Urban ancient fairy doctor

Extra - the driving force behind the scenes (1)

In the first year of Long Qi, after Ye Bufan returned to Earth, he put down the rebellion of intelligent AI. The world was in dire straits and China became the center of the world.

The Imperial Capital, which had not been directly affected by the war, still seemed to be extremely prosperous. Coupled with Ye Bufan's strong return, the major families related to it were bustling with activity.

There is a huge manor at the foot of the hill outside the suburbs. This is the property of the Dongfang family.

There is a three-story villa building inside. It looks ordinary, but it is surrounded by more than a dozen armed guards and is heavily guarded.

A young man was sitting on the sofa in the room, watching the TV in front of him boredly, with an indifferent expression. He was clearly the eldest young master of the Dongfang family and the former sole heir, Dongfang Renjie.

He betrayed Ye Bufan before and took refuge in the Sun Moon Holy Fire Sect. After his failure, he was handed over to the Dongfang family and was placed under house arrest by Dongfang Jianye.

It has been almost three years, and I have spent every day like this.

Although there is no need to worry about food and drink, there is no freedom. No one is allowed to step out of the small building, and no one is allowed to enter. It is absolutely isolated from the world.

"Young Master Dongfang, it seems that you enjoy this kind of life."

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared behind him, as if it appeared out of thin air.

This is a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties, with a handsome appearance and a sarcastic sneer on his lips.

Dongfang Renjie looked calm at first, but when he saw this man, he jumped up and grabbed his collar.

"You bastard, it was you who hurt me!"

A cold light flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes, and with a slight wave of his hand, Dongfang Renjie flew out like a kite with a broken string, hitting the wall behind him heavily, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"You are useless and you blame others!"

Dongfang Renjie struggled a few times and failed to stand up, and finally sat against the wall. Although he was unable to resist, he still gritted his teeth with hatred.

"It's all you. If it hadn't been for your temptation, I would still be the young master of the Dongfang family. How could I have ended up in this situation, let alone become a prisoner!"

The middle-aged man smiled coldly: "Young Master Dongfang, what you said is ungrateful. If I hadn't helped you erase the mark on your soul, you would have been loyal to that boy named Ye for the rest of your life.

So what if I become the head of the Dongfang family? It’s not just another person’s dog! "

It turns out that the Dongfang family was cursed to annihilate their descendants. Dongfang Jianye's son and daughter were both gender-biased, with men liking men and women liking women.

Later, Ye Bufan helped them lift the spell, but his strength was limited at that time. Although the spell was lifted, it could not completely erase the mark left by the spell on the soul.

As a result, Dongfang Huizhong fell in love with him, and Dongfang Renjie was loyal.

Later, there was a sudden betrayal, all because of this man who suddenly appeared. He didn't know the other person's identity or what he wanted to do. He only knew that he helped him remove the soul mark.

After his failure, the middle-aged man disappeared and never appeared again.

At that time, Ye Bufan had too many things to do and was always busy. Later, he directly ascended to the fairy world without having time to deal with this doubt.

Dongfang Renjie snorted coldly: "So what, it's better than what I'm like now. Although I'm alive but can't do anything, it's even worse than being dead!"

As the eldest son of an aristocratic family, he was naturally unwilling to settle for mediocrity. After being imprisoned for so long, he looked calm, but in fact he was extremely angry inside.

"How can a real man be subordinate to others? Isn't that what you, Young Master Dongfang, said back then?"

The middle-aged man chuckled and sat down on the chair opposite, "Everything you do has to pay a price. As a man, you will inevitably encounter some setbacks in your life.

Besides, haven’t I come now? Your hard days are over. As long as you do as I say, this world still belongs to you and me! "

Dongfang Renjie was stunned for a moment, "What do you mean by this?"

The middle-aged man's eyes suddenly became sharp: "It's very simple, let you conspire with me."

"Are you fucking kidding me? I can't even get out of the door now, and I'm still plotting to ruin the world. I'm a waste now and can't do anything!"

Dongfang Renjie roared angrily. Fortunately, he was the only one living in the room, and the sound insulation effect was good, so he didn't notice anything wrong outside.

The middle-aged man was not impatient and shook his head with a smile: "That was before. Now that I'm here, I can let Dongfang Jianye pass the position of head of the family directly to you. From now on, you will be in charge of the Dongfang family."

Dongfang Renjie looked unbelieving: "How is this possible? Can you do it?"

"Don't worry, I won't come here to talk nonsense with you if I can't do it." The middle-aged man said, "I can do my best to make Dongfang Jianye lose his mind in a short time and do things exactly according to my wishes without any difficulty. "

Dongfang Renjie is not a useless waste, he still has some brains. He took a deep breath to calm down.

"If you can do that, why don't you control my father and come to me?"

"That's different!" The middle-aged man shook his head, "I told you that it can only be controlled for a short period of time, and the distance cannot be too far.

What I want is a like-minded person who can work together with me, not a puppet who is controlled by me.

As long as Dongfang Jianye passes the throne in public, and you are the only heir to the Dongfang family, it will be easy to control the family's power. "

After a brief silence, Dongfang Renjie said: "Even if you can do it, what if I regain control of the Dongfang family?

Don't you know that man is back? With him, there will be no chaos in the imperial capital, and there will be no chaos in the world. There is no place for me to stand at all.

You go, I don't want to lose my head because of you. Although I am still alive now, it is better than dead. "

Ye Bufan keeps a low profile, but he has done so many things since returning to China and made such a big noise, so it is inevitable that some information will be leaked.

Dongfang Renjie watches TV and checks his cell phone every day, and has a certain understanding of the outside world. He knows that he has returned to Earth and is stronger than before.

A flash of killing intent flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes: "He is indeed back. All we have to do is kill him, so that the world will be ours!"

"Kill him, are you crazy?"

Dongfang Renjie gave him a mocking look, "Do you know how powerful he is? If you want to kill him, do you have the ability?

If you want to die on your own, don't take me with you. "

"That kid is indeed powerful, but I have my own way!"

The middle-aged man seemed to want to convince Dongfang Renjie, so he hesitated and said, "Have you heard of the Ten Strange Poisons?"

"I know a little bit, but Wang Xuening was the sleeping beauty who was poisoned by one of the ten strange poisons back then."

Dongfang Renjie didn't know much about medical skills and poisons. He knew the names of the top ten poisons because of Wang Xuening's incident, that is, he knew one kind of Sleeping Beauty and knew nothing about the remaining nine.

Then he looked at the other party mockingly: "You don't want to use poison to deal with Ye Bufan, do you? If so, I advise you to have a look at your brain.

Using poison to deal with the medical fairy, he is still invulnerable to all poisons, and there will be no result except seeking death! "

(The extras are all random and there is no timeline, so don’t worry about the order.)

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