Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 555: Mysterious Confidence

In the villa, Ouyang Jing hung up the phone and took out the bank card Ye Bufan left for her, with a sweet smile on her face.

She is not that kind of materialistic girl. Although there is a lot of money in the card, she will not spend it carelessly, but this is her brother's love for her, which makes her heart extremely sweet.

At this moment, the doorbell rang. She ran over and opened the door. There was a Highlander SUV parked in front of the door.

There were six people standing under the car, three men and three women, who were constantly moving things from the car. They were her roommate and boyfriend.

"Xiao Jing, is this your house? It's so big and beautiful that I can't believe it's real."

Ouyang Jing's dormitory is a famous pretty dormitory in the school. Besides her, several other girls are also very beautiful.

The girl who spoke was called Mu Jing. She had a very cheerful personality, exquisite facial features, a well-proportioned figure, and an air of youth all over her body.

The girl on her left is named Zhu Jiayi, with long shawl hair, sweet and shy.

The girl on the right is called Sun Yanhong. She has long fiery red hair. She wears a very short bra on her upper body and a pair of hot pants that barely cover her buttocks.

The cool clothes made her figure look even hotter, and she could be regarded as having a bulging front and a curved back.

She was originally very beautiful, but it was a pity that the heavy makeup made it difficult to see her true face.

Sun Yanhong stepped forward and took Ouyang Jing's hand and said, "Xiao Jing, I really didn't expect that you are a super rich man who hides his secrets. You usually keep a low profile, but you bought such a big villa as soon as you made the move."

As she spoke, her eyes flashed with envy and jealousy that she couldn't hide.

Zhu Jiayi said: "The house is really too big, how many people can live here?"

"It is completely unnecessary for one person to buy such a big house. It is a luxury and waste."

An inappropriate voice sounded next to Zhu Jiayi. It was her boyfriend Dong Qiang.

This guy was just over 1.7 meters tall, and his appearance had nothing to do with being handsome. He was dressed in ordinary clothes and he didn't look like he was a kid from a wealthy family.

But I don't know why, but this man's face has a kind of mysterious confidence and arrogance, as if he doesn't care about anything.

Standing next to Zhu Jiayi, there was no sense of matching. It was a typical bouquet of flowers and a pile of cow dung. I really don’t know how the two people came together.

After hearing what he said, the atmosphere immediately became a little awkward.

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"Dong Qiang, you can't eat grapes. Let's call it sour grapes. If you can, buy a villa like this."

The speaker was Sun Yanhong's boyfriend Liu Haifeng. He was a native of Jiangbei City. His family had the best conditions among this small group. He also drove this Highlander.

Dong Qiang curled his lips and said arrogantly: "What's so great is that it's not just about spending my parents' money. I'm a man, so I won't spend my family's money."

Then he said to Zhu Jiayi: "When I have money in the future, I will definitely buy you a bigger villa, which is ten times better than this one."

Zhu Jiayi smiled awkwardly and said to Ouyang Jing: "Xiao Jing, don't worry, that's just the way he is, he's just joking with you."

Mu Jing and Sun Yanhong next to them shook their heads helplessly. They had been together for a while and were very familiar with Dong Qiang's temper.

Obviously his pocket is cleaner than his face, and he relies on Zhu Jiayi for help from time to time, but his tone is louder than that of the world's richest man.

He obviously has no abilities, but he doesn't take anyone seriously.

And this guy has the biggest problem, that is, he hates the rich.

In his eyes, rich people either rely on their parents, or the money in their hands comes from shady sources. In short, he is the only one who is poor and honest.

She had known for a long time that he had these bad habits, and others didn't bother to pay attention to them. Ouyang Jing said, "Okay, everyone, let's go in."

"Yeah, get to work as soon as you get home."

A big man said as he picked up the largest package and walked towards the room. He was Mu Jing's boyfriend Ma You, who was tall and big.

Although he is not handsome, there is a sense of honesty in his smile, which makes people feel extremely at ease.

Everyone worked together and quickly moved all the items brought by the three girls upstairs and placed them in the living room.

After entering, these people were completely shocked by the luxury in the villa, especially the three girls, whose faces were full of envy.

Sun Yanhong said: "Xiaojing, your house is so beautiful, the decoration is so luxurious."

“Oh my God, this bathroom is bigger than our previous dormitory!

And this bathroom, the big bathtub is so beautiful, I must take a hot bath at night!

The kitchen is also big, we can cook by ourselves in the future! "

Mu Jing exclaimed in surprise as she looked around.

Although Zhu Jiayi was a little introverted, she said excitedly: "This house is really beautiful."

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Liang, I never thought I could live in such a nice house. "

After she said this, Dong Qiang next to her said dissatisfied again: "Why are you so materialistic? Isn't it just a house? What's so great about it.

It only needs to be three feet wide to sleep, so what’s the use of anything bigger? "

Zhu Jiayi looked aggrieved, but didn't say anything. It was obvious that she was very tolerant to Dong Qiang.

Mu Jing, who was standing next to her, couldn't stand it any longer and said, "Dong Qiang, what are you talking about? Do you think that the beauty of this house is material? If I have to go to the basement with you, then I am a good woman?"

Sun Yanhong also said: "As a man, he has the responsibility to make women live happily. You don't have this ability and you still talk about us materialism. What do you think?"

Dong Qiang blushed and said, "So what? I already said that I will definitely buy a bigger house for Jiayi in the future.

And I have to rely on my own ability, unlike some people who only know how to spend their parents’ money. "

Ouyang Jing couldn't help it this time. Although she was usually very generous to others, Dong Qiang's words clearly slandered her brother, which she couldn't accept.

She said: "Dong Qiang, my brother bought this house. Did you see that he spent my parents' money?"

Dong Qiang paid no attention to Zhu Jiayi who was pulling his sleeve next to him. He frowned and said, "Do you still need to see this? It's obvious. Do you dare to say that this house was not bought with your parents' money?"

"Is there anything I dare not say? My mother is a bun seller and can only earn tens of thousands of yuan a year. Do you think my mother can afford this house?"

Ouyang Jing said: "My brother earned this house entirely by himself, without spending a penny from the family."


Dong Qiang was suddenly speechless. He originally thought that Ouyang Jing was a low-key rich second generation, and her family must be extremely wealthy, but he didn't expect that her mother was just a bun seller.

Zhu Jiayi said: "Xiaojing, your brother is really amazing. He has made such a big fortune at such a young age."

She originally just wanted to ease the current awkward atmosphere, but she didn't expect that these words stung Dong Qiang's fragile self-esteem.

"What does it mean to make so much money at such a young age? It can only mean that his money is not in a good way."

Although his voice was not loud, it was clearly heard by everyone in the room.

At this moment, the door opened, and a tall figure walked in from the outside, "Who said my money came from evil sources?"

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