Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 683: Scumbag Boyfriend

The male duck raised his chin and shouted arrogantly: "Boy, don't think that you are great because you have some skills. Do you know who I am? I am Shang Yuanwu, the young master of the merchant. If you dare to touch me... "

"Too much nonsense."

Before he could finish speaking, Ye Bufan kicked him to the ground and asked coldly, "I don't care who you are, just answer my question."

This kick almost knocked the wind out of Shang Yuanwu. He lay on the ground and cursed crazily: "Boy, are you fucking crazy? I am the eldest son of a merchant..."

Ye Bufan walked over, raised his leg and stepped on his right calf. There was a click, and the calf was forced into a V shape.

It was this guy who caused Zhu Jiayi to jump off the building just now, so this is the punishment he deserves.

"If you keep talking nonsense, I will break all your limbs."

Shang Yuanwu screamed like a slaughtered pig. He never expected that the other party's methods were so ruthless, and he did not take the merchant seriously at all.

Since the backer had no deterrent effect, he immediately gave up and shouted quickly: "Brother, please forgive me, I bought this woman for 1 million."

"Bought? This is a living person. Who has the power to sell it to you?"

"Her boyfriend sold it to me."

Shang Yuanwu was afraid that the evil star in front of him would not believe it, so he turned back and pointed at Dong Qiang who was hiding behind him, "That's him. He's that woman's boyfriend. He sold it to me."

Ye Bufan had long seen that Dong Qiang was a scumbag, but he never expected that he would be so scumbag that he could sell his girlfriend to other men.

He looked at Dong Qiang, his eyes as sharp as a knife: "Is this true?"

Dong Qiang was startled at first, took two steps back, and then shouted: "My surname is Ye, Zhu Jiayi is my girlfriend, I will sell it if I like, what does it have to do with you?"

"Sell your sister."

Ye Bufan could no longer control the anger in his heart, and swung his big mouth, sending Dong Qiang flying three or four meters away.

"Ye, please wait for me."

Dong Qiang knew how powerful he was, so he got up from the ground, said a harsh word, and then ran away quickly.

Ye Bufan did not pursue him. He could not leave Zhu Jiayi here alone, and it was not clear what was going on.

He turned around and glanced at Shang Yuanwu and the big gold chain lying on the ground, "Get out of here quickly."

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, don’t let me see you again. "

"Let's get out, let's get out now."

A trace of resentment flashed in Dajin Lianzi's eyes, but the hero did not suffer the immediate loss. With the help of several men, he escaped from here with Shang Yuanwu.

After dealing with these gangsters, Ye Bufan turned back to Zhu Jiayi and said, "How is it? Are you okay?"

Zhu Jiayi said with a lonely look: "It's okay, thank you, Brother Ye."

"Come on, let's find a place to talk."

Ye Bufan saw a cafe not far away and took Zhu Jiayi in.

After ordering two cups of coffee, he asked: "What happened today? Did that bastard Dong Qiang really sell you out?"

Zhu Jiayi cried again and said with choked sobs: "I didn't know it at first, but he called me here today and said he would take me to meet two friends.

But I didn't expect that after entering the room, the two men started to do something to me. Later I found out that he owed the big gold chain 1 million, and he called me here just to pay off the debt.

I had no choice but to accept the humiliation, so I found an opportunity to climb onto the window sill, trying to scare them.

But the man didn't care at all and wanted to catch me, so I jumped down from the building. "

Ye Bufan didn't expect that it was Dong Qiang who did it, and cursed angrily: "This bastard, I didn't expect to be so heartless."

After scolding him, he asked in confusion: "Isn't that Dong Qiang a student at school? Why did he owe so much money all of a sudden?

Zhu Jiayi said: "Actually, this matter has something to do with Brother Ye."

Ye Bufan looked confused and asked, "Why are you still related to me?"

Zhu Jiayi said: "Dong Qiang has no ability, but he is very arrogant. He always puts his eyes above his head and thinks he is better than everyone else.

Because of this, he keeps shouting that he will become the richest man in the world in the future. "

Ye Bufan asked: "What then?"

Zhu Jiayi said: "He could barely control his mentality before, but after meeting Brother Ye, he found that you were richer, more capable, and better than him, which made him completely lose control.

After returning from the bar that day, I vowed to make money, make a lot of money, and let others see that I am better than you.

He originally studied finance. In order to become rich overnight, he spent all our money

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I started doing futures trading, and I made more or less money on the first day. "

Ye Bufan said: "Isn't making money a good thing?"

Zhu Jiayi said: "It is a good thing for others, but it is a disaster for him. After making a little money, he felt that he was a financial genius. Not only did he invest all the money he earned, but he also borrowed a lot of money.

As a result, after three days, not a penny was left, and all the money was lost. "

Ye Bufan asked: "Did he borrow 1 million?"

Zhu Jiayi said: "He wanted to borrow 1 million, but he didn't have the ability. He just borrowed 50,000 from Dajin Chain at a high interest rate, but the interest compounded, and today it has reached 1 million."

She didn't need to tell Ye Bufan what happened next. She must have noticed that Zhu Jiayi was pretty when she was pressing for debt, so she had a crooked idea and asked Dong Qiang to use someone to pay off the debt.

Dong Qiang didn't have any bottom line as a human being, so he agreed and tricked Zhu Jiayi into the room.

After the matter was clarified, he said: "In this case, let's call the police and let the police handle it."

Ye Bufan took out his cell phone as he spoke.

Zhu Jiayi said quickly: "No, you can't call the police."

Ye Bufan asked in confusion: "Why? If this matter is not completely resolved, will those people come to trouble you in the future?"

Zhu Jiayi hesitated and said, "If we call the police, Dong Qiang will be arrested."

"This kind of person should be arrested, are you still reluctant to let go?" Ye Bufan asked, "I have always had a question, Dong Qiang is obviously a scumbag and is not worthy of you at all.

After what happened at the bar last time, you should see his true nature clearly and break up with him early. Why are you still together? "

This has always been something he couldn't figure out, but in the past it was Zhu Jiayi's personal affairs that were difficult to interfere with, but today he couldn't help but ask.

Zhu Jiayi hesitated and said: "Because... because... because our family owes their family, I can't break up with him.

In fact, I have never liked Dong Qiang. Even if there was no incident at the bar, I would not want to be his girlfriend.

It’s just that I can’t break up with him now, otherwise my dad will be taken to jail. "

Ye Bufan asked in confusion: "Where is this going? What is going on?"

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