Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 67 Ghost Hand Old Eight

"Ah! We won again!"

After seeing the results in the sex cup, Qin Chuchu shouted excitedly.

Although as the eldest lady of the Qin family, 80,000 yuan was nothing to her, but the excitement of this kind of gambling still made her very excited.

Luo Wentao's eyes were fixed on the color cup. All three dice in it were 5 points, and he lost again.

Cold sweat broke out on the croupier's forehead next to him. He didn't understand how he lost. Why did his previously invincible control technique suddenly fail?

A smile appeared at the corner of Ye Bufan's mouth. Under the control of his true energy, even if the other party used a crowbar, he would not be able to move those dice even if he didn't tell the trick.

Now these dice are his chess pieces, and he can get as many points as he wants.

Although the croupier felt helpless, he still pushed all 8 yellow chips in front of Ye Bufan.

Ye Bufan still didn't leave anyone behind, they were all on top.

After losing three games in a row, the dealer became more and more nervous and his hands were trembling.

But being nervous could not change the situation. Ye Bufan won four more games in a row. At this moment, the chips in front of him were piled high, reaching 128.

Luo Wentao's face became more and more ugly. Originally, he wanted Ye Bufan to lose a little, and then control him through loan sharking.

But people win more and more. What is going on?

Ye Bufan shouted: "Young Master Luo, what I said is true. My luck is indeed very good today. I will definitely win every bet."

As he spoke, he pushed the pile of chips in front of him over again, still pressing on the big one.

At this moment, the dealer's clothes were soaked with sweat. Although Luo Wentao looked gentle and gentle, he was very clear about the ruthlessness of his methods. If he lost like this, the consequences would be unimaginable.

But until now, he had no choice. The young man in front of him seemed to be possessed by the God of Gamblers, leaving him completely helpless.

After another round ended without any accidents, the chips in front of Ye Bufan became 256.

Although Luo Wentao's family has a great business, he is still a little unwilling to have 2.56 million taken away all at once.

He glanced at the croupier, who immediately understood. He held his stomach and said, "Boss, I may have eaten something that I can't digest and my stomach hurts suddenly. Why don't you ask someone else to come over."

Luo Wentao said: "Okay then, go and replace Lao Ba."

As if the croupier was granted amnesty, he hurriedly left here. When he left, his legs were already numb.

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Shaking slightly and losing more than 2 million in one breath, this kind of mental pressure is really unbearable for ordinary people.

Not long after, a thin, middle-aged croupier reappeared in front of the table.

He is one of the few masters in this casino, nicknamed Guishou Laoba. His best skill is controlling the dice. Legend has it that no one can win a penny from him if he doesn't play the trick.

After seeing the ghost-hand Laoba, Luo Wentao finally felt relieved and turned around and said, "Mr. Ye, do you still want to place all your bets this time?"

He now wished that Ye Bufan would push up all the chips again and turn the tide in one round.

Qin Chuchu seemed to see something was wrong and said, "Xiaofan, luck is not very reliable. How about we put less pressure on it."

Ye Bufan smiled and said: "Don't worry, my luck is calculated by a master, and I can't even drive it away."

After saying that, he once again bet all the chips in front of him on the big one.

A sneer appeared on Luo Wentao's face, and he said to Ghost Shou Lao Ba: "Let's start!"

Guishou Laoba was extremely calm. He took the cup in his hand, shook it up and down a few times, and placed it on the gaming table casually.

With his method, controlling the dice in the color cup is similar to controlling his own fingers. It is flexible and stable, and does not require much effort at all.

But when he opened the lid, he was stunned. The three points that had been shaken instantly turned into three six points. Ye Bufan won the game again.

After the round, he had 5 red chips in front of him, one representing 1 million, and 12 yellow chips, totaling 5.12 million.

Seeing that he was losing more and more, Luo Wentao became more and more anxious. According to this gambling method, if he lost one more round, it would be 10.24 million.

Ye Bufan picked up the chips in front of him, as if he didn't care about the money at all, and put it in a big position.

Only then did Guishou Laoba realize that he had met a master. He took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, and then began to shake the color cup in his hand again.

This time he was extremely solemn, and he changed four or five techniques in succession, and finally used a trick that caused a rain of flowers in the sky, and the color cup turned into a phantom and was placed on the gambling table.

Although he tried his best, there were still three sixes inside when he opened the lid.

This time Ghost Shou Lao Ba's expression changed drastically. He had been learning Qian Shu since he was ten years old and had never encountered such a situation.

Generally speaking, the number of points can be heard from the shaking of the color cup.

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It is rare to see such a master who can control the dice points in advance. This is the first time I have encountered him.

He has seen the top ten gambling kings in the world, and he does not dare to claim to be the best in the world in gambling, but he is familiar with all kinds of extraordinary tricks, but now he can't figure out how the other party does it.

To say that the other party didn't cheat, but he won 10 games in a row, this guy wouldn't believe it.

But if you say that the other party cheated, but he just stood there with his hands behind his back, without even moving a finger, how could he get away with it?

"I'm just saying that I'm so lucky today that I can't stop it."

Ye Bufan didn't seem to notice the ugly expressions on Luo Wentao and Guishou Laoba's faces. He chuckled and bet all the chips in his hand again.

"20.48 million!"

"40.96 million!"

"81.92 million!"

Ye Bufan won three more games in a row. When the result of the third game was announced, Guishou Laoba's face turned pale for a while. He had tried his best, but in the end it had no effect at all.

More than 80 million, this is not a small number anywhere. After losing so much money, Luo Wentao will not let him go easily.

Thinking of this, he felt dizzy, fell to the ground with a plop, and fainted.

"What's going on? You fainted after losing such a small amount of money, and you didn't have to pay for it!" Ye Bufan showed great disdain for Ghost Hand Laoba, turned to Luo Wentao and said, "Young Master Luo, the bodies of people in your casino are None of them are very good.

The one who just had diarrhea, and now the one who fainted, please hurry up and find someone who is in good shape. I'm not done yet. "

Luo Wentao still had a hypocritical smile on his face, but his heart ached. More than 80 million was not a small number anyway.

What's more, in front of Qin Chuchu, he was completely humiliated today. Even in such a big casino, even people who had never gambled could not win.

He waved his hand, and someone immediately came over to carry Guishou Laoba out, and then said to a waiter next to him: "Go and invite Mr. Zhao."

The waiter agreed, immediately ran to the backstage of the casino, and soon came over with an old man in his sixties.

The old man was wearing a black cloth suit and a pair of linen shoes. At first glance, he looked like an old man from the countryside.

However, people in the casino are very aware of how powerful Mr. Zhao is. He is a super master hired by Luo Wentao from Hong Kong at a huge expense. Although he rarely makes moves on weekdays, he is the anchor of the entire casino.

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