Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 515 A big deal

Ouyang Jing was shocked when she heard that Ye Bufan really wanted to buy it.

In her opinion, even if Ye Bufan could afford this skirt, he would have spent all his money on it. There was no need to spend so much money just to fight with others.

She took Ye Bufan's arm and said, "Brother, let's go. There is no need to fight with this kind of person."

Fang Xiaoqi said with a sarcastic face: "Cousin, have you seen this? This kind of people are still pretending, even though they can't afford it, they still pretend to be fat.

If you look at the clothes they are wearing, it is obvious that they are poor people spending money at street stalls, and they insist on coming to our Chanel store to show off. Such people are really annoying, and you should not talk to them. It is a complete waste of time. "

Su Lijuan took a look at Ye Bufan and Ouyang Jing. They were indeed cheap street vendors.

Especially Ouyang Jing, although she is very beautiful, her clothes have turned white after being washed, so there is no one who can afford to spend money here.

"Did you hear what my cousin said? Leave quickly or ask the security guards to throw you out."

They are worthy of being cousins. They both have a pair of dog-like eyes that look down on others, and they will chase people away when they come up.

Ye Bufan frowned: "How did you become a store manager? If you treat customers like this, do you still have any quality?"

"Do you need to teach me how to be a store manager? What qualities do I need for a person like you? You are not my customer here."

Su Lijuan said impatiently: "Hurry up, we Chanel don't welcome you."

Ye Bufan took out a bank card and said, "Do you really think I can't afford this dress?"

Su Lijuan curled her lips and said, "Who are you trying to scare with a broken card? Even if you can afford it, we won't do your business."

Ye Bufan said: "Are you sure you want to do this? I hope you won't regret it later."

"Hahahaha..." Su Lijuan laughed sarcastically and said to the onlookers, "Did you hear that? Just such a poor guy who spreads his goods all over the place has the nerve to make me, a store manager with an annual salary of millions, regret it. .

It is true that the ignorant are fearless and dare to say anything. "

Ye Bufan stopped talking nonsense to her, directly pulled Ouyang Jing and said, "Let's go to another store."

"It should have been like this a long time ago. You can't pretend anymore." Fang Xiaoqi said to Su Lijuan, "Cousin, you are so right. Let me tell you, there is definitely no more than 100 yuan in his card. He is just bluffing people by showing it out. of."

Su Lijuan sneered: "A poor ghost actually

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However, he has the nerve to threaten me, so what if he has a little money? A Chanel store as big as ours can't make a single sale from him. "

She did think so. If Ye Bufan had no money in his card, she would be embarrassed as the store manager.

So what if you have money? My own store is not short of such a business.

While the two were talking, Ye Bufan and Ouyang Jing walked directly into the Hermès opposite.

Hermès is also one of the top ten luxury brands in the world, and its influence and value are not inferior to Chanel.

In comparison, this store in Jiangbei City is larger than Chanel and has more products.

Although several shopping guides at the door had just witnessed the conflict on the other side, they still said politely: "Mr. and Miss, how can I help you?"

Ye Bufan was not polite this time. He took out his bank card and said, "According to my sister's figure, give her a set of all the clothes you have here, including underwear."

"One set of all the clothes? Sir, are you sure you're not joking?"

The waiter was simply stunned by Ye Bufan's words.

Over at Chanel, Fang Xiaoqi was so out of breath laughing when she saw this scene that she could hardly stand up.

"How can a poor guy pretend to be so realistic? What will you do if you get exposed later? Why do you have the nerve to walk out of here?"

After laughing enough, she said to Su Lijuan next to her: "Cousin, you don't know how poor that classmate is. She stayed in school to work during the New Year last year and did not go home. This year's holiday is even more like this. Do you think such a person can be rich?

Not to mention her poor brother, if this card can generate 10,000 yuan, I will lose. "

There was even more disdain on the corner of Su Lijuan's mouth, and she believed in her cousin's words. I'm afraid this poor guy didn't even know what he meant and how much money it would cost.

One piece for each set of clothes. This kind of overbearing way of buying clothes has never been seen in her many years of working in luxury stores. Even the biggest rich man in Jiangbei City has never seen such a skill.

On the Hermès side, after asking the store manager for instructions, all the waiters began to get busy. They first measured Ouyang Jing's measurements, and then began to select clothes.

Su Lijuan and Fang Xiaoqi hugged their shoulders and watched at the door, waiting for Ye Bufan to make a fool of himself.

Ouyang Jing took Ye Bufan's arm, and her palms were soaked with sweat due to excessive tension. She whispered: "Brother,

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Is this really okay? How about we run away secretly?

"Run? Why run? It's just a few clothes, it's nothing."


"Nothing to worry about." Ye Bufan patted her shoulder and consoled her, "I told you, your brother is now the richest man in Jiangnan, and the most important thing is money."

This is indeed the case. At the beginning, he had a clear understanding of his property.

He can't remember how much money he has now, especially after the sale of the Xanadu community started, astronomical sums may be added to his account every minute.

About ten minutes later, several waiters placed 12 large boxes in front of Ye Bufan.

"Sir, all the clothes you want have been packed, totaling 31.2 million."

At this time, Zhang Qian, the store manager of Hermès, came over, a tall and beautiful woman wearing a set of decent professional attire.

Although she doesn't look older than Su Lijuan, she has a calmer temperament and a kind and bright smile on her face, which makes her look extremely comfortable.

"Dear sir, if you purchase so many clothes at one time, you can become a super VIP member of our store and I will give you a 20% discount."

For some reason, although the young man in front of her was wearing ordinary clothes, Zhang Qian had an inexplicable sense of trust in him.

Ye Bufan said nonchalantly: "No, I'll just buy it in full. The discount money is my tip for everyone."

"Let me strangle you. This guy pretends to be big enough. I'll give him full marks."

Fang Xiaoqi, who was standing at the door waiting to watch the excitement, laughed again, 31.2 million, if there is a 20% discount, it would be more than 6 million cheaper.

Now this poor guy actually pretended to give it to others as tips. She wouldn't believe it even to death.

Not only her, but also Zhang Qian across from her looked stunned. Using so much money as a tip was a rare and generous act. Could it be that this young man was really a super rich man?

She took the bank card dubiously and asked the waiter to bring it over to the POS machine to swipe the card.

At this moment, Ouyang Jing grabbed Ye Bufan's arm so hard that her nails were even embedded in his flesh.

Ye Bufan smiled bitterly, why is this girl so nervous? Are you going to strangle yourself to death?

While everyone was watching, the POS machine beeped, the card was swiped successfully, and then a bill came out.

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