Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 77 Full of Green Jade

Immediately after he finished speaking, two staff members came over, moved the stone to the scale and began to weigh it.

Among the stones at the rough stone exhibition, some of the stones in particularly good condition will be sold at a marked price, such as the piece that King Biao and Luo Wentao just selected.

Most stones are not priced. When customers buy them, they weigh them by the kilogram and then calculate the price.

Soon the two staff members gave a quotation. The stone chosen by Ye Bufan was worth 2,000 yuan.

It's no wonder that the stone he selected was originally used to fill the numbers, and the price per kilogram was also the lowest. In addition, it was not much bigger than a basketball, so the price was naturally not too high.

After hearing the price, the people around burst into laughter.

Luo Wentao said proudly: "2,000 yuan, you actually use such a stone to compare with me. Do you know the value of the stone I chose? This is a raw jade stone with a price of 20 million yuan, how can you compare with me?"

Ye Bufan said calmly: "Betting on stones is about who unlocks the more valuable jade, not who buys it at a higher price."

Luo Wentao said: "We have agreed that in the end it will be about who releases the jade that is more valuable, not who gets the bigger bet."

He said this just to be prepared. If the stone in Ye Bufan's hand turned out to be a piece of jade worth four to five thousand yuan, it would be equivalent to doubling the bet. If he didn't make it clear first, he would suffer a loss.

Qin Chuchu frowned. Luo Wentao's stone was worth 20 million yuan. It was unfair to compare the 20 million yuan stone with the 2,000 yuan stone. However, Ye Bufan chose the stone himself, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Ye Bufan said: "No problem, let's start unraveling the stone."

"Ye, you really don't shed tears until you see the coffin."

Luo Wentao said, waving to the men around him, "Untie this stone from me and let some people open their eyes."

In his opinion, he is sure to win this bet. Based on the quality of this stone, the jadeite extracted may be larger than the original stone Ye Bufan selected.

The staff nearby were already prepared. After hearing the order, they immediately moved the huge piece of rough stone to the stone dissolving machine, and then several stone dissecting masters got busy together.


The saw blade of the stone-breaking machine rubs against the raw stone and makes a harsh sound, but this sound is like beautiful music to the ears of people who love stone gambling.

Everyone’s eyes are unblinking

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Staring at the stone, hoping to unlock the jadeite.

Time passed minute by minute, and a full 10 minutes passed. Several stone-cutting masters were sweating, but they still didn't see any sign of jadeite coming out.

Luo Wentao slowly lost his previous calmness. He frowned and said to Master Jie Shi: "Cut it in the middle first."

Generally speaking, the cutting method used for very valuable jadeite rough stones is to rub the stone first, and then determine the next step of cutting the stone after the jadeite is found.

But Luo Wentao couldn't wait any longer and asked Master Jie Shi to cut it in the middle.

This method of unraveling the stone was simple and crude, and the speed was much faster. When the huge stone was split into two halves, everyone sighed in surprise.

This stone worth 20 million yuan turned out to be just a white mist in the middle. Not to mention emerald, there was not even a hint of green at all.


Luo Wentao was a little dumbfounded, and then waved his hand to Master Jieshi: "Cut it for me again."

Several stone-cutting masters worked together to turn the rough stone from two pieces into four pieces, and four pieces into eight pieces. Until it was cut into more than a dozen pieces, there was still no trace of jadeite.

"It's over, this is a complete collapse!"

"It's really a sword in heaven and a sword in hell. It's really a scam. Even 20 million yuan didn't even unlock a piece of jade..."

"What kind of luck is this, Mr. Luo? There is no jadeite in such a large jadeite stone..."

Amidst the sighs, Luo Wentao's expression changed from the initial pride to a gloomy one.

He couldn't figure it out. He almost didn't book such a good rough stone as the standard king of the entire exhibition. How could he not have any jadeite? This didn't make sense?

But the fact was right in front of him, and he couldn't help but admit it.

Looking at the waste stones on the ground, Ye Bufan smiled and said: "Master Luo, how are you? Are you going to admit defeat?"

Luo Wentao said: "Why should I admit defeat? Even if this stone collapses, yours will definitely not be much better. At most, it will be a tie."

Indeed, although his stone could not solve anything, he also did not think that the sufficient stone could solve the jadeite.

"I've always been lucky, I'm afraid I will disappoint Mr. Luo." Ye Bufan said to these stone-cutting masters, "Unlock my stone, but use a rub, don't cut it randomly. "

Several solutions

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Master Shi suddenly showed a look of disdain. You can't see anything when you cut into such a rotten stone, but you still have to wipe it.

But since they proposed it, they could only do it, so they moved the stone to the stone dissolving machine and started to rub it bit by bit.

"This young man is really interesting. He's just polishing a stone like this. I don't believe he can polish it out and get emeralds..."

"That's right, Mr. Luo didn't even get jade out of rough stones worth 20 million yuan just now. What can he do with such a piece of crap worth 2,000 yuan?"

The people watching were talking a lot, but no one was optimistic about Ye Bufan.

But at this moment, someone suddenly screamed: "Look, it's green. This stone is actually green."

Following this cry, the stone master also stopped what he was doing, took a basin of water and poured it on the jade stone. The window that was wiped out revealed a rich green color, and it actually turned green. .

"Oh my God, this kid is so lucky. A piece of broken stone actually contains jade."

"Look at this green color. It's made of ice. This kid really made a profit..."

After Luo Wentao saw the greenery, his expression became more and more ugly. As long as Ye Bufan unlocked a little jade, it proved that he had lost the bet.

The head of the bodyguard next to him saw the ugliness of his master and stepped forward and said: "Master, this is just an accident. Maybe there is only a little jade in that stone..."

Originally, he wanted to comfort Luo Wentao's hurt heart, but before he could finish his words, several stone-cutting masters wiped out several windows one after another, and each window was filled with green.

"Oh my god, this piece of jade is actually full of green..."

"How much is such a large piece of jade worth? And it's of ice type..."

"The most important thing is that they only spent 2,000 yuan, which is basically nothing."

Seeing that Ye Bufan's stone was all jade, the bodyguard leader opened his mouth wide and couldn't say a word. He was completely stupid.

Soon, several stone-cutting masters rubbed out the entire jadeite. As everyone expected, it was a full green jadeite, and it was of high quality, and it was made of ice. "

Generally speaking, green is the most respected jade, and it can be roughly divided into four levels: bean type, waxy type, ice type and glass type.

Although ice is not the most valuable kind, such a large piece of jade is still green and is worth at least millions, or even tens of millions.

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