Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 4219 The Strong Man in the Holy Realm

Ye Bufan said: "How do you think this entrance was formed? Is it man-made or other reasons?"

"Man-made? Improbable?"

Yu Hualing said, "Forget it about the Immortal Realm. The space in the Chaos Holy Realm is so stable. If you want to artificially open a passage, what kind of strength will it take to do it? It should be impossible!"

“I feel like it’s more like a man-made passage.”

Ye Bufan said, "Look at the water pool here, it doesn't look like it was formed naturally."

Yu Hualing thought for a while: "Could it be that in that war a million years ago, that person was the one who broke through a passage and reached the fairy world?"

"Absolutely not, he doesn't have the strength."

Ye Bufan said, "According to what Senior Demonic Insect No. 1 said, they and that person discovered this passage by accident and slipped into the fairy world, rather than opening it up.

To be able to open such a passage in the space of the Chaos Holy Realm, the strength is absolutely beyond imagination.

If faced with such an existence, no matter how many True Saint Emperors there were in the immortal world, it would be useless. Not to mention killing that person, they would not even be able to hurt a finger. "

Yu Hualing said: "You mean that a strong person opened the passage in advance, and was accidentally discovered by that person before sneaking into the fairy world?"

"This should be."

Ye Bufan nodded, then frowned and said, "But if this is the case, there is still a question, what did the strong man do when he entered the fairy world? Why was there no movement?

In addition, if he just wants to enter the fairy world, breaking through the space is the easiest and most labor-saving way, why bother to open a passage?

And it has not been restored since, and it has remained for so many years. "

He has the space blade in his hand, and he has recently practiced the Qiankun Sky Control Technique, and has a deep understanding of space.

Normally, if you want to go to another space, the easiest and most labor-saving way is to open a space crack.

Moreover, the space has a strong recovery ability, and it will not leave too deep traces after leaving.

"I don't know. If it's a man-made passage like you said, then only the person who does it will know this."

Yu Hualing said, "Aren't you a twelfth-level peak immortal formation master? Can you completely restore this passage and restore the space to normal?"

"This is simply not possible."

Ye Bufan said, "The space of the Chaos Holy Realm is too stable and too powerful. It is simply beyond the reach of my strength. It cannot be broken or repaired.

What I can do now is set up a few more formations to hide it. "

After observing for a while, Ye Bufan began to set up the formation. Referring to the previous formation pattern where the Bodhi tree was located, he set up a phantom formation inside, a trapping formation outside, so far away, and a hidden formation on the outside.

He knew that although he was a twelfth-level Immortal Formation Master, he was in the Immortal Realm. I am afraid that his strength was far from enough in the Chaos Holy Realm.

But these formations are better than nothing, better than nothing.

Temporarily hiding the entrance to the space, the two people returned to the outside of the pool.

Since you have decided to stay in the Holy Realm of Chaos, you must obtain as much information as possible to understand what is going on here and where you are.

The two people walked forward cautiously. After walking for almost an hour, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

Ye Bufan and the other two were extremely vigilant, so they immediately stopped and looked up, only to see a small man in front of them.

He has a thin body and a pair of small eyes that exude a captivating ferocity, but the aura on his body is extremely powerful, stronger than ever before.

It is no exaggeration to say that the two of them have never seen such a powerful momentum, which has surpassed all existences in the entire fairy world.

The little man glanced over the two of them, then looked around, and finally his eyes fell greedily on Yu Hualing.

"It seems that I got lucky today and met such a charming girl.

I haven't tasted meat for a long time, so I'm going to try it today. "

This guy's little eyes were full of greed. As for Ye Bufan, he didn't look at him at all, and he didn't even take him seriously.

"Come on, come and have a good time with me."

After saying that, he stretched out his hand to grab Yu Hualing, and at the same time, an extremely powerful field instantly erupted.

Ye Bufan's expression changed instantly. The opponent's field was one level higher than his own.

Previously in the Dragon King's Palace, his and Yu Hualing's Holy Emperor domains were enough to cover hundreds of feet in radius.

But under the suppression of the Heavenly Rules of the Chaos Holy Realm, he was only two meters tall, and Yu Hualing was a pitiful less than one meter, almost the same as the Body Protecting Immortal Gang, which was better than nothing.

The opponent's field can cover an area of ​​about three feet. Although it is a single fire attribute, it has a strong sense of oppression and a frighteningly high temperature, as if even the air is burning.

Although his Holy Emperor Domain has nine attributes, including fire, it is one level lower than his opponent.

To put it figuratively, my own realm is still within the scope of Qi, while others have condensed into a liquid, not much different from water.

One is ethereal air, and the other is tangible water. The difference between the two is completely qualitative.

What is the strength of the other party? Could it be said that it is an existence beyond the Holy Emperor?

Ye Bufan now fully understands why the battle in the Immortal Realm was so brutal and why so many True Saint Emperors fell.

This is not a battle of the same level at all. If such a perverted field broke out in the fairy world, the consequences would be unimaginable. No wonder the fairy world was divided into three in the end.

Being covered by the opponent's domain, Yu Hualing also felt a strong sense of crisis, her expression changed drastically, and she punched three times in succession.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

With three muffled sounds, all of her fists hit the small man's palm, but they only caused the opponent to stop for a moment, but they were unable to block the grasp at all.

"Hahaha, even a low-level Yuanxian wants to compete with me, but you are still far behind."

The little man laughed arrogantly and grabbed Yu Hualing's chest with his big, black-haired hands.

But at this moment, golden light flashed, and a golden long sword struck down in the air, and the bright sword light slashed hard at his hand.

"Chaos Spiritual Treasure!"

The little man's expression changed after seeing the ever-changing Heavenly Gold, and he quickly took his hand back.

The stronger the user of the Chaos Spiritual Treasure, the greater the power it can exert. Even if he is powerful, he cannot compete with his physical body.

"I didn't expect that besides beauties, there are magic weapons. Boy, hand it over to me quickly, I can spare your life."

This guy looked greedily at the Everchanging Heavenly Gold. In his opinion, this Chaos Spiritual Treasure was already within his grasp.

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