Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 75 Exhibition Standard King

Guan Dongping said seriously: "Little brother, are you sure you are serious?"

Ye Bufan said: "Of course, it depends on what Brother Guan wants now."

"No reward for no merit. Even if it really works, I can't ask for 20% of your shares. After all, the property has been sold." Guan Dongping said, "Well, I will work for you as the eldest brother.

If things work out, you can give me a salary of 1 million a year. If things don’t work out, I’ll give you some help. "

Ye Bufan still admired Guan Dongping's character very much. He said: "It's settled, I will give you a salary of 10 million yuan a year."

Guan Dongping did not hesitate and said simply: "The salary is easy to talk about. I will gather the workers when I get back and wait for your call."

After saying that, he left the Paradise Club and Ye Bufan walked towards the Raw Stone Club.

The rough stone exhibition was held in an open-air square of several thousand square meters in the Paradise Club. The exhibition had already begun. The venue was filled with various kinds of rough stones, and there was a staff member in front of each pile of rough stones.

Legend has it that these rough stones were transported from the old pits of Myanmar by the Luo family, and each piece may fetch a sky-high price for jadeite.

There was a huge flow of people in front of the rough stones. Some jewelers from all over China and people who were interested in stone gambling gathered around the rough stones to look at and comment on them.

There are also some people who cannot restrain their impulse and directly buy a stone and break it on the spot.

There is a saying in the stone gambling industry, which goes like this: One sword will make you poor and another will make you rich.

As each stone was untied, some people burst into tears of joy, some stamped their feet and beat their chests, some laughed, and some sighed.

This is also the charm of gambling stones. So far, there is no way to see through the outer layer of the original stone. No one knows whether what is wrapped inside is dog shit or imperial green.

Ye Bufan walked forward with the flow of people, and he found that these rough stones, which were said to be impenetrable by any means, had no ability to stop him in front of his spiritual consciousness.

Along the way, I could see clearly which stone contained jade, whether the jade was red or green, big or small.

This made him very excited. At this time, the rough stone venue was like a cash machine for him, and there was no difficulty in betting on stones.

If he wanted to, he could completely sweep away the rough stones here that were worth twice as much.

However, he didn't want to make it too obvious. If people knew that he could see through rough stones, he would be in big trouble in the future.

So he wanted to find Qin first

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Chu Chu, went shopping with the Qin Group, and secretly untied the stone after returning.

He was walking forward, and there was an area in front of him. Some stones were circled with ropes, and a sign stood next to it, "The Luo Group keeps the rough stones for itself and does not sell them to the outside world."

Although the rough jadeite cannot be seen through, experienced rough gem appraisers can still see some clues from the stone skin. Based on the color of the rough stone, whether there are tinea, whether there are cracks and other information, the probability of the rough stone being jadeite can be estimated.

The Luo family is the organizer of this rough stone exhibition, so they have stockpiled some good-quality rough stones in advance for use in their own jade shop or as gifts.

Since the rough stones here are not for sale, the few staff guarding here are more relaxed and gather together to chat.

Ye Bufan walked by. Suddenly he stopped and looked at the big stone sitting under the butt of a staff member with burning eyes.

The stone was about half a meter high, completely black and smooth, so the staff member used it as a stool to sit on.

From the outside, there is nothing special about this stone, but in Ye Bufan's eyes, it is definitely a rare treasure.

Excitement flashed through his eyes. He suppressed his excitement and stepped forward and said to the staff member: "Excuse me, how can I buy the stones from you?"

The staff member was quite polite and said, "I'm sorry, the stones we have here are reserved by the Luo family and are not for sale to the outside world."

Now that he had taken a fancy to this stone, Ye Bufan was naturally unwilling to give in and asked again: "Brother, can you tell me how to choose a stone from here? I think the quality here is good."

The staff member said: "There is only one way to get stones from here, and that is for our eldest young master to agree. If the eldest young master is happy, it is not a problem to give you a few rocks at will."

Ye Bufan frowned. He was very aware of Luo Wentao's attitude towards him. He wanted to kill him, so how could he give him the rough stone?

But this stone was too important to him, and he had to get it no matter what.

At this moment, there was a surge of people in front of him, and Luo Wentao walked over with Qin Chuchu.

Although the Qin Group sent its own rough stone appraiser, Luo Wentao still volunteered and applied to help Qin Chuchu select stones.

Although Qin Chuchu hates this person, he still very much agrees with his ability to identify rough stones.

The Luo family has been dealing with rough stones for so many years and has rich experience. In addition, Luo Wentao's teacher is Chen Bainian, one of the top ten yuan stone appraisers in Myanmar.

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I have indeed learned some skills over the years, and my attainments in rough stone identification are far beyond those of ordinary treasure appraisers.

Because of this, she did not refuse. She wrote down the numbers of the stones recommended by Luo Wentao and discussed them with the treasure appraiser of her group for reference later.

The group of people stopped not far from Ye Bufan. Luo Wentao pointed to a large stone that was two meters high and weighed more than 1,000 kilograms and said: "Chu Chu, have you seen this stone? This is the symbol of this exhibition. king.

Although the price tag is 30 million, it will definitely be worth the money if it is photographed. I am very optimistic about it, and my teacher was full of praise for it, so it was selected as the best bidder in this exhibition.

Qin Chuchu looked at the stone. Generally speaking, the rough stone can be divided into two forms: full bet and half bet. Full bet means there is no window and all the bets are based on one's own luck.

The half-bet rough stone is to open a large or small window in the stone. Based on this window, the probability of finding jadeite inside can be guessed, so that the certainty will be greater.

In front of you is a semi-finished rough stone. A basketball-sized window has been opened on the left side, blooming with an alluring greenery.

Qin Chuchu also knew a bit about gambling on stones, and was quite moved when he saw this stone.

Judging from the open window, the texture of the jadeite is at least that of glass.

If one-tenth of the material in such a large stone is glass jade, it would be worth at least more than 100 million Chinese coins, which would immediately alleviate the current shortage of raw materials for Qin's jewelry.

Luo Wentao saw Qin Chuchu's thoughts and said again: "Chu Chu, just believe me, if you take a picture of this stone, you will definitely make a profit.

To be honest, I reserved this stone just for you, otherwise I would have taken it to the Luo family for my own use. "

What he said was true. This stone was favored by many people, including his teacher Chen Bainian.

Because of this, he was specially set aside as the bidding king in order to please Qin Chuchu when the Qin Group came to purchase rough stones.

Hearing that the owner of the exhibition was so optimistic about the stone, many people gathered around it and commented on it.

"Yes, it is indeed a good stone. A rough stone with this kind of python pattern will definitely turn out to be jade..."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? People have wiped out the windows. There must be jade inside. The suspense now is how much jade there is and what the quality is..."

"I believe in Mr. Luo's vision, but it's a pity that I have no money, otherwise I would definitely make a profit if I bought it..."

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