Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 4314 The Horrible Novice

Unexpectedly, after the third silver needle was inserted, the little boy immediately began to foam at the mouth, twitched all over, and his face became as pale as a death. (Due to caching reasons, please visit the COM website directly with your browser to watch the fastest chapter updates)

At the same time, the monitoring equipment at the bedside made a harsh beeping sound, the blood pressure dropped, and the heartbeat slowed down rapidly. It was obvious that he was in a critical state of life and death.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Xie Haitao was dumbfounded. He no longer had the courage to pierce the fourth silver needle in his hand.

Dong Tianda said angrily: "What's going on? Do you know how to treat diseases? Why did you treat my son like this?"

Zhou Yongliang also said nervously: "Doctor Xie, what is going on? Was this the same when you cured the case just now?"

"Director, I...I..."

Xie Haitao was covered in cold sweat and was too anxious to speak. He was also confused and didn't know what was going on.

He just remembered clearly that this was how Ye Bufan treated the little boy. How come it not only didn't work in his own hands, but actually worsened the condition?

Seeing that his son's condition was getting more and more critical, Dong Tianda roared: "Stop talking nonsense and treat my son quickly."

"Yeah, why are you still grinding? Find a way to save people quickly!"

Ma Haidong was also extremely anxious. If Xie Haitao really executed Dong Tianda's son, I'm afraid that he, the dean, would also be done.

Xie Haitao had no choice but to pull out all three inserted silver needles, but the little boy's condition still did not improve.

Dong Tianda jumped up anxiously, "Xie, I only have a son like this. If he really wants to have something wrong, I will kill you immediately."

Zhou Yongliang said angrily: "Xie Haitao, didn't you just cure a patient? Why can't you do it now?"


Xie Haitao's whole body was soaked with cold sweat. He hesitated for a long time, but could not even say a complete sentence.

Ma Haidong felt that something was wrong, and said to Zhang Xiaoman next to him: "Tell me, what is going on?"

Zhang Xiaoman hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "The person who cured that child was not Dr. Xie at all, but the family member of the patient named Ye Bufan outside."

Seeing that the matter had been completely exposed, Xie Haitao's legs weakened and he collapsed to the ground.

After learning the truth, Dong Tianda immediately rushed out of the emergency room. Now no matter who it is, as long as he can save his son.

Rushing to Ye Bufan, he said urgently: "Young man, please save my son, whatever the conditions are."


Ye Bufan was not surprised by this result, and the little boy's situation was urgent and there could be no further delay.

He asked Ouyang Lan to go back and rest first, and then followed Dong Tianda into the emergency room.

After entering the door, he glanced at Xie Haitao, who was lying limply on the ground. He came to the little boy's bed, took out the silver needle and started acupuncture treatment.

Originally, the monitoring equipment at the bedside kept emitting piercing alarm sounds, but as the silver needles penetrated one by one, the equipment stopped beeping.

At the same time, the little boy no longer twitched and foamed at the mouth, his face slowly returned to rosy, and his breathing calmed down.

The second time he treated this kind of case, Ye Bufan was already familiar with it. He quickly pricked the little boy's fingertip and squeezed out two drops of poisonous blood.

When he took back the silver needle, the data of various monitoring instruments on the bedside returned to normal. The little boy opened his eyes and sat up from the bed.

"Miraculous doctor! What a miraculous doctor!" Dong Tianda took Ye Bufan's hand and said, "Little miraculous doctor, we are the third generation of the Dong family. If you save my son, you will save our entire Dong family.

The most indispensable thing in our Dong family is restaurants. My brother just built a new big restaurant, so he gave it as a medical fee to his little brother. I will go through the transfer procedures for you when I get back. "

Although Ye Bufan was just a poor boy before, he gained the inheritance of ancient medicine and was not surprised by Dong Tianda's performance. After all, no matter how much money you have, it cannot be compared with human life.

Ancient medical schools treated people, and someone once sent a city as a medical fee.

Seeing that they had earned a restaurant as soon as they made a move, Zhou Yongliang and Ma Haidong both looked envious in their eyes.

Dong Tianda is an extremely shrewd businessman, and he did not do this impulsively.

Being able to make friends with a miracle doctor is equivalent to having an extra life at a critical moment. After all, no matter how much money you have, you must have a life to enjoy it.

In his opinion, just spending some money is not enough to make friends with an expert like Ye Bufan, so he made this big deal.

Now seeing Ye Bufan's indifferent expression, he was even more sure of his inner thoughts.

He left Ye Bufan's phone number, then took out a business card and said, "Little brother, if you need anything in the future, just call me."

Dong Tianda expressed his gratitude again and again and left with his child. Then other patients brought their children to Jiangnan Hospital one after another, and they were all treated by Ye Bufan one by one.

Seeing that the last sick child had been treated, Zhou Yongliang breathed a sigh of relief. This incident had a great impact on the entire Jiangnan City, and the city's top officials were paying attention.

Now Jiangnan Hospital has successfully treated all the infected children, which can be regarded as earning him enough face.

"Xiaoye, you have helped me a lot this time. If you need my help in any way, just ask."

Ye Bufan put away the silver needle, glanced at Xie Haitao next to him and said, "Director Zhou, I really need your help with something."

Zhou Yongliang said: "If you have anything to say, just tell me."

As if sensing what Ye Bufan was about to say, Xie Haitao looked at him with a pleading look on his face.

But Ye Bufan didn't even look at it, he took out the charge details and said: "Director Zhou, Director Ma, this is the charge details that Dr. Xie gave my mother just now.

My mother was admitted to the hospital last night and has spent 39,800 yuan in less than 24 hours.

It was obviously a severe cerebral hemorrhage, but the medicine included anti-thrombotic drugs and drugs for treating heart disease, but there were no aphrodisiacs.

There are also infusions. The total weight of these hanging bottles is at least 25 kilograms. Even if they are injected into a cow, they may not be able to bear it, right?

Up to now, I still owe the hospital more than 30,000 yuan in medical expenses. What should you do? "

Zhou Yongliang and Ma Haidong both came from the medical system, and they could see the fishiness in the charge details at a glance.

"Asshole, what a good thing you did!" Ma Haidong grabbed the charge receipt and threw it hard on Xie Haitao's face, "You just committed fraud and claimed the credit of little brother Ye, and now you have made so many messy things.

People like you are not qualified to be doctors. From now on, you are fired. "

Xie Haitao was completely dumbfounded at this time, and said with a pleading face: "Dean, please give me another chance. I will never dare to do it again in the future."

Ye Bufan said: "Dean Ma, this kind of behavior of secretly carrying drugs and charging arbitrary fees seems to have violated the law, right? I think it is more appropriate to hand it over to the police.

And it should be more than just this time. There must have been many others before, and we need to find out all of them. "

Zhou Yongliang said: "Brother Ye is right. This kind of people are worms in the medical field. The reputation of doctors has been ruined by them. We must get to the bottom of it and hand it over to the police."

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