City, she cooperated with the Dong family.

Ye Bufan said: "This is not the answer I want."

Tian Ruyi bit her lip: "This time it's my fault, but I promise it's only once. As long as you let our Tian family go this time, I promise to surrender for life and will never betray you again."

"If you attack me, maybe I can let your Tian family off for once, but if you dare to touch my woman, you will never be forgiven."

Tian Ruyi said with a pleading look on her face: "As long as you let go of the Tian family, I am willing to be your woman."

"You are overthinking. You think my woman can do whatever she wants. A woman like you who is both ambitious and vicious is not worthy at all."

"Yes, I really don't deserve it."

A trace of bitterness flashed across Tian Ruyi's face, "My last request is, out of gratitude for our cooperation, please leave a root for our Tian family."

Ye Bufan looked at her sharply, "Are you still talking to me now? Leave a root for your Tian family. Think about what you just did?

Thinking that I am dead, they want to steal my property, steal my secret recipe, and kill my relatives.

What you are doing is cutting the grass and eradicating the roots. Why should I leave a root for you? "

Hearing his words, Tian Ruyi's eyes flashed with despair.

"But I am not a murderous person. I will only settle this account with you Tian family people and have nothing to do with anyone else."

"Okay, then I thank you."

Tian Ruyi turned to the family members beside her and said, "You all should disperse. Don't think about revenge."

She was very aware of Ye Bufan's terrifying performance. Even if these people acted together, they would only add casualties and would not have any effect at all.

The Tian family looked lonely and sad, but there was nothing they could do about it because they had offended someone they shouldn't have.

"For the sake of our acquaintance, I will leave you a whole body and let you die.

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Be pretty. "

After Ye Bufan finished speaking, a ray of wind hit Tian Ruyi's heart, directly breaking her heart.

Tian Ruyi fell to the ground with a plop, her big eyes full of unwillingness. She was an ambitious woman, and she died of her ambition in the end.

After settling the matter with the Tian family, Ye Bufan opened An Yimo's acupuncture points, and the two of them rushed towards the nearest He family.

In the He family, in the lobby of the villa, the He family's bodyguard fell to the floor, and He Shuangshuang was tied up tightly.

Opposite them stood an arrogant-looking Tian Sheng, a middle-aged man, and a dozen bodyguards behind him.

The middle-aged man was none other than Yuan Dahua, an earth-level master sent by the Dong family. He had just defeated the He family's bodyguards and He Shuangshuang.

"He Shuangshuang, you are dumbfounded now. You used to be indifferent to me, but now you have become my prisoner. You can do whatever you want later."

Next to him, the old man He Changqing was so angry that his beard jumped, "Tian Sheng, if you dare to touch my granddaughter, our He family will never be done with you."

He Tianqi said with a stern expression: "Tian Sheng, don't forget, our He family is not inferior to your Tian family at all. You have to think clearly about the consequences."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Tian Sheng laughed arrogantly, "Old He, you haven't figured it out yet. The one who wants to deal with your He family this time is not our Tian family, but the Dong family of the imperial capital.

Although your He family is somewhat powerful and has some influence in Jiangnan City, how can it be compared with the Dong family? It is really far behind? "

He Changqing's expression changed. He had heard about the Dong family in the imperial capital.

"Nonsense! Our He family has never provoked the Dong family. The Dong family has no reason to attack us."

"You are right, the He family did not provoke the Dong family, but Ye Bufan did.

This time the Dong family sent people to Jiangnan City to deal with Ye Bufan's remnants, and since you, his granddaughter, are his women, you cannot let them go. "

At this point Tian Sheng laughed arrogantly again, "Old man He, you can't afford to offend the Dong family. This time can only be regarded as your bad luck. Who let you know the disaster star Ye Bufan."

"Tian Sheng, you fart, you are the disaster star."

In anger, He Shuangshuang cursed directly.

"You bitches, you still dare to scold me at this time, you really don't know how to live or die."

A fierce look flashed in Tian Sheng's eyes, and he raised his hand and swiped it at He Shuangshuang's face.

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