Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 484 Three consecutive losses

"That's enough, shut up."

Zhang Yunxiu was completely irritated by his mindless behavior. If you drive away Teacher Ye again, you will end up cheating me.

He said to everyone present: “The Cultural Affairs Bureau has just made a decision, but I haven’t had time to announce it due to time constraints.

Now I would like to officially announce to everyone that Chang Hao will be relieved of his position as Director of the Academic Affairs Office starting today. "

"Huh? What?"

Chang Hao never dreamed that he had just used his position as director of the Academic Affairs Office to talk about things, but was fired in the blink of an eye.

"Principal Zhang, what are you talking about? Are you kidding?"

Zhang Yunxiu said with disgust on his face: "Do you think I am in the mood to joke with you? This is a formal decision issued by the superiors, and I personally support it with both hands."

"Okay, that's great. I raise my hands to support the Education Bureau's decision. This kind of person is not worthy of being the director of the Academic Affairs Office."

"You are so wise. With such rubbish quality, you are not even qualified to be a teacher, let alone a director. How can you compare with Teacher Ye?"

"I support Teacher Ye to be the director of the Academic Affairs Office of our school. If everyone agrees, please raise your hands..."

I don’t know who took the lead in shouting, but everyone raised their hands and shouted together, “We support Teacher Ye!”

Hearing the earth-shattering shouts around him, Ye Bufan couldn't help but shook his head. These students were really capable of causing trouble.

"Okay, stop barking!"

After confirming that he was really dismissed from the position of academic director, Chang Hao shouted angrily: "Why are you shouting? I tell you, even if I am dismissed from my position, he is not qualified.

A temporary teacher hired by a school is, to put it bluntly, a temporary worker. What qualifications do he have to be the dean of academic affairs?

And even if I lose my position, I am still a formal employee of the country and can make a comeback at any time. "

The reason why this guy yelled like this was to vent his frustration. Ever since he met Ye Bufan, he had always been frustrated and never received any benefits.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he heard someone outside the crowd shout: "That's wrong. From now on, you are no longer a formal employee. You are fired."

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound and saw a middle-aged man in his 50s walking in from the outside. It was Zhang Baisen, the director of the Bureau of Culture and Education.

Chang Hao was completely dumbfounded at this time, and stammered: "Zhang... Director Zhang..."

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Zhang Baisen separated from everyone and walked in, and said to Chang Hao: "Originally, you were assigned a temporary job from the Bureau of Culture and Education for training, but look at what you have done recently?

The work is in shambles, the character is not up to par, and capable teachers are suppressed one after another.

A person like you is not worthy of being in this position. You are fired! "

"Director Zhang, you can't do this. Give me another chance and I will definitely correct myself in the future!"

Chang Hao was indeed a little confused. Zhang Bosen had been kind to him in the past. After all, he had his father's face to take care of him.

Why did he fall out so quickly today, and he did it so cruelly, first he was dismissed from his position, and then he was fired.

Zhang Baisen said with a cold face: "This is a research decision made at a collective meeting. There is no room for change. You can go."

He was filled with grief and anger, but the students present cheered, and the roar of the cheers quickly drowned out his voice.

"Great, this kind of scum should be kicked out of the education front..."

"This day has finally arrived. It's so satisfying. I want to drink, I want to celebrate, I want to set off firecrackers..."

"The sky has eyes, and God's eyes are sharp. This kind of scum cannot compare to Teacher Ye at all. He is not even worthy of carrying Teacher Ye's shoes..."

Being stimulated by the people around him one after another, Chang Hao felt that he was going crazy. At this moment, he couldn't care anymore and howled hysterically: "Why, why did you invite him back to drive me away!

Let me tell you, even if I am removed from my position, even if I am fired, I am still 10,000 times better than him.

I am rich and have connections in my family. If I are fired today, I can go to work in another unit tomorrow. I can still be a regular employee and I can still be in a position.

If you don’t leave me here, you will have your own place to stay. You can’t stop me, and even those named Ye can’t stop me..."

He felt much happier after yelling. At this time, someone outside the crowd said, "That's right. No one wants you. If we want you here, we will keep you here forever."

As soon as he finished speaking, Sima Wei came in from outside with the people from Xuanyuan Pavilion, pointed at Chang Hao and shouted: "Capture him."

The two people from Xuanyuan Pavilion agreed, took out the handcuffs from their waists, and cuffed his hands with a click.

Chang Hao was completely panicked now. His position was revoked and he might be promoted in the future. He didn’t have a job. The family could help him find another one, but if he was arrested, he would be completely

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It's over.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Why are you arresting me? I haven't broken the law, and I haven't committed any crime."

He roared crazily and kept twisting his body, but in the hands of the two Xuanyuan Pavilion members, he was like a chicken, unable to make waves no matter what.

Everyone present looked confused this time. Anyway, Chang Hao was also an employee of the Bureau of Culture and Education just now. Zhang Baisen stepped forward and asked: "Which department do you belong to? What crime did he commit?"

Sima Wei showed her ID and then said: "This kind of person betrayed our Chinese intelligence to foreign special departments for his own selfish gain, which caused extremely serious consequences. Now we are arresting him for surrendering to the enemy and treason."

"I thought he was just a scumbag, but I didn't expect him to do such a thing..."

"Why doesn't he die when he surrenders to the enemy and treason? This kind of person should be arrested and shot..."

"Oh my god, I knew he was nothing before, but I didn't expect him to be such a scumbag..."

Chang Hao was stunned for a moment when he heard the charges against him, and then shouted crazily: "Impossible, I didn't do it. You are slandering me. I protest and I will sue you..."

Sima Wei slammed a stack of information in front of him. You can read it yourself.

Chang Hao picked up the information with trembling handcuffed hands. There were photos of him meeting Jins, records of inquiries about an extra $20,000 in his bank, and some things he couldn't understand at all.

Now he was completely dumbfounded. He had been complacent a few days ago, thinking that he had picked up 20,000 US dollars in vain, but he did not expect that it would bring disaster to himself.

Sima Wei shouted: "Just because you took 20,000 US dollars and betrayed our important information, which resulted in unimaginable consequences and extremely serious losses to China, your crime is enough to put you in jail. "

Although Chang Hao made a mistake in this matter, the mistake could be big or small. The most important thing is that he provoked Ye Bufan.

Sima Wei has always had a fiery temper and would never show any mercy to anyone who provokes her man. Naturally, she would put the biggest hat on his head and let him suffer the most serious consequences.

Chang Hao's face was livid and his eyes were full of despair. In just a few minutes, he could be said to have experienced three consecutive falls in his life. First, the director of the Academic Affairs Office was dismissed, then he was fired, and now he is about to face prison.

Once upon a time, he was the proud man of heaven, but now he has completely fallen to the lowest point in his life.

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