Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 580 Xia Baojiang

"Sister Ma, how are you feeling today?"

As he spoke, a kind smile broke out on Xia Baojiang's face, making him look affable.

"Dr. Xia is here." Ma Baolian struggled to sit up on the bedside and said weakly, "I still feel dizzy and weak."

Xia Baojiang said: "Don't worry, your condition is under control and you will be able to recover after a while of treatment."


After hearing what he said, Ma Fenglian didn't have any happy expression on her face. Instead, she asked with a sad look on her face: "Doctor Xia, do you still need a lot of money?"

Xia Baojiang said: "That's natural. We use the best imported medicines. I bought them from country M through my classmates. The cost is naturally higher."

Ma Fenglian frowned and said, "Dr. Xia, why don't you let me leave the hospital? I really don't want to be treated anymore.

With this situation at home, I don’t want to drag down the child Xiaoxi anymore. "

"How can you not treat a disease? The situation is very serious. If treatment is interrupted, life may be in danger."

Xia Baojiang seemed to speak righteously and out of consideration for the patient, but there was a hint of treachery in his eyes.

He then said, "Although the medical expenses are a bit more expensive, I have a way to help you solve your money problem. If you are willing, you can give it a try."

After struggling in society for so many years, Ma Fenglian knew that there is no free lunch in the world, so she immediately asked vigilantly: "Dr. Xia, what can you do?"

Xia Baojiang said: "It's like this. A vice president of our hospital has taken a liking to your family Xiaoxi. As long as your daughter stays with him for one night, all medical expenses will be free."

This is his true goal. He will be 50 years old soon, and he wants to take a step further this year.

However, this guy's medical skills were so-so, and it was very difficult for him to improve based on his professional skills, so he eventually started practicing evil ways.

He knew that a vice president of the hospital was very lustful and wanted to please that person. He was planning to find a beautiful girl to send there, but there was no suitable candidate.

Until the moment he saw Ma Fenglian and her daughter, he immediately set his sights on Tong Xiaoxi.

Tong Xiaoxi had just graduated from college, she still had the youthful air of a student, and her appearance was very beautiful, which fully met the conditions he wanted.

For this reason, Xia Baojiang tampered with the medical records.

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In fact, Ma Fenglian was not seriously ill at all. She fainted due to overwork and low blood sugar.

However, in order to push the other party into a desperate situation and achieve his own goal, he made up the non-existent Neuville Syndrome and drained the mother and daughter of 60,000 yuan in just 10 days.

The reason why Ma Fenglian has been weak, dizzy, and has weakness in her limbs is entirely because of the effects he created through the manipulation of medicine.

Seeing that the situation was almost over, he revealed his true purpose.

After hearing what Xia Baojiang said, Ma Fenglian's expression changed and she said without hesitation: "Dr. Xia, this is absolutely not possible. Even if I die, I will never let my daughter do that kind of thing."

Unexpectedly, Xia Baojiang was a little angry and said with a sullen face: "Sister Ma, I feel sorry for you mother and daughter, so I came up with this idea for you.

What kind of society is it now? There is no need to hold on to it. I think you should talk to your daughter about this matter.

Today's girls are very open-minded. They don't want to sleep with anyone. Instead of taking advantage of those poor boys in small hotels, it is better to get some real benefits.

Besides, that's the vice president of our hospital. How many people can't even try to curry favor with him? "

"No, not at all."

Ma Fenglian said with tears in her eyes, "I have never let my daughter live a good life in this life. I feel very sorry for her. There is absolutely no way I would let my daughter do such a thing for me. She is still a young girl."

"A girl with a yellow flower?" Xia Baojiang said with disdain, "Sister Ma, are you kidding me? What kind of society is there now? There are no girls with a yellow flower among college students.

Isn't it just one night, just a dozen hours, and it can save you so much medical expenses in one fell swoop? It's obviously a great thing to take advantage of, so are you like this? "

When she heard the other party slandering her daughter, Ma Fenglian's face immediately turned ugly.

She believes in her daughter's character, and she doesn't want to hear other people say what her daughter is like.

"Dr. Xia, I don't care what others do, but I know that my daughter is not that kind of person. As a mother, even if I die, I will not let her be ruined by you people."

"Hey, Sister Ma, what did you say? I don't covet your daughter at all."

Xia Baojiang put on a serious expression and said, "I also think you are too

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It's pitiful. It's for your own good. Have you ever thought about what happens if you really die and Tong Xiaoxi is left alone? Isn't that pitiful? "

This guy is still very good at studying people's hearts, and he immediately hit Ma Fenglian's fate.

After hearing his words and thinking of her daughter's helpless future, Ma Fenglian was silent for a while, with tears streaming down her eyes.

Xia Baojiang seemed to see hope and hurriedly continued: "Sister Ma, you must understand this, this is definitely a great thing.

If other patients in the hospital knew that if they slept with her for one night, their medicines would be free of charge, they would definitely line up to get it.

You must know that your medical expenses are not a small sum. It has already cost 60,000 yuan, and it will probably cost more than 100,000 yuan in the future. "

Ma Fenglian shook her head firmly: "Dr. Xia, please stop trying to persuade me. I will never agree to this matter, otherwise I won't be worthy of being a mother."

Seeing that no matter what he said, Xia Baojiang said angrily: "You are such a stubborn person, it seems that I can only talk to your daughter.

See if your daughter is so heartless, just watching you die. "

At this time, the door of the ward opened, and Ye Bufan and Tong Xiaoxi walked in.

"Dr. Xia, what do you want to say to me? Has my mother's condition changed?"

The two people came to the door, and she only heard the last words.

Xia Baojiang coughed and then said: "There are some things that are not convenient to talk about here. The two of us can talk alone."

"Talk about your sister!"

Tong Xiaoxi only heard the last sentence, but Ye Bufan heard the conversation between the two people clearly.

At the same time, he also took Ma Fenglian's condition into consideration. He was just an ordinary hypoglycemic patient, with a weak constitution at most.

There is no bullshit Neuville syndrome at all, it is obviously made up to deceive people.

So he was full of disgust and contempt for the guy in front of him. He never thought that such a person could be a doctor.

So he slapped Xia Baojiang on the face without any politeness.

Caught off guard, Xia Baojiang was whipped around in circles a few times, and then fell to the ground with a thud.

He got up from the ground, covered his swollen cheek and shouted, "Boy, who are you? Who told you to hit someone?"

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