Urban ancient fairy doctor

Extra - Heartless Valley (6)

Although Jue Ran was also curious about what was behind this concealment formation, he knew that now was not the time to be curious.

If it were just her and Zhong Limei, they might have found out out of curiosity, but they were concerned with Ye Bufan's two daughters, and they didn't dare to be careless.

"You two ladies, I think it's better to forget it and get out of here quickly!"

"It's okay, there's no need to be so anxious."

In contrast, Ye Yaomei was very calm, "My sister's formation is very powerful. It won't take long to break through it..."

Before she could finish her words, Ye Luoshan over there had already started to break the formation.

It has to be said that the little girl has very strong knowledge of formations. Although this concealment formation is of high level and very complicated, it did not last long under her hands.

In just two or three minutes, there was a wave of profound energy, and then the concealment formation dissipated, and a stone door appeared in front of the four people.

Ye Yaomei first scanned it with her consciousness to make sure there was no danger inside, and then stretched out her hand to push the door open.

The stone door is very thick. After opening it, there is a stone step below. The air is filled with a smell of decay. It is obvious that no one has been here for a long time.

The four talented people walked down the steps boldly. At the end was a stone room measuring twenty or thirty square meters. In the middle, there was a person hanging in the middle, or more specifically, a person's skeleton.

The skin and flesh had long since rotted away, leaving only the bare skeleton hanging in the air.

What is surprising is that the skeleton's hand bones are holding a piece of yellow leather paper with small blood-colored letters written on it.

Otherwise the room was empty, nothing else.

"Who is this person? Why go to all this trouble to lock him up here?"

Out of curiosity, the four people's consciousness swept over the yellow paper.

After seeing the content above clearly, Jue Ran's expression changed drastically, and he knelt down at the feet of the skeleton with a plop.

"Master, why are you here? Who caused you to be like this?"


r\u003eIt turns out that the parchment is a blood-sealing book, and the opening sentence on it is clearly written, "This is the last written work of my elder Ge Danhong."

This person is none other than Jue Ran and Duan Feng's master, the former master of Jueqing Valley, and the previous Supreme Elder Ge Danhong.

More than a hundred years ago, Ge Danhong suddenly disappeared from the sect and disappeared without a trace. He searched high and low in Jueqing Valley for many years but found nothing.

Before, Ye Bufan and the others turned the Jueqing Valley upside down, but no one from the Tribulation Stage took action. It was precisely for this reason that the only Supreme Elder disappeared.

Jue Ran had searched for his master many times before, but to no avail. I never expected that the bones would appear in this secret room more than a hundred years later.

"Don't cry yet, look at what's written in the blood book."

In comparison, Zhong Limei was relatively calm. He stopped Jue Ran from crying, and several people began to check the blood letter.

The blood letter was not too long, just over a thousand words. Everyone read it quickly, and Jue Ran's eyes flashed with a bone-chilling chill.

"This damn bitch is not only shameless, but also so vicious!"

It turns out that the blood letter clearly stated that Duan Feng had a tryst with the adulterer in black, but Ge Danhong accidentally broke it up.

Due to the restrictions of the sect's rules, she naturally reprimanded loudly.

At that time, Duan Feng cried bitterly, knelt down and admitted his mistake, saying that he would die to apologize. After that, he committed suicide with a short knife. Ge Danhong quickly stopped him.

But I didn't expect that all of this was fake and all staged to attract her attention.

Just when she took action, Duan Feng and the adulterer in black took action to seal her acupuncture points. Later, they directly abolished her cultivation and imprisoned her here.

His cultivation was abolished and he had no future. In despair, Ge Danhong stayed behind.

A letter written in blood, and then he committed suicide here.

Duan Feng abides by the family rules on the surface, but secretly has an affair with others and has a child behind his back. If this is just the case, then forget it. After being exposed in the scandal, he deceives his master and destroys his ancestors, which makes Jue Ruan extremely angry.

"I'm going to kill her. I want to avenge my master."

The angry Jue Ran wanted to go to Duan Feng to fight for his life, but was held back by Zhong Limei.

"Don't be impulsive. Revenge will come later. If you go now, you will die. Besides, it doesn't matter if we die. There are still two young masters here. We must leave now."

After saying this, Jue Ran calmed down a lot. First he collected Ge Danhong's bones, and then the four of them left the stone room and quietly left the dungeon.

Not long after they left, there was a noise in the Jueqing Valley behind them, and it was obvious that they had been robbed.

The four people ran all the way, and after about two hours, they left the Jueqing Valley and appeared in a wide valley.

Zhong Limei stopped and looked around, "Why do I feel something is wrong?"

Jue Ran barely recovered from the grief and said, "What, what's wrong?"

Zhong Limei said, "Duan Feng locked us in the dungeon. Even if the two young masters are superb, they can't let us leave so easily.

Especially the man in black's cultivation level is terrifying. With his spiritual consciousness, he should soon find out that we have escaped. We can't be silent until now. "

Jue Ran frowned. As the leader of a sect, he was certainly not a brainless person and was aware of this problem.

"It seems like this. There are only two possibilities for being able to escape from the Valley of Desolation so smoothly without being discovered by them.

Either they are not within the sect, or they let us leave on purpose. "

"Let us go on purpose? How is this possible?"

Although Ye Yaomei is smart, she is still a little younger and has little social experience.

Some people were surprised, "These things are dead, why do they let us go?"

"It will be cleaner to deal with you here, without leaving any tail behind."

As soon as he finished speaking, three figures appeared in front of several people. They were Duan Feng, Fu Haitao and the masked man in black.

Fu Haitao laughed proudly, "How about it? You didn't expect that all this was my father's plan.

Now everyone in Jueqing Valley knows that you have escaped. If we kill you here, no one will know that it was us who did it. "

The more this guy talked, the more proud he became. His eyes swept over Ye Yaomei and Ye Luoshan obscenely, "You two little bitches, kneel down and beg me right now. I can still give you a chance to live."

Ye Yaomei spat fiercely, "Bah, you are such a piece of shit, sooner or later I will cut off your head and play it as a ball!"

Duan Feng looked at Jue Ran with a cold expression, "Junior sister, I originally wanted to spare your life for the sake of my fellow sect, but you are so reckless that you discovered the secret room. Now you can only die."

"Deceiving your master and destroying your ancestors is worse than a pig or a dog. I will take you with me even if I die!"

Absolutely extremely angry, after saying this, he was ready to fight, but Ye Yaomei held him back.

“Don’t worry, we’ll talk about revenge later!

Shanshan, I'm responsible for blocking them, you activate the Baili Dun Kong Talisman! "

Ye Yaomei was extremely smart and had already made various plans when she went back to save people, including being intercepted by Duan Feng and the others.

Now that the strength is displayed here, the man in black is too strong, and he can only ask for trouble by trying his best. The best way is to leave first.

After she finished speaking, Ye Luoshan immediately took action. As Ye Bufan's daughter, she definitely had a lot of life-saving things. She took out four Baili Escape Talismans.

"Can you run away in front of me?"

The black man sneered and punched out fiercely.

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