Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 619 The capital chain is broken

The leader of these people is a fat middle-aged man in his 50s. He looks oily and has a fat head and big ears.

Ye Bufan didn't know these people, but looking at their arrogance and menace, it was definitely up to them.

Wang Ziyan was stunned for a moment, then immediately stood up and said with a smile on her face: "President Ma, why are you here? Please sit down quickly and I will make tea for you."

It turns out that the middle-aged man is Ma Rui, the president of Huaxia Bank in Jiangbei City, and the people behind him are also related staff of the bank.

"Forget it, you're welcome."

The middle-aged man had a stern face and showed no intention of being polite.

"Manager Wang, I'm here to inform you that Fukang Pharmaceuticals needs to pay back the money it owes our bank."

Ye Bufan understood that these people came from the bank to collect debts, but he did not care. Now Fukang Pharmaceutical has been able to repay the 300 million Chinese yuan owed.

Wang Ziyan also said: "President Ma, isn't it just a matter of arrears? I would like you to go there in person, otherwise I would like to pay you back the money today."

She was very polite in her words. In the future, she would have to deal with banks no matter what, and she had to have a good relationship with them.

Ma Rui said: "If you can pay back the money, that's great. Pay it back now. You, Fukang Pharmaceutical, owe Hua Xia Bank a total of 500 million Hua Xia Bank, and it must be paid off in one lump sum today."

Ye Bufan frowned. Didn't he owe the bank a loan of 300 million yuan? Why did it become 500 million yuan in the blink of an eye? Even loan sharking is not that fast, right?

However, he did not know the debt relationship between Fukang Pharmaceutical and the bank and did not say anything.

Wang Ziyan originally had a smile on her face, but when she heard this number, her expression suddenly changed and she said eagerly: "President Ma, don't we only have a loan of 300 million that is due? The other 200 million will not be due for another three years." Woolen cloth……"

It turned out that Fukang Pharmaceutical had borrowed a total of 500 million Huaxia dollars from Huaxia Bank, but only 300 million was due, and the other 200 million would not need to be repaid in three years, so Wang Defu didn't care and didn't mention it.

Ma Rui sneered: "Indeed, you have 300 million due, and another 200 million have not expired.

However, you have now defaulted on the due loan, which has affected your creditworthiness.

After our bank's comprehensive evaluation of Fukang Pharmaceutical, we found that you are not suitable for continued loans, so we withdrew the other 200 million undue funds. "

Wang Ziyan was anxious now. She knew very well that her company only had a little over 300 million Huaxia coins on its books and was simply unable to repay the 500 million loan.

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"President Ma, please be more tolerant. Our credibility of Fukang Pharmaceutical has always been good. This time it was just an accident. We will return the 300 million yuan immediately.

Please be noble and never recover another 200 million loan..."

Although she sounded pitiful, Ma Rui's expression was stern and unmoved at all. He reached out and took out a notice and slapped it on the desk.

“The decision on Fukang Pharmaceuticals was made collectively by our bank’s senior management, and we can change it wherever we can.

This is a reminder notice for you. If you cannot repay all the arrears by ten o'clock tomorrow morning, your company will be seized and your assets will be auctioned. "

After saying that, he turned around and left with his men, without giving Wang Ziyan a chance to speak.

"President Ma, you can't do this. Let's discuss it again..."

Before Wang Ziyan could finish her words, those people had already left the office and closed the door with a bang. Obviously, there was no room for negotiation on this matter.


Wang Ziyan did not say the last word, and her face was full of disappointment and eagerness.

She picked up the reminder notice and looked at it. It was exactly the same as what Ma Rui just said. All the money must be returned tomorrow morning.

For 500 million Huaxia coins, Wang Ziyan suddenly regretted it. She wished she had sold 500 million yuan last night.

I originally thought that 300 million would be enough to repay the bank, but who knew that the other party suddenly broke the contract and would have to recover the remaining 200 million for three years.

"What to do? What to do?"

It has indeed reached a moment of life and death. If Fukang Pharmaceutical is really sealed, the agency rights obtained from Longteng Pharmaceutical will be of no use, and the company will be completely finished.

Wang Ziyan had no owner of her six souls and said eagerly to Ye Bufan: "Xiaofan, is there any way? Think about it quickly."

For some reason, a strange thought arose in her heart. The man in front of her could solve this problem.

It's just a feeling and there's no reason for it.

Indeed, Ye Bufan could easily spend 200 million Huaxia coins to repay the bank loan.

It's just that I told Uncle Defu last night to sell at least 500 million Chinese coins and have an extra 200 million as working capital to deal with some emergencies, but he was ruined by these two inexperienced women.

It's okay now. When something like this happens, the capital chain that was just solved is broken again. Even if I help myself, I have to let these two women suffer first.

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Just a lesson.

Based on this thought, Ye Bufan did not speak.

Seeing that he remained silent, a look of disappointment flashed across Wang Ziyan's face.

"Forget it, you can't solve this kind of thing for me. It's better to go back and tell dad the truth."

After she finished speaking, she hurriedly left the office and drove to the Wang family villa.

Ye Bufan did not go with her, but left the company alone and wandered leisurely on the street.

The Wang family, Wang Defu and Hao Hongmei all looked relaxed and contented. The problem of broken capital chain has been completely solved, and Fukang Pharmaceutical will be completely on the right track in the future.

With the cooperation of Longteng Group, making money is just a matter of time.

But at this moment, the door opened and Wang Ziyan ran in from the outside with a panicked look.

Wang Defu saw his daughter's appearance and asked with concern: "Xiaoyan, what's going on?"

"Dad, something big happened."

Wang Ziyan said breathlessly and handed over the reminder notice in her hand.

Wang Defu took it and took a look, his expression also changed drastically.

Hao Hongmei came over, grabbed the list, looked at it, and immediately screamed: "What's going on? Doesn't the other 200 million Huaxia coins expire in three years? Why are you starting to collect payment now?"

Wang Ziyan said: "I'm not sure. President Ma just said that because we defaulted on the bank's loan and our creditworthiness has been reduced, we need to withdraw the 200 million undue loan."

Wang Defu said with a gloomy expression: "Do you still need to ask? It must be the Black Widow woman who is behind this.

She knew that we had 300 million Huaxia coins in our hands, so she went through the bank and asked us to pay back all the 500 million loans, destroying Fukang Pharmaceutical's capital chain again. "

Thinking of the serious consequences of this matter, Hao Hongmei also panicked.

"This damn black widow can even use such destructive methods!

Husband, what should I do now? We can't really let them shut down the company, then we will be completely finished. "

Wang Defu said angrily: "It's not you who caused the trouble. If I had followed what Xiaofan said and sold Yuquan Mountain to Black Widow for 500 million Huaxia coins yesterday, what happened today would not have happened."

Hao Hongmei hesitated, and then shouted: "Can you blame me? How do I know that there are still three years of loan due, and the bank is pressing now.

Besides, who knows if Black Widow will pay the asking price of 500 million Chinese coins? Maybe the 300 million now are gone. "

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