Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 577 You are very unprofessional

"Of course there is. You don't know the significance of this contract. It's not just 10 million."

Tong Xiaoxi said excitedly: "For such a long time, it has been the people from Kaifeng Pharmaceutical who have looked down upon us, taken away our business, and ridiculed us.

Today, Brother Ye has taken revenge on our Fukang Pharmaceuticals. I get excited when I think about Wang Aimin's expression of eating a fly. "

Ye Bufan smiled slightly. It seemed that Fukang Pharmaceutical had indeed been bullied by the Black Widow during this period.

Tong Xiaoxi stepped forward and held his arm and said: "Brother Ye, why are you so good? Where did you learn your medical skills? You are so awesome. You can cure other people's diseases with just one look."

Ye Bufan said: "I am a doctor originally, so it is normal for me to be able to treat diseases."

Tong Xiaoxi asked: "Brother Ye, since you have such great medical skills, being a doctor should be very profitable. Why do you want to be a salesperson with us?"

Ye Bufan smiled and said, "If I said I came to pursue you, would you believe it?"

Of course he couldn't tell this little girl his true purpose, so he could only make a little joke.

"I do not believe."

Tong Xiaoxi's cheeks turned red, but she didn't pursue the topic any further.

Ye Bufan said: "It's still some time before noon, who is the next target?"

Tong Xiaoxi said: "According to your request, I only have one big customer left, and that is Haida Pharmaceutical Import and Export Company."

Ye Bufan said: "Oh! Tell me what's going on?"

"Haida Pharmaceutical Import and Export Company is a well-known chain enterprise in China, and ours here is just a branch.

Their main business is to export Chinese medicines overseas, mainly to Southeast Asia.

As for our Haida Company in Jiangbei City, the annual import and export volume is more than several billion Chinese dollars, and orders of tens of millions are not a problem at all. It is a veritable big customer. "

Speaking of this, Tong Xiaoxi sighed again and said: "It's a pity that their manager Li Yushan has an unusual relationship with Black Widow. Now the export of drugs has been completely contracted by Kaifeng Pharmaceutical. Without us, there is nothing to do. If you want to win, This list is very difficult.”

Ye Bufan said: "Let's go and give it a try."

The two of them came to the office of Haida Pharmaceutical Company. It was a 10-story small high-rise building that was very beautifully decorated.

After registering at the front desk, the two people came to the general manager's office.

This is a very luxurious suite. Come in

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Finally, a beautiful little secretary in professional attire asked: "Boy, what can I do for you?"

Tong Xiaoxi said: "We are salesmen of Fukang Pharmaceutical and want to meet the general manager."

"plz follow me."

The little secretary said politely, and then led the two people into the manager's office in the back.

After entering, there was a middle-aged man in his 40s sitting behind the boss' desk. He was wearing a black suit and gold-rimmed glasses. He looked extremely calm.

After seeing this person, Tong Xiaoxi was slightly stunned and said in surprise: "Aren't you Mr. Li?"

The little secretary said: "Mr. Li has been transferred back to the headquarters of our Haid Company. This is our new general manager, Mr. Zhang."

"Hello, Mr. Zhang!"

Hearing that there was a new general manager candidate, Tong Xiaoxi hurriedly said hello politely. As a salesperson, good attitude and politeness are the basic qualities.


The middle-aged man had a very good attitude and a kind face. He stood up from behind the boss' desk and said, "Welcome to our company. Let me introduce myself. I, Zhang Peng, am the new general manager."

He then said to the little secretary: "Hurry up and make tea for you two."

"Okay Mr. Zhang."

After saying this, the little secretary agreed and turned around to make tea for the two of them.

Tong Xiaoxi said: "Mr. Zhang, you don't have to be so polite. We are here to talk to you about drug procurement and see if there are any opportunities for cooperation between our two families.

You can rest assured that the price of our Fukang Pharmaceutical drugs is definitely lower than other products in the same industry, and the quality is guaranteed. "

"Don't rush to talk about work. Let's have a cup of tea first."

Zhang Peng said politely, "I also started from the grassroots level, and I understand very well that you salesmen, it is really hard to run business outside."

"You two, please have some tea."

The little secretary brought two cups of tea to Ye Bufan and the other two.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang."

Tong Xiaoxi has been running business outside for so long, and has suffered a lot and received countless looks. This is the first time he has seen such a polite general manager, and he can't help but feel good about him.

At the same time, after walking all morning, she was indeed a little thirsty, so she picked up the tea cup and wanted to take a sip.

Ye Bufan stretched out his hand to stop Tong Xiaoxi.

"Wait a minute, don't drink it yet."

Although she didn't know what he meant, Tong Xiaoxi still put down the teacup in her hand obediently.

Zhang Peng was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "This little brother,

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Don't you think my tea is fragrant? "

"You're right, there is something wrong with the taste of this tea."

Ye Bufan said, picking up his cup of tea and coming to him, "Mr. Zhang, I think your cup of tea is good. How about we change it?"

Hearing what he said, Tong Xiaoxi's expression suddenly changed.

To put it nicely, they are here to discuss business. To put it badly, they are asking for something from others, and everything depends on their appearance.

What Ye Bufan did was obviously a bit excessive and could easily arouse the other party's dissatisfaction.

Sure enough, Zhang Peng's face immediately darkened: "Little brother, what do you mean?"

Ye Bufan didn't care about his attitude and said with a smile: "Do you know where your loophole is? If you don't know, I will tell you now.

First of all, as the general manager of a company, it is impossible to be so polite to salesmen. What you do is completely excessive.

Secondly, your eyes are wrong. Even if you are an approachable general manager, you should not always focus on me.

At least my companion is a beauty, and you are a normal man. You should pay more attention to her. There is no reason to keep staring at me.

Third, the calluses on your tiger's mouth are too thick. If I guess correctly, you should be a master who often plays with knives. "

At this point, Zhang Peng's face had become very ugly, but Ye Bufan seemed not to notice and continued: "As a killer, you are very unprofessional. You should have a good understanding of my situation before taking action.

I am a doctor, and a very good Chinese medicine doctor, but you used extremely common poisons on me. This is completely disrespectful to my profession. "

Seeing that the other party had revealed his identity, Zhang Peng could no longer hold his breath. He flipped his wrist and stabbed Ye Bufan's throat with a gleaming dagger.

At the same time, the little secretary who had always been smiling changed his expression, took out a short knife and rushed towards Tong Xiaoxi.

Tong Xiaoxi was just a college student who had just stepped out of school. He had never thought that he would encounter a killer when doing business. At this moment, his face was pale and panic-stricken, and he did not react at all to the little secretary's dagger.

Ye Bufan moved his feet, dodged Zhang Peng's dagger, and threw the teacup in his hand.

The little secretary was about to stab Tong Xiaoxi in the neck with his dagger, but was hit in the chest by a tea cup.

This tea cup looked ordinary, but it contained extremely powerful power. It actually smashed her into the air and hit the wall behind her with a bang.

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