Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 603: Black Widow’s Ten Million Annual Salary

Ye Bufan was also quite surprised by Wang Xuening's kiss, but he didn't care and just thought it was impulsive.

He shook his head, turned around and went back to his room to sleep.

At the Yunshan Club, Wang Ziyan and Bai Dawei signed an agency contract with An Yimo for Longyang Dan and Skin Beauty Lotion.

Until they left the club, they couldn't believe it was true.

Wang Ziyan said: "Manager Bai, thanks to you this time, otherwise our Fukang Pharmaceuticals would not be able to get the agency right."

Bai Dawei said with a proud look on his face: "This is nothing. My cousin has always had a good relationship with me, so it's only natural that you do me a favor."

This statement may seem modest, but in fact, he takes all the credit for this time.

Wang Ziyan said: "It's too late today, let's go back first, and we will celebrate your success at the company tomorrow."

The two of them left Yunshan Club. When Bai Dawei returned home, he was already happy and walked upstairs while humming a little tune.

In his opinion, starting from today, he will rise to the top. With the agency rights of Longteng Pharmaceutical, his status in Fukang Pharmaceutical will be greatly different.

The position of general manager cannot be replaced, and there must be a generous bonus.

Just as he was dreaming about getting promoted and getting rich, his vision suddenly went dark and he lost consciousness instantly.

When he regained consciousness, he found that he had arrived in a luxuriously decorated room.

Opposite him, sat a voluptuous woman, the Black Widow, the archenemy of Fukang Pharmaceuticals, with a tall and muscular wolf spider standing next to her.

Bai Dawei's heart suddenly sank to the bottom. He didn't expect that he would be captured by this woman.

Thinking of Wang Ziyan's disfigurement, boundless fear immediately arose in his heart. Wasn't this woman going to kill him?

Black Widow smiled slightly and said in a coquettish voice: "Manager Bai, I'm really sorry. I invited you here in a hurry, and my method was a little rough."

Bai Dawei said nervously: "You...you...what are you going to do?"

"Don't worry, we just want to talk to Manager Bai about cooperation. Let's sit down and talk."

Black Widow always had a smile on her face, but Bai Dawei did not dare to relax at all. The woman in front of him was famous for her sweet-faced appearance and heart-like viper, otherwise she would not be called Black Widow.

He said with a reserved expression: "Mr. Lin, I wonder what you want to talk to me about?"

"General Manager Bai, don't be nervous. As long as you cooperate with my conversation, we won't do anything to you."

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Kind of. "

Black Widow said: "You answer a few questions for me first."

Bai Dawei nodded hurriedly and said: "You can ask, as long as I know what I know, I will tell the truth."

"That's right. Manager Bai is a smart man. I like your attitude best."

Black Widow said, "What happened today? Why did Longteng Pharmaceutical hand over the agency rights to you, Fukang Pharmaceutical?"

When he mentioned this matter, Bai Dawei immediately became more energetic and said: "You said this, it's because An Yimo, the general manager of Longteng Pharmaceutical, is my cousin, and they gave the agency power to Fu because of my face. From Kang Pharmaceutical."

Black Widow asked: "Are you sure this is the only reason?"

Bai Dawei said: "Of course, An Yimo is my cousin. Her mother is my second aunt. She has been very obedient to me since she was a child. She has always obeyed me, so she will naturally give face to my cousin."

Black Widow said: "According to you, this agency has nothing to do with anything else and is entirely your own credit?"

Bai Dawei said: "Of course, if it weren't for me, my cousin would definitely not hand over the agency rights to Fukang Pharmaceuticals."

Black Widow said: "What if you leave Fukang Pharmaceuticals? Will the agency go with you?"

Bai Dawei was stunned for a moment, and then said: "That is inevitable. After all, my cousin is not interested in Fukang Pharmaceuticals, but my cousin."

Black Widow said: "In that case, we at Kaifeng Pharmaceutical officially extend an invitation to Manager Bai and welcome you to come to us."

Bai Dawei said: "Manager Lin, this is not appropriate. After all, I am an employee of Fukang Pharmaceutical."

Black Widow said: "Of course I know this, but with Manager Bai's talent, being the deputy manager of the sales department in Fukang Pharmaceutical is really too humiliating.

When you come to our Kaifeng Pharmaceutical, I will immediately make you the vice president of the company, fully responsible for agency matters, and give you an annual salary of 10 million. "

Hearing Black Widow's words, Bai Dawei immediately became excited. He was now only the deputy manager of the sales department. If he became the vice president of the head office, it would be equivalent to crossing two major levels in a row.

What makes him most excited is the annual salary of tens of millions, which is ten times more than what it is now.

For him, whether he is in Fukang Pharmaceutical or Kaifeng Pharmaceutical, there is not much difference between the two. The key lies in which one offers better treatment.

Seeing his excited expression, Black Widow traced a smile on her lips and said: "But I also have two

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Small conditions.

First of all, when Manager Bai comes to our Kaifeng Pharmaceutical, he must bring the agency rights of Longteng Pharmaceutical.

Secondly, you are going to resign in public at the Fukang Pharmaceutical meeting tomorrow, so as to ruin Fukang Pharmaceutical's face and cause them to collapse completely. "

Bai Dawei hesitated and said, "Isn't this not good?"

Black Widow said: "What's wrong with this? Manager Bai is a smart man, and Fukang Pharmaceuticals will collapse soon.

There is no need to guard a big tree that is about to fall. In the end, not only will you not be able to enjoy the shade, but you will also be easily killed.

And who wants to have trouble with money? As long as you come to my side, I will definitely keep my word and guarantee you an annual salary of tens of millions. "

Bai Dawei secretly glanced at the wolf spider, which was watching eagerly, and knew that if he didn't agree, it would be difficult to get out of here today.

Moreover, the conditions offered by the Black Widow really made his heart move. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, tomorrow I will resign from Fukang Pharmaceuticals in public and come to Kaifeng Pharmaceuticals."

Black Widow smiled slightly: "Manager Bai is indeed very happy, but I think you should confirm with Miss An about the agency rights."

"Actually, that's not necessary. I have complete confidence in my cousin."

With Bai Dawei saying this, he still took out his mobile phone and dialed An Yimo's number, but the other party heard a notification tone that the phone was turned off.

He said: "It may be too late, my cousin has already gone to bed.

Mr. Lin, let me tell you, with my cousin’s relationship with me, there will definitely be no problem with the agency. "

Bai Dawei was confident when he said this. In his opinion, apart from himself, An Yimo had no reason to hand over the agency power to Fukang Pharmaceuticals.

"Okay then, let's make an agreement. I'll wait for good news from Manager Bai tomorrow."

Black Widow turned back to Wolf Spider and said, "Arrange for someone to send Manager Bai back to rest."

Wolf Spider nodded and called one of his men to send Bai Dawei out.

After closing the door again, Black Widow said to him: "How is it? Have you recorded everything?"

"It's all been recorded."

Wolf Spider said, taking out a miniature camera from behind the flowerpot, turning it on and showing the recorded footage to Black Widow.


Black Widow nodded with satisfaction after reading it.

Wolf Spider said: "Boss, I don't quite understand. If you are interested in Longteng Pharmaceutical's agency rights, there is no need to make it so troublesome, right? Can't you just bring the guy named Bai over?"

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