Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 52: Troubled Disasters

Niu Haotian and Yang Xu, look at me, I look at you. They were originally here to help Tao Wei, and they were supposed to persevere to the end, but the smell was so stinky that it was unbearable.

The most important thing is that the back of Tao Wei's butt is still making noises one after another, and new gas is constantly excreted outside.

After a brief persistence, the two of them could no longer care about their appearance and hurried out of the private room. Only Tao Wei was left standing there awkwardly in the huge room.

To this day, he still doesn't understand what happened. His carefully planned confession and the custom-made birthday gift he spent 500,000 yuan ended up being defeated by nothing!

After everyone else left, he couldn't stay here any longer. If he stayed a little longer, he might be fumed by his own farts, and he would be even more embarrassed by then.

In desperation, he first opened all the windows and ventilation fans in the private room, and then retreated outside the door.

Fortunately, the gas in his stomach was almost gone, and no new force joined, which reduced further embarrassment.

At this time, a waiter happened to pass by the door of the private room. Seeing several people standing outside, he asked in surprise: "Gentlemen and ladies, why don't you enter the private room? Did something happen?"

Tao Weizheng was full of anger and had nowhere to vent, and said angrily: "Go away, I am willing to stay outside, what does it have to do with you."


The waiter left with a stunned look on his face. When he passed the door of the private room, his expression suddenly changed, then he reached out to cover his nose and ran away in a hurry.

He simply suspected that the guest just now had done something unspeakable in the room, which was why he was so angry.

After a while, the stench in the room was finally gone, and everyone returned to the private room, but the window was kept open.

After entering the door, the atmosphere in the room was a bit awkward, and no one mentioned the birthday gift again.

In order to ease the awkward atmosphere, Niu Haotian said: "Everyone, today is to celebrate Miss Yuting's birthday, and everyone must continue to be happy."

Yang Xu said: "That's right. Let's sing a song to express our blessings to Miss Yuting."

Ye Bufan poked Han Shuai: "Second brother, why don't you hurry up and show off?"

Han Shuai said with a bitter face: "Don't you know how I sing? Everyone else is five

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I'm tone deaf, I don't have any of it, it would be embarrassing to go up there, so it would be better not to go. "

Huang Xiaoli said flatteringly: "When it comes to singing, no one can beat our Young Master Tao. He was the former karaoke champion of Jiangnan University and a well-deserved king of singers. Now I would like to invite Young Master Tao to sing a song for everyone." .”

When talking about singing, Tao Wei seemed to get over the embarrassment in an instant and regained his confidence.

Although he is a dandy, he has received an aristocratic education since he was a child, and he can be said to be versatile.

Especially in terms of music, if you have a little bit of talent, coupled with the training you get, your singing will indeed be much better than ordinary people.

He took the microphone and said to Shi Yuting again: "Yuting, I have prepared this song for you for a long time and practice it every day just to sing it to you on your birthday.

I want to tell you, you are my rose, you are my flower. "

As the music started to sound, he sang into the microphone, "When a flower blooms, there is a flower of love. Among all the flowers in the mountain, you are the only one I cherish..."

To be honest, Tao Wei's singing is really good. Although he is not as good as professional singers, he is definitely the best among ordinary people.

Han Shuai looked frustrated. Although his family was also rich, his father was a very traditional-minded person and wanted him to go to college.

Since childhood, I have had exam-oriented education, and I have only studied mathematics, physics, and chemistry. I have never been exposed to art. In addition, I have no talent in this area. Now I can only watch my love rival show off on the stage.

Ye Bufan saw all this in his eyes. Now that he was here, he couldn't watch his good brother being suppressed by the other party.

Besides, Tao Wei is obviously a playboy, and it would be a pity if such a good girl as Shi Yuting really falls into his hands.

Tao Wei sang more and more energetically, and the more he sang, the more coquettish he became.

Yang Xu, Niu Haotian, and Huang Xiaoli took turns applauding him, which made him even more proud, as if he had regained all the face he had just lost.

"you are mine……"

But what he didn't expect was that as soon as he sang the first part of the song, before he could say the word "rose", a sudden burst of air spurted out of his throat, and he actually burped.

Then the rhythm of the song completely changed, "You are mine... uh... you are mine... uh..."

The hiccups came one after another, making him unable to

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Can't sing any more.

Tao Wei was almost going crazy. What on earth is going on? Didn't you look at the solar calendar when you went out today? Why do bad things happen one after another?

I just wanted to show off in front of Shi Yuting so that I could get that woman into bed. Why were there so many twists and turns? Can you still let people pick up girls?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Finally, he slammed the microphone in his hand to the ground, "Tmd, I won't sing anymore."

Huang Xiaoli hurriedly stepped forward to comfort her: "Young Master Tao, there's no need to be angry, you must be feeling unwell today, it's no big deal.

Do you think this will work? There is a piano over there. The piano music I saw you play last time was simply heavenly. Can you play another one for us all? "

Niu Haotian then persuaded: "Yes, Xiaowei, you are versatile, why limit yourself to one song? It's not bad to play a song, and you can also offer your blessings to Yuting."

After hearing what the two people said, Tao Wei felt much better and walked towards the piano next to him.

Ye Weiyang KTV originally took a high-end route, and they booked a platinum private room with a minimum purchase of 10,000. There was indeed a nice piano in the room.

Tao Wei once passed the piano level 10 exam, and he was full of confidence. He opened the cover of the piano, sat on the chair and started playing.

And Niu Haotian came to Shi Yuting and said, "Miss Shi, you see my brother is really versatile. Although he is a little out of shape today, he can pick up anything. He plays the piano so well!"

Just when he wanted to say a few nice words for Tao Wei, suddenly the sound of the piano became chaotic, and there was a burst of noise, which completely messed up the tune just now.

The expressions of other people in the room changed. They didn't know what was going on. They were having a good conversation just now, so why did it suddenly become chaotic?

Tao Wei was also confused. He was just about to show off when he suddenly felt numbness on the left side of his body. It was like hemiplegia.

The left hand and left foot have lost their normal flexibility, so naturally they cannot play the piano, and the tones they produce are even worse than playing cotton.


He punched the piano, feeling so angry that his lungs were about to explode. Why did his body always have problems at critical moments?

Is this a miracle or a disaster?

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