Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 448 Three seconds is enough

Feeling the astonishing power of the explosion, Dao Niangzi and Yu Wanlu's expressions changed drastically, and they were extremely nervous looking at the broken arms and limbs scattered around them.

If these things were really detonated, I'm afraid none of them would survive.

Jins said proudly: "Did you see that? I'm not joking with you. Give that woman to me quickly, otherwise you will all die.

It doesn't matter to me, because except for my head, all other parts of my body are mechanically synthesized, and the organization will make a new body for me when the time comes. "

Yu Wanlu said with a complicated expression: "Teacher, just leave me to him."

Although she was extremely reluctant to be taken away, she had no choice but to sacrifice herself for the safety of Ye Bufan and Lady Dao.

"Silly girl, what are you talking about? We have already said that it is not their turn to run wild in our land of China."

Ye Bufan pulled her behind him and said with a mocking look on his face: "Do you think you can make me surrender with such a little trick?"

Jins shouted: "Ye Bufan, I know how powerful your Chinese Kung Fu is, so what? Can you compete with the Z bomb?

As soon as I press the button on the remote, you will all be blown to smithereens. "

Ye Bufan said nonchalantly: "Okay then, just blow it up."


Kings originally wanted to detonate another severed arm to put pressure on Ye Bufan, but he was surprised to find that all the severed limbs and bodies in black suits scattered on the ground had disappeared.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

With a look of panic on his face, he finally pressed a button on the remote control, but there was silence and no response.

"You bastard, devil, how did you do that?"

Jins couldn't believe his eyes. The reason why their X team could become the ace force of country M was mainly based on two points. The first was the powerful combat effectiveness after mechanical transformation, and the second was the hidden high-explosive Z bomb.

But now the last trump card has lost its effect. The most important thing is that he still hasn't figured out how they did it.

Seeing that the crisis was resolved, Lady Dao breathed a sigh of relief, and then said angrily: "You monster, go to hell."

As she was about to take action, Kings called again: "Wait a minute."

Ye Bufan stopped Lady Dao and asked, "What else do you have to say?"

"You can't kill me," Kings said.

Ye Bufan said: "Give me a reason

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Depend on. "

Jins said: "As the team leader, I have been specially modified. In order to prevent you Chinese from stealing our technology, I have placed special Z bombs in my body, which are 10 times more powerful than theirs.

As long as my heart stops beating, it will explode immediately after more than three seconds. So you can't kill me, you can only let me go. "

Ye Bufan looked through his body again and confirmed that what this guy said was true. It seemed that Country M was indeed very sufficient. Self-destruction systems were implanted in these modified people.

Jins shouted again: "Did you hear that? Ye, please let me go quickly, otherwise everyone will die."

Ye Bufan looked at him and smiled slightly: "Just now you said how long it would take for your heart to stop beating before it explodes?"

"Three seconds is a very short time, and the Z bomb is very powerful. You can't expect to escape the explosion range."

Jins thought Ye Bufan wanted to kill him and ran away quickly, and immediately issued a warning.

"Three seconds is enough."

As he spoke, Ye Bufan moved his feet and came to Jins. The dragon's teeth chopped off his head in an instant.

Jins had a look of reluctance, his eyes were wide open, and he was completely stubborn. He didn't know why this Chinese ignored his warning. Was he really not afraid of being blown up?

Of course, Ye Bufan would not let his mechanically modified body explode. At this moment, he had put it into the storage ring like those broken arms and limbs.

The storage ring is an independent three-dimensional space with no timeline. Not to mention that there are still three seconds left, even one second will not explode.

After all, Yu Wanlu was just an ordinary girl. The moment Ye Bufan made a move, she had already closed her eyes and even blocked her ears with two fingers.

Being kidnapped here today, she was still deeply shocked, so she didn't notice anything strange about the situation.

Ye Bufan dealt with Jins and asked Dao Niangzi to send her back to the dormitory first, and then began to clean up the scene.

He directly used the alchemy fire to refine the human tissue left by Jinsi and others into ashes, and put the remaining mechanical parts into the storage ring. These things would still be useful to China in the future, so they were not destroyed.

After doing all this, he took out his mobile phone and called He Shuangshuang. First, he reported that it was safe, and then asked her to find someone to deal with the situation here. After all, the explosion just made too much noise, and the police would arrive soon.

After finishing everything, he returned to his dormitory. As soon as he arrived at the door, he saw

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Wu Zihao, Ai Meili and others were guarding the door.

"It's late at night, why don't you go back to sleep?"

After Ye Bufan finished speaking, he took out the key, opened the door, and let a few people in.

"Teacher Ye, I'm sorry, I was wrong today."

Wu Zihao said guiltily.

Ye Bufan patted his head and said: "It's good to know that you are wrong. Don't think that society is so beautiful in the future. Studying hard is the right way."

In fact, the age gap between the two people is not big, but at this moment, Wu Zihao was like a respectful primary school student, nodding his head repeatedly: "I understand, teacher, I won't be so stupid again in the future."

Several other girls also expressed their gratitude to Ye Bufan. Hai Mingzi took the lead and said: "Teacher Ye, thank you for saving us today."

They all knew very well what kind of end would have been waiting for them if Ye Bufan hadn't arrived in time.

"Okay, why are you being polite to me? I am your teacher and I should help you."

"Then I want to thank you too."

Hai Mingzi said, coming over and kissing him on the cheek. The other girls followed suit, one of them kissed him on the cheek, and then left with a smile.

Ye Bufan smiled and shook his head, then took out his cell phone and started dialing Sima Wei's number.

The second attack started in country m. She had to tell her about this situation.

The call was quickly connected, and Ye Bufan told the story from beginning to end, and finally said: "The other party claimed to be a member of Team

"You are right. They should be just a small team. They are members of Team M of Country

Sima Wei said: "But Team

Ye Bufan hesitated for a moment and did not tell him about his collection of the mechanical modification parts of the X-Team. After all, he had not told Sima Wei about the storage ring. It was not that he did not trust it, but that he had not found a suitable opportunity.

Sima Wei added: "Xiao Fan, it is estimated that the main force of team x will come to Jiangnan City tomorrow. You must be more careful."

"I know this." Ye Bufan asked, "How are you doing over there? Is there any progress?"

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