Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 508: There is such a coincidence

"I get angry when you mention this." Wang Xuening said angrily, "Have you ever heard of a baby kiss?"

Ye Bufan said subconsciously: "I've heard of it."

"You've heard of it in movies and TV dramas. In this age, there are still baby kisses."

Wang Xuening said with an indignant look, "I never dreamed that my father would actually book a baby wedding for me, and also told me that that bastard would come to meet me in the next two days.

Originally, I would not agree even to death, but this time my father issued a death order and told me that I must marry him.

So I couldn't get angry, so I followed other people's example and went to a bar to drink. I had never drank before, so I didn't know how much I could drink, and ended up drinking like this. "

Ye Bufan's heart moved and he asked: "Um, after chatting for so long, I still don't know your name."

"Wang Xuening."

"How old are you?"

Wang Xuening said dissatisfied: "Why are you asking this? Don't you know it's rude to ask a girl's age?"

"Sister, don't you want me to be your boyfriend as a shield? I need to understand your situation.

Besides, I know your measurements now. Is there still an age difference?


Wang Xuening glared at him fiercely, but thought it made sense and said, "22 years old."

Hearing this result, Ye Bufan had a black line on his head. He didn't expect that there were such coincidences in the world.

There are already very few baby kisses in this world. Coupled with the other person's surname and age, he can be sure that the girl in front of him is Uncle Defu's daughter, the one he has set a baby kiss with.

He didn't dare to ask more questions when the topic came to this point. If he asked too many questions, he would definitely arouse the other party's suspicion.

If this woman knew that she was the one who ordered that baby to kiss her, she would probably fight her to the death immediately.

The best way to deal with it at the moment is to keep it secret for now, and wait until we find an opportunity to cancel the marriage with Uncle Defu.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Wang Xuening said dissatisfiedly: "Have you finished asking? Now it's time to give me the result. Do you agree or disagree?

"I agree. I'm just pretending to be my boyfriend as a shield. This little thing is nothing."

Ye Bufan patted his chest and said, "This matter will be taken care of by me. I promise to help you break off your engagement with that man.

He said this with full confidence. He was here to break off the engagement and had more say than anyone else.

Seeing that he agreed so happily, Wang Xuening was happy

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He said: "Okay, let's make this deal. I'll pay you 500,000 first, and then I'll pay you the remaining half after everything is done."

"No, I always like to be Lei Feng, just take the money."

Ye Bufan had a very good impression of Uncle Defu. Especially when his mother said that when she was sick, she relied on the money sent by Uncle Defu to survive. Her heart was filled with gratitude. How could she want Uncle Defu's daughter? money.

At the same time, I secretly sighed in my heart, I didn't expect that the poor uncle back then would develop into what he is now.

Seeing that the other party did not accept the 1 million he offered, Wang Xuening immediately became suspicious. Seeing that the other party's clothes did not look like a rich man, how could he not accept the money he received? You must know that 1 million is not a small number.

She asked: "What do you mean? Why don't you want my money?"

Ye Bufan said: "You have said that I like to do good things, so just think of me as helpful. Do you have too much money to spend?"

"No, do you have something wrong with me?"

"Sister, what else can I have for you? If I had, I would have done it just now. Do I still have to wait until now?"

Ye Bufan said angrily, this woman is really troublesome, it's not okay to agree, it's not okay not to agree, it's not okay to agree and not charge money.

Wang Xuening was right when she thought about it. If this guy had any bad intentions towards her, he would have done it just now.

She asked again: "Then you want to run away secretly later and don't want to help me? Let me tell you, if you dare to run away, I will call the police."

"Sister, you are thinking too much. I have promised to help you and I will definitely not run away."

Seeing that the other party was not finished, Ye Bufan simply said, "Well, let's do this. You will not be rewarded for your efforts. When I help you complete the matter, you will pay me another one million in one lump sum."

According to his idea, when the other party knows that he is the one who has decided to marry the baby, he will probably not pay a penny, which will save him the trouble.

"Okay, let's make an agreement. As long as you complete this matter for me, I will pay you in one lump sum."

Seeing that the other party agreed to collect the money, Wang Xuening felt much more at ease.


Ye Bufan agreed simply. Breaking off the engagement in this way would save a lot of trouble.

And since both of them disagree, I believe Uncle Defu won't say anything more.

Wang Xuening said: "Since we have agreed, let's go now."

Ye Bufan asked in surprise: "Where are you going?"

Wang Xuening said: "When

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If you go to my house, do you still want me to sleep with you tonight? "

"This...isn't it appropriate to meet your parents so soon?"

According to Ye Bufan's idea, he would go see his sister first and settle everything before he came to cancel the engagement.

Moreover, he felt that it was not appropriate to talk about breaking off an engagement at someone's home, as it would be a bit disrespectful. The best way was to make a phone call to ask Uncle Defu out and explain the matter tactfully at the dinner table.

Wang Xuening said: "You are overthinking. I live alone, but there are many rooms at home, which is much more convenient than here."

"Oh! That's not very convenient. Why don't you go back and stay by yourself? It's fine for me to stay in a hotel."

Now that he has decided to break off the engagement, Ye Bufan feels that it is better to have as little contact with the other party as possible to avoid embarrassment when they become acquainted.

"That's okay. Now you are pretending to be my boyfriend. What's the point of leaving you here?"

Wang Xuening said, "I have already thought about it. When the time comes, I will tell my family that because you saved me, I fell in love with you at first sight and committed myself to you.

The two people had cooked rice in the hotel, and then started living together. "

"No, this is absolutely not okay."

Ye Bufan shook his head repeatedly. If Uncle Defu knew that he had slept with his daughter, how could he agree to break off the engagement?

Wang Xuening said: "This is such a good idea, why doesn't it work?"

Ye Bufan said: "I have always been a clean and self-sufficient person. My innocence is not ruined by what you said, so it is absolutely not allowed."


Wang Xuening was so angry that her lungs were about to explode, "I don't care about a woman, but you, a grown man, have the nerve to say that you are innocent."

Ye Bufan said: "I have already promised you. I will take care of this matter. I will definitely cancel the marriage for you. There is no need to do all those messy things. If you don't agree, then dissolve the relationship between us." protocol."

Seeing his resolute attitude, Wang Xuening thought for a while and said: "Well, I'll give you a chance first. If you can't handle it yourself, just do what I said before.

But there is a condition, you have to live at home with me these days, otherwise I will have no basis even if I want to lie. "

"Okay, it's fine to live together, but we agreed that you can't have any ideas about me."

"Hit you on the head."

Wang Xuening grabbed the pillow next to her and hit the shameless man on the head hard.

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